Об этом предложении

Позиция: Доигровщик
Зарплата брутто: [Показать] USD / месяц
Контракт начинается  от  даты: 2021-11-01
Контракт заканчивается датой от: 2022-03-24
Дата добавления: 2 лет тому назад
Просмотры: 2729

Описание вакансии

Wanted for contract Male Player Position : Outside Hitter / Receiver Age under 30 years- Height 200cm Experienced playing in the Top League Europe / South America Preferably have played in the National Team of their country. Preferably playing in the 2020/2021 season Have strong spikes and good ball reception Send your CV and latest video to : [email protected]


  • Airplane Ticket / Rooms / Local Transport