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3 месяцев тому назад


Can you tell me how to see plus liga stats? 3 месяцев тому назад 0

@spend elon musk money  Oh, I see. I assumed that all attacks would be successful. Thank you.

@retro bowl I seem to recall reading somewhere that Atanasijevic has some knee issues. 

Let's get to know Meliha İsmailoğlu 3 месяцев тому назад 0

She is attractive! @tunnel rush 

Hande Baladın 3 месяцев тому назад 0

@bitlife  For the underage national team, she gave it her all. She then became very serious. Her assistance to the national squad has been invaluable.However, I don't believe she is at the right place. I anticipate more from her. She will do it one day. Gooo Hande

Let's get to know Zehra Güneş 3 месяцев тому назад 0

Young, highly skilled player with a wealth of gaming knowledge. It is also really lovely, in addition. I truly enjoy it. @buildnow gg