Adding photos

Airton Neto
4 лет тому назад

why can't I add photos to my comments? I already have the photos saved in my cell phone gallery, I post them, but when I post them they don't show up.

S…k 717
4 лет тому назад

@AirtonNeto For the other problem that you pointed out, I modified the Fort Lauderdale Grand Slam to make it "World Tour Finals" (for both men and women) and I deleted the fake Rome Grand Slams. So you have the 2015 editions of World Tour Finals, you can now add the others if you want. But by looking for only a few minutes it looks like beach volleyball is sort of the neglected part of site and it would need a deeper attention. If I have time in the near future, I'll do it but that's not sure at all. Thanks a lot for pointing it out !

pedeshtrianTR 130
4 лет тому назад

@Sherlock I wanted to add at least the major tournaments for previous years but as I understand from the 2019 tournaments that 5-star major tournaments (Vienna 2019 etc.) are given as a “grand slam” in the database. Grand Slam is a type of tournament that existed in the past but does not exist now. I got confused whether name the tournament as "Major" or "Grand Slam" (consistency is important), hence I haven't add any World Tour events. And also it would be good to be able to select "stars" (5, 4 etc.) while we're adding the tournament. By the way it's not @AirtonNeto you're chatting with.

S…k 717
4 лет тому назад

Oh I'm so sorry I discussed with him a few days ago and I got confused, sorry @pedeshtrian...
What do you think we should call them ? "Vienna 5-Star 2019" ?

pedeshtrianTR 130
4 лет тому назад

@Sherlock I think calling the tournaments with their original name is fine, what I say is like the adder of the tournament should be able to select "what-star tournament" the tournament is, in the below window while he was adding the tournament. The "star" information can be given in the "tournament data" section.

S…k 717
4 лет тому назад

Oh I see, that's a very good idea. That's out of my capacity, only @Volleybox can do it I think.

pedeshtrianTR 130
4 лет тому назад

@Sherlock Also, what I meant about consistency is that all "Majors" should be called as the same way whether is "Major" or "Grand Slam". I am not really a fan of calling same of them "Grand Slam" and some of them "Major". If Vienna 2019 named as "Vienna Grand Slam 2019", so should others; if it's Vienna Major 2019, then all of them should be Majors. That's all. By the way in couple of years like 2016, there are both "Grand Slam" and "Major" tournaments. So, in my opinion "grand slams" be grand slams and "majors" be majors. Thanks for all your efforts.

S…k 717
4 лет тому назад

Okay, I have to leave but I'll do some research and modify the names so that it can be more consistent.

Airton NetoBR 155
4 лет тому назад

@Sherlock  World Clubs Championship here would be the correct form of the seasons, you see that two were repeated? That's the problem. You have to see it through MVP

Airton NetoBR 155
4 лет тому назад

@Sherlock This photo that I sent you would be the correct way to be here on the site. You see that there are 2 repeated seasons, but you have to see the players who played the tournament, the correct years are the ones I sent you. Here on the site they are wrong! I have been saying this for years and so far nothing has changed.

S…k 717
4 лет тому назад

@AirtonNeto Well, I have to admit that this is hard to decipher, is it possible for you to do the same pattern but clearer, maybe on a computer page like Word/Office ?

Airton NetoBR 155
4 лет тому назад

@Volleybox @Sherlock @chrison Here it is easier to understand, seasons with "x" the squads are wrong because of this error that I'm talking about of seasons. To solve this problem, either do the seasons as I drew next, or change the squads for the teams that are in red, "only in this tournament". This information is perfect, either you change or let me do it so that I know how to do it better, correctly and in the right way.