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Абсолютно,ivolley44!Така е навсякъде,но отнякъде трябва да се почне.Както казах,да се надяваме,че процеса с проверки,разпити и т.н. в БВФ е необратим и ще доведе до някакъв резултат.
Славея,така излиза наистина.Ужасно е,че не можем да се зарадваме чистосърдечно на наистина колосален успех за нас-полуфинал,заради шайка мазни мутри,които ще се измъкнат като да не казвам какво,заради успеха на момчетата...
Aydenov created this team?Wow...what is this strange feeling I'm experiencing right now?Is that what enlightenment feels like?VK,puh-leeease...hahaha I guess I've imagined Prandi,Stoychev and Joro Petrov,ha?But Vardarska is right,go on thinking and believing in whatever you want-is your constitutional right after it's so damn funny haha
Vardarska,от предпоследния ти абзац направо да му се дореве на човек...Страшно е,че така расъждават около 90% от т.нар. "волейболни фенове" у нас....Абе,аз съм оптимист за септември,пък ще видим ?
VK_Grad,ти какво разбираш под български волейбол-мъжкия национален отбор ли?Нека печелим с националния отбор,пък с тия по клубовете да си се гаврят както искат,на Данчо курвата да определя кое как да се случва,контузии да не се лекуват,играчи да получават минимална заплата,деца и родители да ги правят на луди някви изкуфели алчни дъртаци и всичко е ОК,нали? Ignorance is bliss... Докато България ражда талантливи хора,от които лайна като Данчо да се възползват и докато "фенове" като теб позволяват успехите,жертвите и труда им да служат за маска на престъпници от най-висок клас,до никъде няма да я докараме като държава и гражданско общество.На теб не знам дали ти е кеф да те тъпчат,ама на някои хора не им харесва.Имам приятел,чиито син през ден му реве,за да го запише да тренира и той му отказва всеки път,с не мога да ти опиша колко болка,защото не иска да се подиграват с детето му,така както се подиграха с него навремето.Мислиш ли,че Казийси е първия напуснал заради тия нещастници?Не,просто е първия,който има топките да каже,че всеки има някаква граница на търпение,когато става въпрос за тия гнусари.С напускането на Радо нищо нямаше да се промени.Идва поредния треньор и готово-Всички проверки се задействаха имено,заради това,че Матей излезе и каза,че с тези хора не може да се работи.Да се надяваме,че този процес е необратим и наистина нещо ще се промени.Никой не може да ти даде гаранция,но сега,благодарение на тях,поне има няква надежда.Не искаш ли силно вътрешно първенство?Ето,че имаме талантливи момчета,а специалисти?Кой отговаря за обучаването на кадри?Погледни го старши треньора на настоящия ни шампион как се е изпъчил в Лондон,все едно цял свят не вижда и не знае,че Камило е гения,който движи нещата в момента и резултатите ни сега са плод на четири годишни усилия и още 2-ма треньори.Ама,както и да е,важно е да се диша...Ние правим революция в световния волейбол-100 години отказвахме да наемем психолог,но сега сме първия отбор,който пътува със собствен йога-инструктор...
И защо да не мога да подкрепям момчетата,да подскачам с тях след всяка точка и едновремено да подкрепям Стойчев и Казийски?От утре да не забранят да се яде баничка с боза?
Безумно много се гордея с представянето ни на Олимпиадата,НО това по никакъв начин не поправя нещата във федерацията-корупцията,зверската престъпност и чувството за безнаказаност,наглостта,некомпетентността,връзкарството и ПРОСТОТИЯТА!Докога тия момчета ще са малкото островче оазис в океана от лайна?Е,от това ме боли и затова победите ми идват малко bittersweet...
You are crazy,raylight.Our federation is the one that destroys our volleyball.Not the Polish one,not the Brazilian one,not the German one,not the Spanish one,not the Egyptian one-ours!Those conspiracy theories of yours could be quite fun to read sometimes,but come've got to draw the line at some point.Right?Have you no self-awareness?

Yes,Vava_Bisiek,I agree with you a 100%!After most of the sponsors pulled out due to lack of transparency in the federation's finance,boycotting the finals would have been the strongest way for us fans to express our opinion!With all eyes on us it was the perfect time.Unfortunately there are less people who think like that...Before the tournament it seemed like we had all agreed not to go in the hall and put more money in their pockets,and then at the last moment thousands of us decided that "protesting" in the hall with signs and everything else would have a better effect and more people around the world will find out about our cause.Have you seen any of the signs?It turns out that the TV station doesn't have the right to show them.Empty seats on the other hand,would have been very difficult to hide.It's still visible that the hall is not as full as it was on matches last month,but I don't see people talking about it,which shows it's obviously not enough...I,personaly won't set foot in that arena until there are serious changes in the BFV!
Your second option is what I both fear and secretly hope for.We wrote off these finals and the Olympics a month ago.We've got to think about the future and stop being so short-sighted.
That's really why I wrote the post in the first place.I circled around a few foreign forums and saw that most of the people think of us as some brainwashed followers of Stoytchev ? The truth is that we don't think that 6th place at the European championship is the best thing ever and Rado is the greatest.It's just that he's the only person who over the last years has dared to publicly say things we've all known but have kept amongst ourselves.It seems that fans understand better than the federation,the need of stability and most importantly,a clear vision for the way Bulgarian volleyball has to develop.People who have wanted to help have been driven away before,but now it looks like our "favorite people" have found someone who won't just bend over and take it(excuse my French ?). So the way I see it,we owe it to him to support him,since we want the same things and he's willing to fight for them.We would have rallied the same way behind Konstantinov 4 years ago,after the scandal with him,if only he had had the courage...Anyway,good luck tonight!
And no need to thank me,really,it was like a therapy session ? Just poured out of me,it was a huge relief that these things will get out there.There are still lots of things,that I now see I've left out,but...may be another time ? I decided to explain as much as I can in under two hours(because that's all the time I have right now :) )what's (been) going on in Bulgaria.
For 16 years,Lazarov(president of our federation)has been doing whatever the hell he wants,not troubled by anyone(apparently no one has the right to interfere,as we see in the past 2 months).This criminal and his people sign contracts for life(!)with 16 year old kids.They make players pay for their transfers and for their right to play abroad EVERY YEAR.That's the reason why they have no interest in Bulgaria having a strong championship-it's much more profitable for them to pay you minimal weige for a few years,ask Lazarov to put them in the national team,so they could be seen by a manager and sold in Russia,Italy or wherever.These "people" steal money(as the main sponsor of the team said after pulling out before the F6 -"I've never seen such accounting in my life.90% of their expenses were in a column "Others".........).They lie daily(Honestly,in the past 2 months especially,has been a real challenge to keep up with their opinions,versions of "truth",or simply put SHAMEFUL LIES!).They abuse the players,create scandals every year(though none have been as public as this one),insult the fans....They destroyed the women's team last year after Lazarov put his whore(not going to apologize for that),who he has a kid with,on the team,punished our captain Eva Ianeva and put a nobody as a head coach(oh,and all that after scandalously firing the previous coach because of a so-called sex scandal that they fabricated)...For all those 16 years there's only been one attempt to overtrown this piece of you-know-what-in 2005.Dimitar Zlatanov(the only Bulgarian player in the Volleyball Hall of Fame),Dimo Tonev,Ivailo Gavrilov and others were brutally beaten and weren't let to get in the hall where Lazarov was being reelected.On this notable night,Lubo Ganev goes against his friend Tonev,who he has shared a room with during their years in the national team.Gavrilov is betrayed by his best friend,so the latter can keep his job as an assistant coach in the men's team under Martin Stoev.In a few months all is forgotten,though and almost all of our national teams have their preparations in Tonev's hotel complex.....You get the picture what kind of "people" run our volleyball?......Coincidentally 2005 is the year that Rado Stoychev leaves Bulgaria.Right after he wins the Bulgarian championship,after completely renovating the "Slavia" club,only to be told that he'll have no control over the way the budget for next year will be used.Interesting,considering that Rado was the one who found the sponsors for the team in the first place.He was pulling double duty as a coach and manager,because there was no one he could count on.
And now on a subject that I know a lot of foreign fans love - our insane devotion for Stoytchev and Matey hahahahaha
The beginning of this love affair starts in 2007 when Stoychev,Kaziyski,Nikolov,Mliakov and Stoqnov went in Trento and kind of resurrected our connection with Italy,which was cut long time ago because of the behavior of players like Ganev,Kiosev and etc.,who were talented,but undisciplined,insubordinate...sugar,spice and everything nice :D Popular belief was that you don't win with Bulgarians on your team.At the beginning of the season,Vlado Nikolov was even asked by a journalist if he was going to play like a Bulgarian,meaning like a loser.Anyway,Trento wins the championship this same year and there's an interest for Bulgarian players in Italy again(which given how pathetic our own championship is,we desperately need,so we could have a national team that can participate in tournaments without making us look like Aborigines :D).
During his years abroad Stoychev has not been shy about all the shit surrounding our federation-the illegal contracts(Kaziyski is the only Bulgarian player to free himself of his),the wrong way our championship works,the wrong way our unqualified coaches work with kids,the unfortunate way young player end their careers because their injuries weren't taken care of.But hey,who cares?Did you know we have over 130 clubs? hahahaha I bet Brazilians are green with envy at us at that "fact".With such enormous resources,does it matter if we lose a few talented guys?.......
OK,I can't really get into the things from the last months without a little prehistory.After firing Prandi in 2010(for reason still unknown...the only explanation is-just another incredibly smart decision on their part.....).Hiring Stoychev was done because of the fans-the BFV hates his guts!He know what they are,he doesn't dance around their crimes,doesn't do what they want him to,and they can do nothing about it hahaha He doesn't depend on them in any way,to find a job or whatever,so they can't control him and that's killing them.From the moment they hired him,they were looking for a way to fire him(and why not-it's what they do best.From 2003 we've changed 6 or 7 coaches...I don't know for sure,I've lost count.....Jeez,talk about stability).In November,Stoychev had a meeting with the federation and was ready to give his resignation,because they'd sent him a report saying they weren't happy with his work.He said he's a responsible person and will take responsibility for his actions and mistakes.But then our prime-minister interfered(because of public pressure) and Rado was left on his position.The federation suddenly started singing a new song-they wanted him,they trusted him to qualify us for the Olympics...Fast forward to May this year,Sofia was hosting the first European qualification.Why?Why did we buy this mini-euro championship with Italy,Serbia,rising Germany and other teams,better than the ones you get if you host some of the other tournaments.I guess the Italian federation didn't know what they were doing by securing a tournament in June and begging the FIVB not to "drop" Cuba on them in Torornto?Or our guys were looking for a way of offing Stoyychev with the fans support on their side.They never expected that we'll get behind him after a loss.Here's the thing,no one who can look realistically on the situation could have seriously expect that we would win that qualification.I'm sorry but we're not that strong-for lots of reasons,but we're not.And especially with a setter who hadn't had one full game with the team before the one with Slovenia.How were we expecting to get past the semis without our main setter?This question was asked by only one journalist-ITALIAN(Sandro Filipini) at the press conferance when the media was told that during the night after the match with germany,there was an emergency meeting,where the board of the federation decided that they don't believe Stoytchev will be able to qualify us against Pakistan,France and Egypt.A conference that Stoytchev wasn't told about-he found out that he was let go of his job by the journalist who were waiting for him in front of the arena before the finale,when they asked him about his reaction...The "new coach" Silvano Prandi was told by Lubo Ganev that the guys on the team didn't want to work with Rado anymore and he agreed to lead the team again(I guess out of sentiment for the boys,because considering the way he was fired 2 years ago,I can't imagine why he would do this to himself again).The truth is,the guys found out about the federation's intentions earlier than they were supposed to and had a meeting where they agreed that Matey and Andrey would represent the team and talk to the guys in the federation about that.They went in and(by the words of the only member of the federation's board,who has since resigned,because of all the scandals,Ivailo Konstantinov) were ridiculed,insulted and told there's nothing they can do about it(Just like when Kaziyski,Nikolov,Zhekov and Salparov publicly backed Prandi 2 years ago,but he was fired anyway).They were told "We'll do whatever we want,you do whaever you want".When Matey told them he really didn't think he can work with them anymore,Ganev even told him "Oh,really?You wanna bet you're not going to leave?"...No comment...2 days later an interview came out with Lazarov saying Stoychev should have been fired long ago,accused him of selling the match with Germany,so Italy could qualify easier(?!?!?!?!?!?),says they are very happy with the decision to bring back Prandi,that there's no such thing as "love" for Stoychev in Bulgaria and he(Lazarov) has been criticized only by a bunch of bastards(understand-fans).Little did he know Prandi was about to send them his rejection letter later that day and that the prime minister would strongly suggest that Stoytchev is brought back,because a change of the coaching staff at such time is ridiculous and the team should not suffer such stress 3 week before their last chance for a ticket to London...Even someone who has no idea of volleyball knows more than them...What happens next is, the guys go to Rado's house and beg him to forget what's been said and done and take the job back.He gave a press conference saying he will lead the team until June 10th and not a day longer,unless Lazarov proves his accusations or gives his resignation.Well,the date came,we won the qualification,Lazarov wasn't even in Bulgaria at the time to watch the games of the team he "so cares" about...As a man of principle Rado gave his resignation the next day.Matey said he can't work with these people anymore and since he's in no position to ask anything of them,he's simply leaving(A big side note here-after Rado's first press conference,despite his ultimatum,fans petitions,protest and etc. Lazarov said he had no intention of stepping down as president.They were looking for a new coach and had many options...Suuure,I bet world class coaches were stepping over each other to work in that kind of environment...After Rado resigned,thought,Lazarov was acting all surprised and said he didn't expect him to leave and that now he had to make fast decisions and find a new coach asap.Placi was in the hospital at the time,because he literally gave his health for the team and cares about it 10 times more than everyone in our federation combined.That's not the only reason he wasn't selected for head coach.Apparently he wanted too much.Didn't want to just be used for 2 months and then get thrown out in disgrace like everyone else before him,plus he's too close to Stoytchev.Then the federation was left with 2 choices - Martin Stoev and Plamen Konstantinov.BUT,nothing is final when it comes to BFV-first they announced it was Stoev,only to retract it 8 minutes later and say that they'll have a decision the next week.Then lo and behold-our new "coach" became Nayden Naydenov,whose brother is - SURPRISE! - on the board of the federation.Never mind,that he's stupid as a shoe and can only look around while Camillo is talking to the guys in the timeouts and say "Come on!" after....)Aaand the attack began.The federation were going on and on about how much money Rado was getting,how big of a staff he required of them(and the truth is that the money for the whole staff came from sponsors that Rado had to find himself,because again he couldn't rely on any help from "the bosses".Another thing is that his staff is really bigger than other teams',but only because next to every Italian(professional),he's attached a Bulgarian to be his shadow and learn from him.Apparently the national men's team coach's job is to increase the qualification of our coaches,statisticians and so on,since our federation is too busy stealing money and being the biggest assholes alive.A big "sin" he made was also a contract he signed with "Errea",cutting out the money Ganev was getting from Asics...Rado had a clause in his contract with lots of suggestion for our championship,for renovations in the way coaches work with kids and more and more.Again,this should not be his job,but he's a Bulgarian and he cares about Bulgarian volleyball as a whole.And the frightening truth is that Bulgarian volleyball has being going slowly but surely in the dumpster.I'll leave out what names he was called by this 'people",I'll only add that a certain person called Serafinov said that he's not aware of any success Rado might have in Italy,because he doesn't read Italian papers,doesn't watch Italian TV.....He works in volleyball and is not interested in the Italian league...The next day he was rewarded for his behavior by being added to the board,despite having a criminal record for physical assault over a WOMAN!!!No words... With Matey is a little bit more different,I guess.Like I said,there have always been scandals,but since they tend to happen before major competitions,the guys are always told to keep their heads down,to play for their country,for the fans and etc.BULLSHIT!No country is bigger than its people and what they want!Upon realizing that all this crap has been happening since before he was on the team,IS happening for a second Olympic cycle since he's on the team,and WILL happen to players after he's not on the team anymore unless someone does something,Matey decided to stand up for what he and the fans believe is right.He's giving up the Olympics to fight for our cause.Honestly,I find it kind of perplexing that so many people can't grasp what this guy is sacrificing.There's nothing he can gain from this personally.I have nothing but respect for his decision and actions that followed.He gave a very honest interview about what it's like to "work" for this federation.The next day the federation came up with a statement saying that Kaziyski is releasing "misleading information" and they "proved" it by digging themselves into a deeper hole hahahaha Not only did they prove him right,but they accidentally admitted to other irregularities...
Here's probably the place to mention how disappointing I am with the other guys from the team...Yes,they all say they support what he's doing in interviews,but if they had stood up with him,this situation would have been resolved much quicker...Do they like what's going on around them?And please don't defend them with "they're fighting for your country".They're not!They just don't have contracts for the next season and are covering their own asses.When are Valio Bratoev,Todor Skrimov and Nikolai Penchev going to have a chance at playing in the World league finals or the Olympics with Matey being there?Matey,who worked and dreamed for London for four years.Now he's going to be replaced by someone who's been on the team for a year...Cool,but don't try to pull that "patriotic" crap over my eyes-I do not want someone without personal integrity to defend my country's dignity!Also,no,he won't play for another national team...Don't believe anything you read on those sites of ours...The Bulgarian federation is just aspiring to be like the Cuban one and stop their own player rights...No luck this time,though.They have no grounds to ask that of FIVB as the president already said.
There's more and more,but what matters is that our team is shattered right now and our shame for good AND bad is on full display for the world to see.We didn't deserve to be in the F6 this year and I'm sorry that's the kind of volleyball fans have to watch,instead of what Russia or Italy can offer...not that they wanted to come,but still... :P
For the finale I'd like to say something about last night's press conference after the match.At the end,our "coach" slipped from the "protocol"(what he's allowed to say from the federation) and said that journalist should go around in the country and see what kind of conditions people had to work in and that that's why they shouldn't critisezid the guys,because taking that into consideration,they're doing something heroic.Then he got up and a polish journalist went up to him and asked him why he had accepted the job after Stoychev and Kaziyski left since he obviously was against the federation,too,because of what he had just said.Why hadn't he shown solidarity to their cause and was missing a chance to change something in Bulgarian volleyball.I was floored that a foreign journalist was so in on what was going on and unlike our "journalist" wasn't afraid to ask such questions.Aaand then the translator(the press agent of the BFV)started lying to her and explaining what was "really" happening.You could see,she wasn't buying it,though :D It's really important
that our position gets out there,because if Lazarov leaves our federation on his terms in the fall,he's taking a high position in FIVB-do you guys want this corruption and behavior spreading like cancer in world volleyball?
Special thanks from the Bulgarian fans to "Gazzetta dello Sport" - Sandro Filippini and Gianluca Pasini for their help with keeping people around the world informed.Here are some links -
Also,Volleywood,but I'm sure you've all seen their coverage :)
Just wanted to apologize for what happened in the hall after the game with Poland.I wasn't there,but what I saw on TV was horrifying...None of our players said anything about the referee,though.Bratoevi said that we were awful and Poland is lightning years ahead of us.Nikolov,in the press conference also said that we should worry about our own mistakes. Congratulations on reaching the final,Polska ? Believe it or not,most of Bulgarian fans were rooting for you.Unfortunately losses are exactly what we need right now,so the world could see how bad things are in our country.
JRios,thanks for the apology :)I'm also sorry if I took it too far.
It was obviously bad for us that we won.We came out with our second squad,because the match had no real meaning and it would have been stupid to risk injuries(our setter was already injured from the game with Poland). We were expecting Brasil's team to do the same and let the chips fall where they may,not seeing some of the biggest stars of world volleyball acting like clowns(and Resende pretending to have gone insane for awhile there,while it was convinient for him).I already laid out my criteria for champions behavior,just know that that's not only Bulgarian "losers" opinion,everyone in Eastern Europe thinks your NT became a laughing-stock after that game.And one last thing,I only registered on the site recently,but I've been visiting for a very long time,so don't use that nickname(Henrique),because you're nowhere near that guy's class.
Wow,someone's insecurities are speaking out!I was only asking,because you seem to know a lot about other teams preparation for the WL.We played 2 friendly matches with Serbia,too(3rd in the last WC) and are about to play our second with Cuba tomorrow(2nd in the last WC).I think we're doing just fine :) Would now be the right time to list what my country has produced,including Brasil's president? ;) Sorry,if my first question sounded mean,I was aiming for cheeky,but saku,I tend to get kind of sensitive when our intelligence is being questioned. P.S.I just saw JRios comment below my "shocking" question for him,we must have been posting at the same time so I didn't know he didn't mean to offend us.I'm just very proud to be Bulgarian.
What is Chile doing,JRios?
Yes,the rules are to blame,bla,bla,bla...YOU NEVER PLAY TO LOSE,PERIOD! I don't care if that game was between Brasil and Spain or Cameroon and Germany,there's no honor in playing like that and calling yourself a champion! And Zyta,you're contradicting yourself when you say that you have to face all the tough teams if you want to win gold and then defend Brasil for their choice to run from Cuba(the moral champion of the tournament for me).I DO NOT blame Brasil or anyone else for our 7th place,you're right we put ourselves in the stronger groups and with so many loses we didn't deserve to go further. Bottom line,it was ugly(to say the least)to watch Giba,Dante,Mario and company acting like they're playing volleyball for the first time.Understand that we're bulgarians,but we're fans of a lot of the players from Brasil's NT and frankly I was really hurt and disappointed as a fan of the game and lost much of my respect for Resende .At one point,seeing Giba and Theo holding hands,while the crowd was booing them I even felt sorry for those guys.Those are not the emotions that champions should evoke!
RevanExtasis,you can also try this one: - no software needed,I'm just not sure if it broadcasts abroad.
Truly incredible!
Awesome movie!!!!!! However the word "highlights" is misspelled and I'm only pointing it out because it's a common mistake on the site.Don't get me wrong ,I'm not complaining and I love what you guys are doing,but it makes it unnecessary hard when you search for such videos :) (^That's not for Nightfox,it's probably for the moderator.)
Serie A - V-DAY 12 anos atrás +2
Thanks for the explanation ?
I'm surprised that Bruno would say something so undiplomatic,brazilians are usually very tactful around the media.
But,anyway,raylight's right and I think the club titles speak for themselves.
Serie A - V-DAY 12 anos atrás 0
Yeah,I read some pretty nasty comments from Bagioli and Bruno in our press,but I didn't actually believe it.
Kk15,what was that all about?I mean what did Rado do to provoke them.