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4 лет тому назад


Georg Grozer headshot 12 лет тому назад -2
I understand that somebody can be hit by a ball, but he don't even noticed the ball untill it hit him. His reaction was too slow. Ok, I understand that it was Grozer serve- it can be hardly over the 120km/h, but he don't even moved. Hebda wouldn't be a good receiver.
Sorry for barging in: I think that Juantorena is an universal player (like Winiarski, Savani etc.) not defensive (like Ruciak, Bravo).
Giba warm-up 12 лет тому назад +1
Look at 7:43 almost impossible spike from Rodrigao :)
"informacja pewna jak sam transfer" tzn. że pewna czy nie, bo nie wiem czy to ironicznie mówisz akurat ?

Poza tym decydować będą chyba też względy sportowe. Ignaczak młody nie jest, a myślę, że wolałby się bić o mistrza niż występować w zespole, który co sezon ma świetny skład i co sezon ma problemy- zależy też czy sama Resovia zbuduje drużynę na mistrza na nast. sezon.

Please don't be mess, we just discuss about the transfer rumors in Plusliga and their reliability. I think that the most rumors from Poland are not reliable, because of AppSport agency.
Skąd to wszystko wyciągnęli? Ignaczak od dawna mieszka w Rzeszowie, dobrze mu płacą, jest ulubieńcem kibiców, a w dodatku JW nie będzie grał w LM. Chyba nie sądzisz, żeby nie przedłużył kontraktu (o ile w ogóle obecny mu wygasa).
To są raczej brednie co oni tam piszą- tym bardziej, że wszystko pochodzi z AppSport.

Sorry that I'm not writing in English, but I have to explain something to my homie ?
The Olympics 2008 Highlights (5th movie) 12 лет тому назад +3
I went there thinking: "oh... another highlights, another from Bejing...". But soon I realised that it is THE BEST MOVIE SINCE A VERY LONG TIME.

Zbigniew Zieliński 3rd meter spike 12 лет тому назад +8
Zbigniewy to jednak potrafią przywalić :)
Ruciak in Resovia wouldn't be a good choice. But I wouldn't be concerned by onet.pl articles. They usually re-write other articles or writing nonsense ?

Ural Ufa - Gazprom Surgut 12 лет тому назад +3
@AleNickel The whole league is theirs :P
It'll be very hard. Only a good service can help us.
Aleksiev? For Cuban NT for sure.

It wasn't polite Zyta ? I think that he's a good, stable player... but not always. He has some problems, when the team is high on emotions and he's not doing very well then.
Szeroka Kadra na Ligę Światową. 12 лет тому назад 0
Brakuje Plińskiego i Grzyba... ale widać, że Anastasi chce odmładzać kadrę.
Long rally (TianJin - Army) 12 лет тому назад 0
RJX Rio de Janeiro - Sesi Sao Paulo (short cut) 12 лет тому назад 0
@vaterni Yes, probably the most attractive volleyball league :)
Frank Dehne funny dig 12 лет тому назад +2
It happens :P
RJX Rio de Janeiro - Sesi Sao Paulo (short cut) 12 лет тому назад 0
weeker in what ??? the technique level its the same but the diference compare to the other leagues is the foreigners players and well also the payment to the players its all SESI was 4rth in tha last world championship club 2011.

The first was a team from Italian League, the second was a team from Polish League, the third was a team from Russian League... I mean: Top Brazilian teams seems to be a little worse in the matches with the teams from top European Leagues.
RJX Rio de Janeiro - Sesi Sao Paulo (short cut) 12 лет тому назад 0
I think that Brazilian League is more interesting than European Leagues. It is a little weeker than Russian and Italian and compareble with Polish, but still more interesting :)
The Vigor Bovolenta Fall for the Last time 12 лет тому назад +1
Very sad information. I was shocked. I've never heard of player death on the court in volleyball especially of the player like Vigor...
Rest in Peace...
Bartosz Kurek 2nd meter spike 12 лет тому назад 0
I wouldn't name it 2nd meter spike. It was at a slant and it doesn't count :) Anyway... very impressive spike.
Russia - Brazil (The Olympics 2008, short cut) 12 лет тому назад +3
Beautiful actions !!!

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