Polish National Team lineup for the World Cup 2011

tysia 2011-11-03 • 8099 просмотров • 47
Polish National Team lineup for the World Cup 2011 setters:
Paweł Zagumny, Łukasz Żygadło

Zbigniew Bartman, Jakub Jarosz

Patryk Czarnowski, Marcin Możdżonek, Piotr Nowakowski, Łukasz Wiśniewski

Michał Kubiak, Bartosz Kurek, Michał Ruciak, Michał Winiarski, Mateusz Mika

Krzysztof Ignaczak, Paweł Zatorski

#Poland #WorldCup2011

47 комментарии

tysiaPLAuthor 579 11
12 лет тому назад
@oioi: you're right
but it is not worth, take Challenge system for friendly match
oioiPL 370 5
12 лет тому назад
But anyway it was pathetic to see 2 important referee mistakes, first could end the match 3:0 for Czech, second was in the next set where it could be 18:18 but was 19:17 for Poland and in both cases it was evident point for Czechs.
tysiaPLAuthor 579 11
12 лет тому назад
mhmm, but it is not important because it's only friendly matches
raylightBG 3006 15
12 лет тому назад
That was the impression of Polish fan and friend with whom I talked. About errors I saw only the point with Platenik, so I can't judge for the whole game
camnowPL 380 4
12 лет тому назад
Łukasz Żygadło niestety obniża loty w porównaniu do Zagumnego.
tysiaPLAuthor 579 11
12 лет тому назад
@raylight- I think everyone is entitled to mistakes
and it was only a friendly match today
tysiaPLAuthor 579 11
12 лет тому назад
@pearl-yes I'm a girl?
maybe you're right
only I fear that he will not stand this long tournament
pearlIT 1003 11
12 лет тому назад
@tysia: WC is a veeeeeeeeeery long tournament; I think he has all the time to recover from injury and get 100% in shape! Be confident, girl (you're a girl I suppose, aren't you?)... 'cause I am ?
raylightBG 3006 15
12 лет тому назад
Today the referees were among the best players for Poland
tysiaPLAuthor 579 11
12 лет тому назад
@pearl: In the match played yesterday Bartman and Kubiak
Bartman was later changed
Kubiak played all match
I am only afraid that Bartek Kurek not return to its form: (
pearlIT 1003 11
12 лет тому назад
@tysia: thank you for this good news! I'm happy for him 'cause he deserves to play such an importat competition, and I'm happy for me 'cause he's one of my favourite Polish player and I always prefer to see a match with teams playing with their best lineups on court ?

As regards yesterday's match: I couldn't watch it, did Kubiak play? Bartman??
oioiPL 370 5
12 лет тому назад
Poland - Czech 3 - 0 Nice match, great to see Zagumny and Winiarski back. Their return makes me feel that we have a chance at World Cup.
tysiaPLAuthor 579 11
12 лет тому назад
@pearl- Kurek will go to World Cup!
@Katherine- with Igła is Ok
I read the interview ?
KatherinePL 1 1
12 лет тому назад
Yeah, I heard it too, he is going to play tomorrow. Now I worry about our libero, Ignaczak, but I hope everything will be fine with him too.
bitkaPL 673 10
12 лет тому назад
he's suppose to play whole match tomorrow (2nd game against Czech Republic) so it's not so bad with his health i think
tysiaPLAuthor 579 11
12 лет тому назад
Harleym- I hope that everything will be fine
HarleymNL 55 3
12 лет тому назад
Uuuuh Tysia, that is bad news for the national team.......
Good news for Kurek personally though.....
tysiaPLAuthor 579 11
12 лет тому назад
reportedly he started to jump attack and serve
so let us be of good thoughts
pearlIT 1003 11
12 лет тому назад
Thanx tysia! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for him ?)
tysiaPLAuthor 579 11
12 лет тому назад
pearl@ probably everything will be known after tomorrow's match Poland with the Czech Republic
pearlIT 1003 11
12 лет тому назад
Any news about Kurek's injury??
tysiaPLAuthor 579 11
12 лет тому назад
rbk17PL 143 2
12 лет тому назад
@Kk15 we have better Young opposite - Bartosz Janeczek, but Andrae didn't get him chance yet. I think that he is the best after Wlazly.
Pawcio9221PL 10 1
12 лет тому назад
Can somebody make new movie aboutr bartman , please ? Because I cant do that well.
I can suggest a few tittles of song
Kany West - Stroner
Flipside - Someday
bitkaPL 673 10
12 лет тому назад
Anastazi just in case asked Mateusz Mika (Resovia Rzeszów) to play for Kurek. We will know at the end of the week if Kurek is ready to go for World Cup
raylightBG 3006 15
12 лет тому назад
Whell, he had 14/19 in attack If I am correct. Trento don't die easy ?
Kk15IT 1301 11
12 лет тому назад
"killed Trento"... I may have a different idea of killing xD
I don't know if Andrea did well in preferring Jarosz to Gruska, but I think that Bartman is better than both, honestly.
raylightBG 3006 15
12 лет тому назад
Nowakowski and Plinski - these should be the main MB's, Gruszka as opposite, Bartman and Winiarski as OH's with Kubiak third and Igla as libero. Poland must play with 12 players to endure the whole competition
oioiPL 370 5
12 лет тому назад
bitka you're right that it's absurd that Wiśniewski goes and Pliński not. But on the other hand I would have taken both of them instead of MM or Czarnowski.
bitkaPL 673 10
12 лет тому назад
to my first comment about middle blockers:
i guess there's so many minuses because of what i said about Wiśniewski (other users were saying about Pliński and didn't get -)
i didn't say i don't like Wiśniewski i just don't understand why Anastazi said to Pliński "i don't want to change the team from last tournaments" and then he takes Wiśniewski, who wasn't with team on that tournaments. i don't get it...
so i repeat: i wasn't insulting Wiśniewski

who knows raylight - this is good change if Kurek won't play. but we will have to wait till he has medical results. and i'm thinking: will Anastazi take Kurek for sure even with pain in back (if it's not so serious) or will he let it go? Kurek is very important fot NT but even with health problems?
raylightBG 3006 15
12 лет тому назад
Gruszka and Jarosz as opposites, Bartman as replacement of Kurek
bitkaPL 673 10
12 лет тому назад
maybe he killed Trento yesterday but in my opinion matters whole matches not the last one. and to be honest he's not in his best shape right now.
on the other hand Jakub Jarosz also has better and worse moments. I curious what made Anastazi to take Jarosz instead of Gruszka
for Gruszka it's experience and for Jarosz last matches from ECH (like with Russia)
raylightBG 3006 15
12 лет тому назад
Leaving Gruczka is BIG mistake, he killed Trento yesterday
Pawcio9221PL 10 1
12 лет тому назад
can somebody make movie about performing Bartman from his last moments ( from World League to Nowadays ) ????? ?)
szybownik89PL 75 3
12 лет тому назад
There is no detailed information about his injury. Kurek felt pain in warm up before match and couldn't play today. Tomorrow instead of going to NT meeting he is going to medical examination.
pearlIT 1003 11
12 лет тому назад
Do you mean that Kurek's injury is so serious that he won't be able to play in WC?? :-((
szybownik89PL 75 3
12 лет тому назад
Ups... without Kurek it could be hard. (He has already cached back injury).I hope he will be able to play. Any other options which comes to my mind is to play with Bartman as a receiver and Jarosz as opposite.I hope it is nothing serious with Kurek.
oioiPL 370 5
12 лет тому назад
Anastazi said that he doesn't want to make big changes to the team that won as two bronzes. For me it's not a good explanation for lack of Pliński, who is in great form right now. And we have better opposites than Jarosz and Bartman (who should be Kurek's sub cause he has similar qualities and is overall better on left wing than right): Janeczek and Konarski, but the thing is that they are young and didn't played in NT. So I think AA should have taken one of those opposites and one experienced.
samuelekeBE 393 8
12 лет тому назад
No plinski??? Why is he not in this team.. he's for me one of the best MB of the world.. And it's a shame that wlazly have that ishue.. with him they will be way better!!
Kk15IT 1301 11
12 лет тому назад
Very interestin coming back!! I think that a very good team needs to have good subs, and this is the case?
I imagine Zagumny will be titoular, but what about Winiarski? He will be an experienced sub ready to play when it will be necessary, or he will be in the starting six (replacing Kubiak, I guess).
eRKaPL 861 11
12 лет тому назад
why so many minuses to bitka? Pliński would be the best middle blocker in our team O.o
pearlIT 1003 11
12 лет тому назад
The lineup is pretty interesting. I'm looking forward to seeing Kubiak and Bartman (in particular).
raylightBG 3006 15
12 лет тому назад
Harleym, I think Bartman plays better as opposite and so thinks Anastazi. Actually Kurek should be the opposite with this height and power
_k-is-for-kate_RU 404 6
12 лет тому назад
to my mind, rather good composition)
especially with Zagumny this time, your team has good chances i think
HarleymNL 55 3
12 лет тому назад
Glad to see the best setter in the world in the line-up.
It sucks that Bartman plays opposite though, I would like to see him as a reciever together with Ruciak.
OverlookPL 280 5
12 лет тому назад
I also don't understand why Pliński isn't in NT for Czarnowski (I have no words to express what I think about his serve). For me rest of MB is ok.
bitkaPL 673 10
12 лет тому назад
I don't like our middle-blockers... Łukasz Wiśniewski haven't play a lot (did he play even one official match in national team? i don't remember...) and Patryk Czarnowski with his bad serve... Pliński should be here. I don't buy explanation that he didn't play in ECH... he has an experience and certainly would fit to the team (he knows it's important tournament)... perhaps Anastasi just don't like him
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