
Dusan Bonacic

Dusan Bonacic 2013-03-12 • 4773 Aufrufe • 3
Video presents best moments from the career of one of the best Chilean players in the last years. He has just 18 years. Bonacic was selected by coach Daniel Nejamkin in the national team of Chile for play in all categories Youth, Junior and Senior. Dusan Bonacic played in A2 League of Argentine (season 2011/12 ) for Club Ciudad de Buenos Aires. He now plays for Club Providencia.


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Dusan Bonacic

Dusan Bonacic Chile

Geburtsdatum: 1995-07-19
Position: Außenangriff
Größe: 197cm
Gewicht: 93kg
Angriff: 351cm
Block: 332cm
Derzeitiger Verein: Club Deportivo Murano (Chile)

3 Kommentare

TotoEG 57 4
vor 11 Jahre
Great Boniaacc
Dusan BonacicCLAuthor 9 3
vor 11 Jahre
thank you!
Wilfredo_is_MarshallRS 4186 20
vor 11 Jahre
Amazing, you are a great athlete and also a great movie maker!

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