
Paris Volley - AS Cannes (Highlights)

baboun 2011-12-23 • 5566 просмотров • 50
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50 комментарии

HCLTBR 331 6
12 лет тому назад
Quote (Champion)
What this friend of mine explained to me is that these staircases are not like the normal ones but have higher steps unless I misunderstood something.

They’re made of wood, so you can carry them on the gym. When you don’t have them, you can improvise using those higher steps on the gymnasium that take you to the aisles – that’s why I said you could try at your school or at some community center. It’s good exercise, but you must be supervised by a pro.
Quote (Champion)
And the thing that blew me away was that once they (he and friend of his) won a beach volleyball match when they were losing 6:14 in the 3rd set. Finally they finished 16:14.

Old points system, probably. The old rules were great, they allowed any team to make a comeback when it seemed impossible. The rules were changed in 1998 mainly because of TV.
raylightBG 3006 15
12 лет тому назад
Climbing on stairs is very useful to build strength in the quads and the glutens, but you need to skip half of the steps in the stair, to put the pressure only on the leading foot / one leg to lift you / and to step on your heels to protect the knees/. I climb stairs that way.
HCLTBR 331 6
12 лет тому назад
Quote (Champion)
Reception is the element they pay more attention to without disregarding any other element.

You start with that. They teach the basics and you need to show some ball control. It’s unacceptable that a vball athlete becomes pro without some basic skills.
Quote (Champion)
The one thing that sounded interesting to me is that they do jumping on staircases with high steps to build up stronger back thigh muscles.

This is really good to improve your vertical. Don’t you do that in Bulgaria? You can do this training at your school gymnasium or at some community center.
HCLTBR 331 6
12 лет тому назад
I agree with you, Raylight, but unfortunately we don't make the rules. :-( @Pearl: ;-)
raylightBG 3006 15
12 лет тому назад
I think this stuff with copyrights in volleyball is stupid, no one offers them legally, so there is no justice in blocking other people from showing them
pearlIT 1003 11
12 лет тому назад
Grazie amico mio, very kind of you :) Comunque mi chiamo Mara, non Perla :D...Pearl è solo il mio nick ahah :D Non ho ancora capito come si inseriscono i quote...troppo spumante temo ;)
HCLTBR 331 6
12 лет тому назад
Perla, ti darò la mia lista, allora si può scegliere quello che vuoi – mio regalo di Capodanno. Ho alcuni filmati rari. Raylight, due to copyrights I can’t upload many of those matches. There are some that I tried to find for several years.
pearlIT 1003 11
12 лет тому назад
HCLTBR 331 6
12 лет тому назад
Pearl, ti manderò un messaggio in privato, allora si può vedere come farlo. È più facile.
pearlIT 1003 11
12 лет тому назад
@HCLT: Henrique scusa, ma come fai ad inserire i "quote" all'interno dei tuoi commenti?? Io non ho ancora capito come fare??
ZytaPL 1332 11
12 лет тому назад
raylight you don't have to shout to be rude ;)
pearlIT 1003 11
12 лет тому назад
HCLT: i'm not jealous...but i'm a little bit sad 'cause i lost that "little treasure" that i had :( BTW, since you've got many videos about Karch, maybe you could upload some of them (or work with raylight - as good friends do :) - to upload 'em here)...please...per favore, per favore, dài :D
proudBG 722 9
12 лет тому назад
I've seen very,very,very little of Kiraly and even I can say the guy is outstanding :D Considered by many,the best of all times,praised for his character and leadership just as much as for his amazing abilities on the court.I wish there was more about him here,on Youtube or wherever...
HCLTBR 331 6
12 лет тому назад
Pearl, I don’t wanna make you jealous, but I have probably 30 or 40 Karch Kiraly’s matches. :-p
raylightBG 3006 15
12 лет тому назад
Henrique, in Brazil you have money in volleyball, we can figure something, some site with these videos, sponsor, links, profitable business
pearlIT 1003 11
12 лет тому назад
No, ray i've got nothing sorry :( Not anymore, at least!! I had some matches of him when playing in Messaggero (we're talking of almost 20 years ago...gosh :( ), but they were in old VHS and became all demagnetized now (don't know if the word "demagnetized" is correct...anyway they're unusuable :( )!! That's the reason why, a few months ago, i asked you if you could upload matches from italian clubs of '90s :(
AleNickelRO 259 6
12 лет тому назад
actually, that's true, Radostin is usually very polite to journalists. he was very polite when he came to Zalau
HCLTBR 331 6
12 лет тому назад
Quote (Pearl)
i agree with Henrique; no need to be 200 cm tall to be an excellent volleyball player.

For those who say vball is for giants, I’d like to remember the two most acclaimed players in the last 30 years are both only 1,92m: Kiraly and Giba.

I’ll use Kiraly’s words again: “You don’t need to be tall to be great”.

Raylight, I have over 1,000 vball matches on DVD, but I know I’ll never upload them.

Quote (Raylight)
Radostin is chevalier.

Well, I wouldn’t say so. ;-)
raylightBG 3006 15
12 лет тому назад
Do you have videos with him? Upload them or give me to upload them, please :)
pearlIT 1003 11
12 лет тому назад
KIRALY...KARCH KIRALY...arghh...you can't imagine what yuo've roused in me, man!!! I had a mad crush on him (and Tofoli :) ) when i was a little girl :D
raylightBG 3006 15
12 лет тому назад
or Giba, Kirally :) One defensive OH is a must for me, but other must be Gran Torino
pearlIT 1003 11
12 лет тому назад
@raylight: i agree with Henrique; no need to be 200 cm tall to be an excellent volleyball player (of course it also depends on the role you play), 'cause otherwise Samuele Papi (1.89) or Matej Cernic (1.91) or Cristian Savani (1.92) are they what?? Freaks of nature?? :) Instead I agree with you in that: "If I see woman receiving hits I go nuts"...and i'll add to that also children. Violence in general is stupid, but violence against women and, even worst, children is simply intolerable.
SllaveqBG 790 10
12 лет тому назад
Yes he's so nice... oh.. especially to the journalist :D
raylightBG 3006 15
12 лет тому назад
Btw, Radostin is chevalier, I don't think he is capable of being rude towards any woman or girl :) He shouts to Bulgarian players only
raylightBG 3006 15
12 лет тому назад
Henrique, what can I say, we know here only power volleyball, but I hope this is changing. The volleyball federation started organizing events with top coaches in Bulgaria to educate our coaches. I hope we will see Rezende too on such conference. We need to get smarter in sport
raylightBG 3006 15
12 лет тому назад
Zyta, I will protect you, even if we quarrel. Violence against women or friends or women who are my friends is non-tolerable. I had experience in my childhood with such violence in the family and If I see woman receiving hits I go nuts. Chuck Norris help the offender
HCLTBR 331 6
12 лет тому назад
Quote (Raylight)
Henrique, in Bulgaria if you are not at least 200 cm no one think you can play volleyball.

Too bad for Bulgaria! Look at Kubiak, what a fantastic player. Glad the Poles appreciate his game.
ZytaPL 1332 11
12 лет тому назад
If you like Trentino, our friend NightFox will help, too. ;-)

Well. Not like I don't like them, but you know... But there is always Lukasz there!
HCLTBR 331 6
12 лет тому назад
If you like Trentino, our friend NightFox will help, too. ;-)
ZytaPL 1332 11
12 лет тому назад
Skrimov will protect me! And maybe raylight too, after all why he should be against me? :)
HCLTBR 331 6
12 лет тому назад
Quote (Zyta)
U think I should go to Sofia for Final Six?

Be careful! Radostin Stoychev will be around and I don’t know if I’ll be able to protect you. Remember, there will be 14,000 Bulgarians ready to give Rado some support. Maybe we should go to London only. ;-)
raylightBG 3006 15
12 лет тому назад
Henrique, in Bulgaria if you are not at least 200 cm no one think you can play volleyball. That's why we don't have defensive volleyball players. Skrimov ran away just in time to became professional volleyball player in France
ZytaPL 1332 11
12 лет тому назад
You know what, Zyta? I like Skrimov. Although he played badly at ECh, he’s a clever player.

I know, me too.

You’re a funny girl, that’s why everybody loves you, except Michal Ruciak and Radostin Stoychev. :-p

U think I should go to Sofia for Final Six? ?
HCLTBR 331 6
12 лет тому назад
Quote (Zyta)
hahahahahaha polish fifth column!

You know what, Zyta? I like Skrimov. Although he played badly at ECh, he’s a clever player.

You’re a funny girl, that’s why everybody loves you, except Michal Ruciak and Radostin Stoychev. :-p
ZytaPL 1332 11
12 лет тому назад
Skrimov, one of Zyta’s favourites, is playing. Hope she likes. ;-)

hahahahahaha polish fifth column!
HCLTBR 331 6
12 лет тому назад
Excellent video! Congrats. It must have been a very good match. That’s the kind of highlights I like to watch. At 0:13 you can see Laurent Tillie, AC Cannes’ coach, one of the smartest players I’ve ever seen, part of an amazing French team alongside Alain Fabiani and Philippe Blain. At 7:54 you can check a smart move by Josh Howatson – I like that kind of play. BTW, there are two Canadians on the court – lots of Canucks playing in France. Skrimov, one of Zyta’s favourites, is playing. Hope she likes. ;-)
babounFRAuthor 8 5
12 лет тому назад
Music at the end is "audiomachine army of kings the platinum series 3 eterna"
JassasfaSA 116 3
12 лет тому назад
Good job but the video is too long if it’s shorter it will be better
fabi3AT 124 3
12 лет тому назад
zass :) austria!!!!
scorpio111888PL 386 5
12 лет тому назад
samuelekeBE 393 8
12 лет тому назад
Hey, is the setter of the withe team Yves Kruyner??
KevinpsbPL 184 10
12 лет тому назад
fantastic... 1:20... Who is this??
NagorPL 1445 14
12 лет тому назад
I waited for it! Great highlights!
eRKaPL 861 11
12 лет тому назад
4:29 min. ;) great action
eRKaPL 861 11
12 лет тому назад
a few points of view ;) I like it. your movies are great to watch.

ТОП20 из July
