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Matteo Martino tribute 11 лет тому назад 0
@camnow: he left macerata (and indoor volleyball for a little time) cause he got some "friction" with Berruto and Travica
Dragan Stanković and Marko Podraščanin 11 лет тому назад +1
they are fantastic
Lube Banca Macerata - Trentino Volley (Highlights) 11 лет тому назад +2
tackar? what does it mean?
Italian League on external states 11 лет тому назад 0
italian leage on Telewizja Polska for POLAND fans
Bre Banca Cuneo - Trentino Volley (Highlights) 11 лет тому назад +1
lol you should ask it to coach Piazza, not to me :D
Bre Banca Cuneo - Trentino Volley (Highlights) 11 лет тому назад +1
@nightfox: yep, he's playing MB when he's in P2-4 and opposite in P5-6 AND in P1 he got some reception in a little are when is near Wijsmans to let him prepare the pipe
Golden set rule/ alternative rules 11 лет тому назад 0
com'on guys... the CEV never said the golden set is for fair play or to promote the most deserving team... they want to sell a show and golden set is an extra set to sell, like the organizing team who's already qualified to final four, it's just to have a lot of people in the arena --> more € for the CEV

golden set is not good if win/lose set are different? maybe.. but there's an "IF"
and IF "team A" win every matches with 3-2 and the "team B" reach the final match with all 3-0 and lost the final match 2-3 is correct? the set difference are in favor of the team B

if u really want give the title to the most deserving team you should have just an european season whit everyone VS everyone, with no pool, no playoff, no finalfour
Regular season of Italian Serie A1 2012/13 11 лет тому назад 0
no, but for the first 7 matches Stokr was unstoppable
Casa Modena - Trentino Volley (Highlights) 11 лет тому назад +2
@hanes.... we are at 13/22 on regular season, then we got 3+3+5 matches on playoff
Casa Modena - Trentino Volley (Highlights) 11 лет тому назад +1
@juantorena95: Osmany still have to recover from an unjury, and this season we got only 2 line referees to save some money (i'm disagree with this politic)
thx Raylight, ... but to be honest i didn't do nothing... just shared a trentinovolley video
you're right, he's a good player.... but to be a good player doesn't mean to be a good coach.. ad viceversa... i don't remember Velasco as a good player ?
he's the first active player and coach at the same time? (at this level i mean)
Trentino Volley - Lube Banca Macerata (full match) 11 лет тому назад 0
Savani can start training in a few weeks, his objective is to be on court at the CL final four
Trentino Volley - Lube Banca Macerata (full match) 11 лет тому назад 0
still not the highest level for me... there's a lot of errors from both teams and Macerata is missing one important player, at march when we'll have the playoff we should see the highest level
Trentino Volley - Lube Banca Macerata (full match) 11 лет тому назад +1
was a pleasure
Trentino - Macerata (Italian Cup 2012, Highlights) 11 лет тому назад +1
don't worry nightfox.... whole match is coming
Trentino - Macerata (Italian Cup 2012, Highlights) 11 лет тому назад +1
@admin: "MATEU" kaziyski... and title of song "gary 2 moore --> 2 gary moore :D
Trentino - Macerata (Italian Cup 2012, Highlights) 11 лет тому назад 0
@raylight: u can't see on the movie, i just heard it, cause Parodi and Jan are the only two man on peace in that moment

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