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7 лет тому назад


Brazil - Russia 12 лет тому назад +1
I think loosing wasn't the idea, just to preserve the main players
Russia is World League 2011 Champion!!! 12 лет тому назад +2
After Olympcis 2004, Bernarndo wrote the book "Transformando suor em ouro".

All his knowledge and experience, as a player, as a coach and as a human being, is showned in this book. I really suggest you guys to kiij fir a translated version of it, you'll love it
Russia is World League 2011 Champion!!! 12 лет тому назад 0
Yes, Raylight, they are heavy, but we like it.
Like it soo much that you probaly haven't idea of how much Brazil NT's Players train.

As an example, after the 3x2 against CUBA last thursday, they went right after the match from Ergo Arena to the Gynasium to do some work out
Russia is World League 2011 Champion!!! 12 лет тому назад +3
C'mom Guys......stop this useless discussion. LETs talk about Volleyball, shall we.
BTW, We'll win tomorrow......eahehehehhe.

PS: For the MVP, my votes goes to Kurek or Conte
Russia is World League 2011 Champion!!! 12 лет тому назад +2
What a match.....
CONTE is an amazing player.
Brazil - Russia 12 лет тому назад 0
No problem man. Russia played the basics, not more than the necessary. Brazil didn't play, only step on into the court
Ivan Zaytsev 5 points in a row 12 лет тому назад 0
Superb blocks !
Raydel Hierrezuelo 3rd meter spike 12 лет тому назад +2
CUBA has 2 tall and left-handed setters. That kind of attack will happen oftenly
Brazil - Russia 12 лет тому назад +1
ok, this game was a shit, and I really not proud of it.
Russia is World League 2011 Champion!!! 12 лет тому назад +1
Is not "calculating".......We (Brazil) really didn't play a thing, and if did, was a crap.
Brazil - USA 12 лет тому назад +1
After the 1st SET, I really thought that we would loose this match!. Fortunatelly, I was wrong
Poland - Bulgaria 12 лет тому назад +4
What a game......
Long rally (USA - Brazil) 12 лет тому назад -2
Breathtaking......I really envy the USA's defense system!
Russia is World League 2011 Champion!!! 12 лет тому назад 0
Poland made MANY mistakes today. 3 in 5 serves were on the net or out....
Russia is World League 2011 Champion!!! 12 лет тому назад 0
Dont need to say that would be different with Wlazly
Russia is World League 2011 Champion!!! 12 лет тому назад 0
1st SET OVER......>When Poland will start playing ?
Russia is World League 2011 Champion!!! 12 лет тому назад +1
Argentina beating Bulgaria......can someone explain me that?!......

Anyway, my congrats to Argentina, firt time they get to the Semi-finals.... !
Russia is World League 2011 Champion!!! 12 лет тому назад +2
OyeaH......I agree with you..

That guys is a crap referee.......too many mistakes in a short time. !!!
Giba meets fan with cancer 12 лет тому назад +2
GIBA is more than a player, He is an example for every human being. BTW, this project is fantastic.......just love it.,!
Lucas spike under the net 12 лет тому назад 0
When I saw it, I said: "WHAT FUCK WAS THAT?!".... EHehehehhe. Too bad he didn't hit the ball correctly. Would be a nice point

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