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Luke Perry staying in Tours for another season. 3 лет тому назад +2

@JohnSuen Yeah I thought the same. But it wouldnt be impossible to have all of them on the team. 

Luke Perry staying in Tours for another season. 3 лет тому назад +1

Will Rossard (libero) also stay or is that unclear?

End of an era

@JohnSuen I thought of that as well, but then again, why would Perugia sing Travica instead of him? They kinda have the same contact height and the only real differences are service and experience

@PRÄNKBRÖT Good question. I always get the feeling of Spirito just not having a real “wow-factor”. He is a good setter, but not a convincing one maybe. But thats just my opinion.

@Sherlock O I never heard of such a quota at least. I think its a strange concept though

Well it was kinda expected tbh. Italy has been doing this for some years now

@MefiuLeon @MefiuLeon I'm really shocked about it and I dont think I will like it. Sure it will be a great team, but is just for the money at this point.

@MefiuLeon O thanks. Had not thought about that yet

@AlenVolley But how come Modena does have the money to spend this year? Last year they didnt have any and needed to let a lot of players go

@johanneslei But Zenit already has 2 outside hitters in Volkov and Bednorz and already 2 foreigners in Bednorz and Christenson, so that would be weird…

@AlenVolley Understandable for Ter Maat, but Antanasov has so much more to achieve than this…

@kaljumbos This is a picture posted by jackie_mcfly on instagram. As you can see Russel just had surgery on his knee.

@RevanExtasisEvo O thats new to me. Intersting concept. thanks

@kaljumbos Anderson is definitely training with them now at least, so I think its safe to say that he'll play

@Kato Hey, as far as I last heard (TJ Defalco talked about it in his podcast) there will be no relegations. Every team will stay in their league

@Sherlock But then again, Nishida has played multiple matches on international level against good countries and could still perform. Players like Keita don't even have that.

@Montas @PawełStanisławski Isac to Lube comes back every year or so. Stil would be intersting to see it happen.

French team unveils its roster for VNL 3 лет тому назад +2

@gryfny_bergmann Omg yes I would love to see that. I always thought that Boyer was one of the most bouncy players

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