
Hello everyone from Earvin Ngapeth!

Kazanec 2018-06-08 • 1737 просмотров
One of the most spectaculars players in the world, new member of Zenit Kazan: Earvin N'Gapeth sends greetings to all the fans of the best team in the world, and also tells when he will come to Kazan!

#EarvinNGapeth #ZenitKazan

Название песни: James Driscoll, Peter Luke Adams - LA Sunset
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Earvin Ngapeth

Earvin Ngapeth Франция

Дата рождения: 1991-02-12
Позиция: Доигровщик
Рост: 194см
Вес: 96кг
Атака: 358см
Блок: 327см

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