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Novica Bjelica 14 лет тому назад 0
I like this player, besides the excelent technique, he has a strong personality, very competitive. PS: Renan, então você é fã do Metallica...
World League 2010 Group D (Trailer) 14 лет тому назад 0
Eu concordo com você... O Vissoto não jogou bem e eu fiquei um pouco preocupada porque o time depende dele nas bolas de segurança... Eu fiquei sabendo que o André Nascimento tem treinado com o time mesmo sem estar relacionado para a liga e isso é bom... Acho que o fato de alguns jogadores estarem "amarrados" é por causa do excesso de musculação que eles tem que fazer no inicio para aguentar a sequência de jogos... Bom falar com você, um abraço
World League 2010 Group D (Trailer) 14 лет тому назад 0
Renan, acho que Cuba e EUA nunca jogaram no mesmo grupo, pelo menos eu não me lembro e minha memoria é boa para essas coisas (pergunta dificil, hein?) Cara, valeu muito levantar cedo no feriado para ver a seleção jogar, apesar do frio e tudo mais... Você viu como o Murilo jogou bem? E o Bruno... Que orgulho desses dois, são verdadeiros lideres dessa nova geração.
Brazil - USA (SET5) 14 лет тому назад 0
Hey, guys... Samuel will come back, actually, he was in the team of Cruzeiro last season and he played some matches, but not at the same condition that he used to have. I guess this season, playing for Cruzeiro again, he will be on his best shape, at least it´s what I hope. The injury on his shoulder was really serious and he had to play injured in Russia, under medication, and the result was that he couldn´t help us on the Olympic Games
World League 2010 Group D (Trailer) 14 лет тому назад 0
Renan, sexta-feira, "ponte do feriado", devemos levantar cedo para ver a seleção contra a Bulgaria... 9:30h, que hora...
Long rally (Poland - France) 14 лет тому назад +1
Roninho, I believe Poland´s composition for the beginning of the World league is very good, but the absence of Zagumny is important, in my opinion he´s the "soul" of the team, I admire him a lot. You see, so many guys injured,this is because of this "crazy" calendar, the guys have to play the entire year, they are always tired and complaining, and FIVB comes with new championships everyday
Long rally (Poland - France) 14 лет тому назад +2
In matches against France we always see long rallies because of the characteristics of this team, they are very strong in reception and defence. So, guys, anyone can tell me about Poland´s preparation for the season? About Brazil I can´t tell much because we didn´t have any friendly match, only training and training even on the weekend!! And some of our players are injured, the most serious case is Sergio, he´s got a back problem.
Roninho, valeu pela resposta em portugues!!! Thanks!!!
Não, Renan, eu sou muito fã do Johnny Deep, desde que eu era mais novinha e ele era galã, o que não acontece nesse filme. O galã desse filme é o Orlando Bloom Falando de volei, acho que o unico assunto que a gente realmente não concorda é em relação as ligas, ainda vou te convencer que a nossa superliga é melhor que a liga italiana. Beijo
Interesting and beautiful images , always an execelent job of this creator... And I loved the song,it fits perfectly in this video and it´s from one of my favorite movies , Pirates of the Caribbean.
World League 2010 Group D (Trailer) 14 лет тому назад +2
I believe this year the World League will be a preparation tournament for all the teams since the most important chalenge is the World Championship. It´s good to give some experience to young guys and during this periode the players with injuries can recover themselves. This group D will be for sure really interesting and really, really tight as we have certainly three candidates to the title, in my opinion, Poland, Cuba and Argentina
Semyon Poltavskiy 14 лет тому назад 0
Definitely an exelent player there´s no doubt of that, but an athlete is more than skills... The attitude towards the others does mather a lot. And I totaly agree with Renan, that 2:17 moment turned Giba into a lion in court
Renan, acho que eu ando um pouco implicante com a liga italiana mesmo...Mas é aquilo que eu disse, são estrangeiros demais, alguns que eu particularmente nem acho que são tão fantasticos assim e que estão tirando lugar de jovens jogadores italianos, obrigados a ficar na reserva ou jogar na A2... Fala sério!!! Por isso é que a selção italiana está do jeito que está ( pelo menos eu penso assim). PS: andei meio brava com um comentário seu... Brincadeirinha, mas eu tinha que falar... Um abraço
Thanks, Rafaello, good work!!! Nowadays, I must say I´m much more interested in the Russian league.People say it´s the richest european league...But the most important aspect is that it is not a league based only on foreign players, it´s based on the russian players and, in my opinion, this is an advantage if we compare to the italian league
Paweł Rusek 14 лет тому назад 0
Excelent video, Shandtil, excelent work!!! I guess in a few months I will be expert on polish volleyball thanks to this website!! There are so many good players that could be on your national team, you see, here in Brazil the same thing happens... This player is very talented, and thanks the existence of the position of libero, he can play in high level.In the past this wouldn´t happen because only the tallest guys had the chance to play professionally. It´s good that things have changed
Patryk Czarnowski 14 лет тому назад +1
I must confess that I didn´t know him before, but he´s a very nice player. I guess he´s going to play for the national team this year, am I correct? Poland has a tradional "school" of middle-blockers,fast and technical players. PS: it was good to hear at the end of the video how to say his name,I was lost with so many consonants...
Funny situations in Italian League 2007/08 14 лет тому назад +2
Very good video!!! Funny, funny!!! Perfect for me,after a hard day... Thank you!!! We do need to laugh more , it´s good for the heart.
Resovia Rzeszów return the game 14 лет тому назад +3
That´s volleyball... Dynamic game. How many times have we seen a difficult defense, a strong block, a wonderful attack or an stupid error change the entire story of a match? A lot... In my opinion, one of the most difficult chalenges for an athlete of high performance is how to keep a good level of concentration during all the match because in volleyball , the lack of concentration is fatal, you have to play in high level until the last ball and never, never underestimat the power of reaction of your opponent
Osmany Juantorena (2nd movie) 14 лет тому назад +2
Very nice answer Michal...That´s horrible what happens in Cuba. I was kidding about my "'selfish heart", we do share the same opinion...Very nice mind and heart
Osmany Juantorena (2nd movie) 14 лет тому назад +3
I´m in big contradiction... My selfish brazilian heart says he shouldn´t play for the Cuban national team , but , after this video, my mind says it´s such a waste that he just plays in the Italian league. I keep myself wondering what polish and others nationalities hearts and minds think of that...

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