
Bre Banca Cuneo - Casa Modena (Highlights) - part 2

Kjeldhor 2012-01-07 • 2263 просмотров • 13
Название песни: Fear of the Dark - Iron Maiden
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Кто наилучший волейболист всех времён?Показать рейтинг игроков

13 комментарии

Fadhel AbbasBH 1513 14
12 лет тому назад
great actions Well done
KjeldhorITAuthor 1059 17
12 лет тому назад
uhmmm... ok.. maybe i prefer the kiss :D
pearlIT 1003 11
12 лет тому назад
Kjeld...if you prefer a slap in your face instead of a kiss :o okay man, everyone has his own tastes :D BTW, I know your heart belongs to raylight...as mine is Berny's ;p ahahah..... ...... I just wanted to show you how i have appreciated your musical choice here :)
KjeldhorITAuthor 1059 17
12 лет тому назад
Pearl.. what are you doing???? my heart belongs to raylight =P
pearlIT 1003 11
12 лет тому назад
Bravo Kjeldhor: 5* for the movie and one huge kiss for the song :*
KjeldhorITAuthor 1059 17
12 лет тому назад
lol kk15? u can't see rai at home?
Kk15IT 1301 11
12 лет тому назад
How distract I am, I missed it! Very nice work! I'll wait for others highlights of the regoular season^^
bitkaPL 673 10
12 лет тому назад
wow! what can i hear?! :D finally! normaly i don't like when in the movie there are actions from normal-view camera (don't know how to call it) but here the quality is good and i can really see sth so i forgive you :P any advice? when you had this "calm solo" in song you could put only replays which are slower it would fit better :)
casamodenaIT 505 4
12 лет тому назад
Yes, all movies are welcome here: this is a volleyball enthusiast website not a movie making one. What matters are actions,highlights and everything about our favourite sport, and you did that well man! Ability to make videos will increase as you get experience by making other ones, and we're just waiting them! ;) Btw, thanks for the uploading - I was missing Dennis' serves :)
SllaveqBG 790 10
12 лет тому назад
everything is great kjeldhor.. :)
KjeldhorITAuthor 1059 17
12 лет тому назад
i'm still a noob movie creator.. any suggestion are welcome
raylightBG 3006 15
12 лет тому назад
And great song :D
JassasfaSA 116 3
12 лет тому назад

ТОП20 из July
