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4 лет тому назад


Russia - The Winner of World Cup 2011!!! 12 лет тому назад +2
I would say that the biggest surprise in this WC (at least for me) is Iran, kind of a squad that can creates many problems to all their opponents. Velasco is a fantastic coach (and in Italy we know that very well) and he's getting the best from his team. I think who still havs to play against them will have to pay a lot of attention to this guys and not underestimate them.
Russia - The Winner of World Cup 2011!!! 12 лет тому назад 0
@Berny: how I envy you, mate ?
Polish volleyball players - "300" 12 лет тому назад +1
@proud: do you really think if you ask some football fan to talk about Athens, Sparta, Persia o Rome he'll be able to do that?? All they know is Man Utd, Barca, Milan and stuff like this :( At least, here we can also improve our general knowledge :D
Russia - The Winner of World Cup 2011!!! 12 лет тому назад +1
Because you can spend all your time watching all the matches Berny?? ?
Polish volleyball players - "300" 12 лет тому назад +1
As a matter of fact, in ancient Greece rivalry, if not hatred, between Athens and Sparta depended on that different vision and mentality towards life that raylight explained so well in his previuos comment: elegance, philosophy, democracy, art for Athenians; strength, fight and cult of force and body's perfection for Spartans! Wow, we can also talk about History here!! Nice :D
Italian All-Star Game 2011/12 Highlights 12 лет тому назад 0
E noto che adesso anche noi stiamo cominciando a "copiare" gli amici polacchi postando ii commenti tra noi paisà ? nel nostro idioma ?
Italian All-Star Game 2011/12 Highlights 12 лет тому назад 0
Cmq Kk15 se ti fai un giro su YT, qualche highlights dei nostri eroi e della loro storica impresa di aver battuto i titani verde-oro, lo trovi ;)
Polish volleyball players - "300" 12 лет тому назад +1
@raylight: let me guess...you're an Ancient History Teacher :D
Piotr Nowakowski attack (Poland - Argentina) 12 лет тому назад +1
Okay my friends. Let's all shake our hands now. No need to use such words as "dramas" or "discrimination"...please. Peace and love ;)
Polish volleyball players - "300" 12 лет тому назад +2
Poland = North-Eastearn Spartans :D 5 stars @proud: you know, as in Fashion, Italians always launch new trends and styles, my friend ;D
Italy in The Fellowship of the Rings 12 лет тому назад 0
@Kk15: already seen it :D You can find it on IVolleyMagazine too. Btw, my favourite this time is Parodi :D
@raylight: I agree! To me JW hasn't shown all their potentialities yet.
Russia - China 12 лет тому назад +1
It may sound strange, I admit it, but I really do not pay any attention to the players' uniforms (I'm not even able to tell you whether Italy's wearing the same uniforms they had last year or not :D ). I can only say that Italy wears blu shirts, Poland wears red and white ones, Brazil Gold and Green ones, and so on!! :D So if you do that, for me, that means that, yes, you're paying A LOT of attention! But I'm not criticizing you...on the contrary: it's a compliment :)
Piotr Nowakowski attack (Poland - Argentina) 12 лет тому назад +4
I can't understand why you have to "argue" about pro-Kazyisky and against-Kazyisky. I'm not bulgarian but...you know... Matey is...Matey. I've seen very few players with such elegance and power in their actions (Giba, Bernardi, Kiraly...) and Matey is one of them. Watching him playing is a pleasure for the eyes. And this goes beyond nationality, or maybe it should be so. About this video: Piotr's attack is a perfect example (or model or whatever you want to call it) for whom is starting playing this sport. You can watch it again and again and again and... learn :D
How tall are you??? 12 лет тому назад 0
What an interesting discussion ? But, you can't ask a lady her age, so I won't tell you mine ? Btw, 1,75 and I was a setter (don't play anymore).
World Cup 2011 - first round 12 лет тому назад +2
Thank you proud ?
Italian All-Star Game 2011/12 Highlights 12 лет тому назад 0
@Kjeldhor: fai con comodo :D
Russia - China 12 лет тому назад 0
Do you really pay so much attention to the players' uniforms?? I hardly had noticed they changed their shirts! :D
Italian All-Star Game 2011/12 Highlights 12 лет тому назад 0
@Kjeldhor: sei riuscito a caricare gli highlights ;) meglio di niente :D Però poi mandami il link per scaricare l'intera partita per favore. Grazie :D
World Cup 2011 - first round 12 лет тому назад +1
I still haven't understood whether I'm happier or more astonished by today's result of our guys ? I mean, when i read the score i couldn't believe my eyes. Italy hasn't won over Brazil since 2003!! OMG!! Can't wait to see the match.

As regards the Wild Cards: I just wanted to emphasize the fact that Women World Cup was won by Italy who got there with a wild card ?

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