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@MariadaSilva  Yeah, you got a point. Covid-19 also affect the players but Boskovic always do what she has to do in every condition unlike other players. Hande played great in national team last year but she couldn't show the same performans in Eczaci. Other outside hitters as well.I think coach is also one of the reason. I don't think Marco was keeping up with the new system of volleyball. New coach, new season! We'll see how it goes

@MariadaSilva Well, I agree. I can't forget the times Adams,Larson,Thaisa,Maja played together.. Especially last season was terrible for Eczaci. I think next season will be better but I am not sure if it is going to be like 4 years ago or so. They need a good setter. Maja is great with amazing career but she is not the same Maja anymore but still, better than Mirkovic :) Adams and Heyrman had great season in Italy and I think if they play at the same level the season will be better for Eczaci compared to last season. They have a new coach now so we need to wait until season start. I hope there will be great matches against Vakif, Fenerbahce,Thy.. 

@MariadaSilva She had to pick Galatasaray actually. There were some problems with the visa at the last minute and that's why she couldn't go to china. Galatasaray was the only option for her. I agree she is a top level player but she is getting old. Priority of teams like Eczaci, Imoco, Vakif,Novara or Fenerbahce is mostly getting younger&talented players to secure future of the teams. They can't count on the performance of older&experienced players in long term 

@MariadaSilva I don't know where is her next destination but she won't be part of Galatasaray. They got Anthi and they already have 3 foreigners in the team 

@SorinAcela Nothing to improve anymore? I would understand if she was in her 30's but she is not that old and I think being good player doesn't mean that you don't have anything to learn. She has never played  in Europe and it's a new opportunity to discover new styles of volleyball. I think it's priceless opportunity for any player. It also doesn't matter the team she'll be playing for is 12 placed team. Especially if you are playing in Italian or Turkish league. I'd rather play in challenging league instead of playing easy games in another league.  If she has a great season next year she'll get attention to herself and she may be part of better teams

@stantovballplayers I am not sure about it. According to  Alessandro Garotta she won't be in the Chinese Superleague and Eczacibasi wants her



@Kacper19  Robinson won't play for Fenerbahçe next season