John17 151
2012-07-25 • 4097 просмотров • 21 replies
If like me you are tired to see Wilfredo publish some shit day after day comment this post to make react the admins...
Thank you real lovers of this site !


John17Author 151 7
11 лет тому назад
John17Author 151 7
11 лет тому назад
RevanExtasis 746 11
11 лет тому назад
i can give millions of + but only one will be count so here you have 1+ out the Clowns
11 лет тому назад
11 лет тому назад
Sllaveq 790 10
11 лет тому назад
vatreni 275 12
11 лет тому назад
adam13 38 1
11 лет тому назад
FINALLY +1 even 2
yamahas 26 3
11 лет тому назад
RenanZ 1538 15
11 лет тому назад
C'mom guys, leave the boy alone. The so called Democracy said downbelow means freedom to do, think and say whatever each individual wants. No one is better than anyone here.

Problems with comments and videos? You got two options:

First: Complain straightly with the administrators, NOT trying to ban him
Second: Still troubled?? Go away !!!

11 лет тому назад
I like to take the opinion of all, whether good or bad, but it is his opinion. I am new to this site and I imagine and I think if Marshall is eliminated wilfredo is a video unless we see an attack or block unless less. Just think about that.
Harleym 55 3
11 лет тому назад
Renanz for some reason thinks that democracy means freedom. But it means, what the majority of the people want, happens. So his proposal of just leaving is kind of ridiculous, since from I can see the majority of the people want Wilfredo gone.

On a side note, I couldn't care less if he stays. You can just not open his topics can't you?
Sllaveq 790 10
11 лет тому назад
Maybe it will be good if there is control over the NEW topics..for example if admin should approve the new topics I think there will be not such useless as wilfredo's ones..
mainevent 6 2
11 лет тому назад
How many times did lot of us react on his shity spamming? And how many times did he change something? So +1
Aelinn 166 3
11 лет тому назад
Ban is not a good option in my opinion. So -1.
Instead the mentioned control of administrators over new topics.
And, as someone wrote - you're irritated by his videos or discussion threads, don't watch/read them.
If I think that some video/thread is not worth watching/reading, I don't do that.

He does not abuse anyone, is one of the most friendly and polite users on this site, so to fully ban him would be a misunderstanding.
RevanExtasis 746 11
11 лет тому назад
NXT 241 3
11 лет тому назад
Even though Wilfredo is annoying from time to time I'm against banning him. He's also a kind member of our community and to be honest ~90% of you annoyed me here or there ? I know I probably annoyed most of you somehow aswell. My point is that as long as he is "ok" to us (unlike Henrique was) we shouldn't vote to ban him
11 лет тому назад

there should be an option for new topics even though you are not part of that fanclub.

The user has spoken
RevanExtasis 746 11
11 лет тому назад
Shut up fool , you are another lawyer of wilfredo "the clown" ?? hahah i dont get it for real, people dont like wilfredo but then the "god ones" now dont want expulse him either, come on people is ban or not ban thats it.
Kjeldhor 1059 17
11 лет тому назад
this is a public site where anyone can post whatever he want about volleyball, i personally dislike his spam, but i'm not the only user here and maybe someone likes read his post

... "i want ban him cause i dislike his posts"... is not a reason
RenanZ 1538 15
11 лет тому назад

...He have had a yellow card.

Score +1 to the opponent! ehhehehehehe
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