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Marmi Lanza Verona - Andreoli Latina 12 лет тому назад 0
As you can tell from its name, is Greek!
There is also talk of a return of Kooista!

Lube Macerata in season 2011/12 12 лет тому назад 0
Unfortunately Macerata has failed to restart to win.
today's match worsens even more mental state, since it was in two sets (easy) has traded blow losing two (easy) with a resurgence of pride in tiebreakers but having success.
at this point to see Wednesday at 75% favorite Cuneo.
Regular season of Italian Serie A1 2012/13 12 лет тому назад 0
You cannot compare them, the team was totally different, I am convinced that is the case.
Regular season of Italian Serie A1 2012/13 12 лет тому назад 0
We think Vibo is remained without Coscione to date and in the mechanisms of this team is very important.
you'll see that now that it's back in time to resume the shape, Vibo will restart to win.
Regular season of Italian Serie A1 2012/13 12 лет тому назад 0
Really amazing the latest performance of Piacenza.
I do not explain how the only change coach can do this!
Lube Macerata in season 2011/12 12 лет тому назад 0
There is no problem, Bari remains in Trento and Berruto ago play Giovi,therefore for the good of Macerata and NT is better than take Giovi.
Lube Macerata in season 2011/12 12 лет тому назад 0
@pearl Macerata sarà sicuramente l'avversario più tosto di Trento in tutte le competizioni.
Dopo la partita di andata di reguler season giocata a Trento dove eravamo reduci dal mondiale per club ho capito che erano un po' sotto il nostro livello dato che son riusciti a portare a casa solo un 3-2 contro una squadra visibilmente affaticata.
Detto questo ogni partita ha storia a se ed il potenziale di Macerata può uscire al momento giusto già dai prossimi impegni.
Per quanto riguarda la nazionale il mio ottimismo deriva dalla quasi impossibilità di non raggiungere Londra (in Bulgaria o nel successivo in Italia) e poi bisogna pensare che si troveranno in altro contesto con diversi compagni e tecnici.
Lube Macerata in season 2011/12 12 лет тому назад 0
If it is a matter of the head and may be I think myself that Giuliani is the first to suffer.

Macerata unlike Cuneo of recent years has that charismatic leader who is Grbic, inside and outside the game
the only cure is to resume winning and that is why we must give everything for Sunday's purpose and to resume belief in their own abilities.
Lube Macerata in season 2011/12 12 лет тому назад 0
The latest benefits are very disappointing. Their physical form and definitely collapsed,perhaps are paying the fact that he had held high level immediately and now suffer from a natural decline. On this we can say that there was a preparation is not perfect. I am not worried about their performance in NT since missing much and many commitments will be before the tournament in Bulgaria.
Champions League 2011/2012 12 лет тому назад 0
As far as I am concerned is indifferent!

If vuio you can lean to the forum of Trentinovolley, later also by fans of other teams
is open to everyone to discuss volley.

let you decide who is morei old me
in this forum.
Ravenna hires Slovenian Plesko

Cmc has hired the Spiker Slovenian Matija Plesko, already at Ravenna in the last two seasons and currently in A French Beavuais. Plesko will arrive in Italy Monday and then will not be available tomorrow at Verona.
Replaces Quiroga went to Fenerbache.
It is a bit old ,but i saw that it was missing!

Simone Serafini to Tonno Callipo Vibo Valintia by Sir Safety Perugia (A2)

Best New Player? 12 лет тому назад 0
Here we speak of ' best new player '.
Ivan is new, Lasko was new.

Ivan is in perspective a best player!
Best New Player? 12 лет тому назад 0
In Italy Zaitsev!!!
I don't know, the only news I have is that he was the Assistant Coach NT Holland
San Giustino: A surprise on the bench comes the dutch Held
Champions League 2011/2012 12 лет тому назад +1
The Greek Center, injured last night Lotto Dome during the first set, jumping, will in fact fra today and tomorrow in all exams necessary to understand the extent of his problem and indicate the recovery time.

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