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Volleyball player
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4 месяцев тому назад

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omg, it's too good to say anything what would be worth that movie. I wish you many viewes, comments, and votes ;)
Kędzierzyn-Koźle - Resovia Rzeszów (Highlights) 11 лет тому назад +1
all the time, better and better movies ;)
block is the most interesting element of volleyball for me ;) gives the biggest satisfaction for sure.
Jakub Bednaruk as commentator, I like it ;) can't wait to the last match.
Best actions: Russia - USA 11 лет тому назад +3
London completely copyrigthed on youtube is senseless ;]
amazing set, amazing action, amazing game. can't wait to the 5th match ;)
Trefl Gdańsk great action 11 лет тому назад 0
lol, what a sound in 0:06 min. BOOOOM! amazing defense from Łomacz ;)
Paul Lotman huge block on Antonin Rouzier 11 лет тому назад 0
he has amazing feeling in single block, just like Winiarski ;) so good he stays in Sovia for another season.
Felipe Fonteles serve 122 km/h 11 лет тому назад 0
I wish him best in Turkey ;)
Donald Suxho amazing leg set (USA - Russia) 11 лет тому назад 0
if I set so perfectly ball to the wing for the MATTHEW ANDERSON, and see only running Butko on the other side, I would do same ;d
Trentino Volley - Copra Piacenza (Final, 3rd match) 11 лет тому назад 0
yop, I wish Holt and Simon have good day on service. and De Cecco, did he do so much mistakes during whole season? I watched only semi-finals and final right now and his shape doesn't look good for me. I hope he will find it to the World League.
Trentino Volley - Copra Piacenza (Final, 3rd match) 11 лет тому назад 0
not like 2nd match, it was really booooring. I hope to see stronger Copra in sunday ;)
Lukáš Ticháček 11 лет тому назад 0
now it's interesting who will play more, he or young Drzyzga. I wish him best, he seems to be nice guy, hated in internet by poor "fans". he played amazing match against Brazil in 2010. nice to remind. 2:09 min. - the smartest thing ever ;)
Georgi Bratoev 11 лет тому назад 0
he played amazing match against Poland in London. good I sent you that match in soo HD ;D for me, his best sets are these 2,3-meter quicks with Yosifov and Nikolov ;)
Georgi Bratoev 11 лет тому назад +3
Wilfredo, all movie is about fooling a block ;) not too clever. NightFox, I thank u. u r one of few movie makers who still work on clips and try to let site live ;) I don't like ur national team, especially Georgi but this music and montage made me watch him with pleasure. congrats, keep your work bro ;)
Best actions: Italy - Australia (The Olympics 2012) 11 лет тому назад 0
new SKRA's setter's father :) sorry for quality, I donno why it looks so bad.
RenanZ, it's not about money, trust me. I watched livechat with him. he is in kind of love with Castelani. they like each other, they like to work together, and they have got common plans for the future. when Daniel decided to leave for Fenerbace, few days later Chupita made same decision.
looks more like training rally ;) sound in it would be great.
he's so gonna leave JS ;)
Plusliga is kind of boring when I watch other league finals. don't u think?

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