
World League 2007 Highlights (2nd movie)

Joel2718 2009-09-20 • 8939 просмотров • 38
Best six World League teams are competing in Poland for a title in World League 2007. Teams are divided in to two groups. Winner of FIVB World League will received 1 000 000$. Brazil won again World League. It is seventh title for Brazil and fifth title in a row. In final match in Katowice, Brazilian players defeated strong Russia 3:1.
Bronze medal was in the hands of USA national team.

#WorldLeague2007 #Highlights #WorldLeagueHighlights

Название песни: Dream Theater - Learning To Live
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38 комментарии

raylightBG 3006 15
13 лет тому назад
Better said - spatial
RoninhoPL 758 13
13 лет тому назад
This is the style of the Brazilians - special:)
eRKaPL 861 11
13 лет тому назад
2:32 min. - look at this action! Gustavo and Murilo - brothers on the block, Ricardo is not needed :) this pushing by G. was funny ;D
Mateusz2008PL 163 5
14 лет тому назад
kapitan_bombaPL 910 9
14 лет тому назад
True RenanZ - the best edition & of course fantastic final six in Poland. Don't forget about it.
RenanZBR 1538 15
14 лет тому назад
2007 was the best World League Edition that I already saw...

& great video...
Joel2718CAAuthor 426 7
14 лет тому назад
Yeah yeah, Lecross is our 'official' sport, whatever that means. It's not really popular, maybe more than in most other countries though. Hockey is the biggest sport around here, imo.
Tashunca_UitcoPL 13 1
14 лет тому назад
Excellent video again, Oryxfreeride, nothing wrong with music either. Much better than most of that pop rubbish people mostly put in their clips... About the sport popularity... I used to work with canadian once and he said lacrosse is Canadian national sport and therefore hugely popular... Is that true??? It would be pretty bizarre...
Joel2718CAAuthor 426 7
14 лет тому назад
Toranaga you make a very good point. In some provinces, volleyball is doing quite well. Manitoba and Quebec are 2 good examples, but I live in Ontario, it's not very popular here at all. I'm pretty sure that you guys even get stuff like the PanAm games aired on t.v. if your near Winnipeg, but that never happens here. All the poker on the sports networks drive me crazy, and there's lots of other crappy shows they use just to fill up time. Volleyball would do much better, I just can't understand why they wouldn't even try. And fact is, the media has a huge influence in which sports people think are cool and good, and therefore has a huge influence on which ones become popular starting in high school and going through university to the pro level. Sp.. I put quite a bit of blame on the sports channels for volleyballs unpopularity in most of the places in Canada.
14 лет тому назад
It rivals hockey, o my god are you crazy man. Hockey is the only sport canadian people want to watch. And who cares about the high school level that's not with high school volleyball that CBC is going to make money. I agree with oryxfreeride, volleyball is pretty close to nothing in canada at least compared to hockey.

Originally posted by torsh from Canada
14 лет тому назад
Great video. I don't think that it's completely accurate to state that in Canada volleyball is "so unpopular". Its huge in Manitoba - a province for those of you who don't know. It rivals hockey in terms of popularity at the high school level. Its too bad CBC and other networks don't support it. I'm certain it would do better in ratings than say the constant stream of poker shoved in the faces of viewers.

Originally posted by toranaga from Canada
Joel2718CAAuthor 426 7
14 лет тому назад
Heh is Canada good? They are certainly capable of playing good but they did have quite a few bad matches in World League, and finished last in their pool going up against Brazil, Finland, and Korea. Though Paul Duerden, a very respected and talented right side was out with a hip injury, you can see him play a bit against Korea but that's all. I think Dallas Soonias was also injured and he was also a major part of the team. Hopefully Canada will show a better performance in the 2010 World Championships. Canada was invited back with WL08 and they had to drop out, because one of the programs which funded Canadian athletes cut the funding to the volleyball program, and Volleyball is so unpopular to the average person in Canada that they actually couldn't afford to participate in World League. It didn't help that CBC wanted over a quarter of a million dollars just to air the games on t.v., I don't know if that's normal or not, but I would guess that in almost any other place in the world, you make lots of money by airing volleyball on t.v., rather than it being a burden to the television station.
14 лет тому назад
is canada a good team??

Originally posted by hunter from Australia
14 лет тому назад
For Lucho>> I don't think so. Last matches with Brazil WC'06 and WCup'07, Bulgaria team losse by 3:1 and 3:0, respectively. In fact your team has a big problem, no no, it has a huge problem! Since you couldn't win a European Champs playing with a complete team agaisnt Poland and France without some of their important players! In my opinion, Bulgaria team should be renewed by new players, as Cuba, Brazil, Poland, USA and Argentina are doing!

Originally posted by JRios from Chile
14 лет тому назад
Okej there is decription of the band below ? I havent noticed?

Originally posted by bartekbrat from Poland
14 лет тому назад
This is Dream Theater song in this movie
The title of the song is Learning to live i think ? great band and the great movie

Originally posted by bartekbrat from Poland
14 лет тому назад
Brazil for us is like we are to Poland - we can beat them again, no problem

Originally posted by Lucho from Bulgaria
14 лет тому назад
For Lucho>> yes, but Brazil finished as WL'07 Champion! Now it seems that Bulgaria team is so far to beat Brazil again! By the way, Oryxfreeride knows about he is doing! Congratulations for the great movie!

Originally posted by JRios from Chile
Joel2718CAAuthor 426 7
14 лет тому назад
Heh thanks for the compliment. I liked the music quite a bit, but I know, my tastes in music are much different than most people ?
14 лет тому назад
Bulgaria - Brazil 3:2

Originally posted by Lucho from Bulgaria
14 лет тому назад

Originally posted by jay from Brazil
SomeonePL 875 10
14 лет тому назад
jakby powiedział Swędrowski ten filmik to 'fantastyczna sprawa'
14 лет тому назад
loll i think it's the first time that we can see Team Canada in a video where they look great!

Originally posted by vincentpouss from Canada
14 лет тому назад
ostatnia scena, giba blokuje w srokdu a gustavo na dwujce ? zajebisty block!!!

Originally posted by kasjan from Poland
14 лет тому назад
...nothing more to say

Originally posted by zannik from Germany
14 лет тому назад
fajne akcje.. fajne..

Originally posted by Smietana from Poland
14 лет тому назад

Originally posted by hi from Philippines
RenanZBR 1538 15
14 лет тому назад
FANTASTIC.................High Quality shots, great song. Oryxfreeride, thanks, you always show us the best compillations
14 лет тому назад
Chciałbym i wydaje mi się, że potraktuję ją bardzo poważnie a to dlatego że MŚ zaczynają się chyba pod koniec września a światówka jest raczej wcześniej. Pewnie potraktuje to jako turniej przygotowawczy do tych mistrzostw we Włoszech. Obyśmy więc grali w najmocniejszym składzie ... Oby kontuzje nas omijały ...?)

Originally posted by Echo from Poland
14 лет тому назад
a podium tak było blisko... jak myślicie, jak Castellani powinien potraktować LŚ 2010?

Originally posted by Mon from Poland
14 лет тому назад
58 sekunda - Rozegranie Gumy miazga ... Z drugiej linii i taka szybkość wystawy...

Originally posted by Echo from Poland
Joel2718CAAuthor 426 7
14 лет тому назад
Also, if anyone wants to know, the song is the last few minutes of Learning to Live by Dream Theater.
Joel2718CAAuthor 426 7
14 лет тому назад
Hey thanks for uploading. But the teams should be: 1. Brazil 2. Russia 3. USA 4. Poland 7. Finland 9. Korea 13. Canada (/sigh)
14 лет тому назад

Originally posted by kralek from Slovenia
14 лет тому назад
Też gram w młodzikach i trener mnie stawia na przyjęciu i atakuje z 6-stej strefy i z obu skrzydeł i daje rade po prostej i po skosie ;]

Originally posted by Kuba from Angola
14 лет тому назад
piękny film, gram w siatę w młodziku i coś mi się zdaje ( bo mnie trener na prawym a nie na lewym ustawia ? ), że nie będęw stanie atakować po prostej jak oni ?.

Originally posted by ziom from Poland
14 лет тому назад
Potrzebuje tytul piosenki...ktos zna ?

Originally posted by asdsadas from Poland
14 лет тому назад
Swietny film ?P

Originally posted by hbk from Poland

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