Highest spiking efficiency in the history of volleyball

2012-01-26 • 9788 Aufrufe • 21 replies
Which player had the highest spiking percentage in all of volleyball history?

This is like is trivia, but i don't know the answer. :)

I bet some of you know, Please tell! (I am very curious, I searched on the internet but i cannot find anything)


Highest spiking efficiency in the history of volleyball
Kk15 1301 11
vor 12 Jahre
on statistic curiosity of legavolley, I found only that:

who had the higher% in attack in a single match-->
But I guess there is a minimum of played ball, because I remember Fortunato last year vs Rome scoring 5 points in attack with 100%
John17 151 7
vor 12 Jahre
lol it's doesn't mean anything cause a middleblocker during a game can have 8 or 9 balls and score 8 or 9 points with a good setter.However an opposite who have 50 balls during a game its unusual that he score 50 points so 100% ? !
So for more accuracy make more classes like by position : outside hitter,oppostie,middleblocker, and by touching balls..
Kk15 1301 11
vor 12 Jahre
Well, it was only a statistic curiosity, it didn't have to have a meaning ?
Imo a global statistic can't have an esistential meaning, because the % of a spiker depend not just on himself, but on the quality of his setter and of the opponent's blockers and diggers (and on many other ditails), so it is worthy to compare may be only % of players that played the same match. May be the % of mistake could be a bit more indicative...

- Lebl attacked 20 times in that match
- actually, according to what you wrote, for more accuracy it would be necessary to have a selection looking at the number of spikes (total acts), not at the players position, because comparing an opposite that had 90% on 50 sets received and another one that had 90% on 10 sets is still meaningless.
Nagor 1445 14
vor 12 Jahre

I am not sure, I think that he has more (about 90%) in some match but I cant find.
Wilfredo_is_MarshallAuthor 4186 20
vor 12 Jahre
thank you guys!
Joel2718 426 7
vor 12 Jahre
yeah as others mentioned, a middle should easily have about 80% spike efficiency and in some cases much higher. It depends on if his setter is good, if the passers are good, and whether or not the setter decides to set him in hopeless situations ?.

It also depends on what percentage of balls get set to the that person. Miljkovic is impressive because everybody knows that 60% of the teams sets are going to go straight to him, and yet he will score 30 points a match against some of the best blocking teams in the world.

I would also mention that Leon usually has a high hitting efficiency, which is a good accomplishment because Cubans so often set very high balls from bad passes, and everyone knows Leon will get set, but he'll hit 65% against double and triple blocks all day.
raylight 3006 15
vor 12 Jahre
Lebl is the beast, normal MB get 2-2.5 passes per set average in whole season and have 60%+, and he had 3.31 average passes per set with 60%+ efficiency without having great reach or power, best spiker of Italian League for couple of years, officially
raylight 3006 15
vor 12 Jahre
Matey Kaziyski in WL 2006 and WC 2007 had ridiculous efficiency in attack, out shined everybody else in these competitions, in the second he was main target of the block and still killed them all


Zyta 1332 11
vor 12 Jahre
everybody else? I see Dante above him. Besides okay he was the best in this competition, but comparing to those 94,4% from Serie A by Fei or Ivan, those yours are not impressive.
Wilfredo_is_MarshallAuthor 4186 20
vor 12 Jahre
Dante had to highest in 2007, what about now?
raylight 3006 15
vor 12 Jahre
You are right, Zyta, Fei, Lebl, Kirally had impressive stats, the examples with 90%+ are for one match. This is for whole competition in which Matey played every match, with setting which is not fast and with block that closely followed him. Dante had highest from a lot less passes and with Brazil system of fast setting /although without Ricardo Garcia, so it is more due to his quality/. Matey had very large proportion of the sets and he is OH, not Opposite, and still managed to be successful. I miss this player, this form he had, he was flying back then
Zyta 1332 11
vor 12 Jahre
ja ja Matey was the best, got it.
Nagor 1445 14
vor 12 Jahre

I see Dante above him. Besides okay he was the best in this competition, but comparing to those 94,4% from Serie A by Fei or Ivan, those yours are not impressive.

Comparing!? How you can compare one match eff. to whole tournament ;/ ?
Zyta 1332 11
vor 12 Jahre
Look at that... Opposition to Henrique's Gang? You wanna mock one, lonely Zyta? Wrong address boys. This is not very impressive either (and now is the time when you both use mouse and click on that red button with minus on it, in the right corner, exactly, good boys!). How can I compare it? Easily. This is what you do. Look at one percentege and the other. Compare your reactions. There you go, you know which one is more impressive for you.

BTW raylight you stats freak why you didn't put this one? http://www.fivb.org/EN/volleyball/competitions/WorldChampionships/men/2006/stats/best_spikers.asp?sm=33
Oh yes, because it doesn't fit to your theory of Matey. Of course Matey has always harder, because he didn't play with Ricardo, but "with setting which is not fast and with block that closely followed him". First of all Matey wouldn't know how to play faster, while Dante can play both, so that's not an argument. FAIL no 1! Secondly Ricardo was not on WC 2007 already and Dante was better over there, FAIL no 2. In WL 2006 Matey was dealing with block of Egypt and Korea's block. Almost Ural mountains, don't you think? Fail no 3!

But yes, we all love Matey and know how great he is. Maybe let's just change all those topics for "Highest spiking efficiency in the history of volleyball and why everybody are behind Matey even if they have bigger percentege?" or "Highest spike reach and why Todorov and Caceres are behind Matey even if they jump higher?" etc. Our life will be easier, we won't be surprised when raylight after few weeks of suffering after our last conversation comes back with his obsession.
Nagor 1445 14
vor 12 Jahre
I dont care that it was matey or dante or michal bakiewicz, but it was efficiency in several matches, not one match with 90%.

It is MY OPINION. Every difference between our opinion and your ('the only correct opinion...') you call opposition to hclt gang... please... it is funny. And boooring.

-in my opinion block is more important than serve
-hmm, i dont agree, in my opinion serve is more important
-no! you said that cause you are in opposition to hclt gang!
- ...

Perfect reason. Whats more, I cant see any posts of hclt there...

So... my opionion didnt change, it is more impressive for me to get 60% eff. in several matches than 90% in one match by... MB...
Zyta 1332 11
vor 12 Jahre
Did I said raylight can't be impressed by what he showed? No, I said that it's not impressive FOR ME. My opinion as well. I was talking to raylight at the beginning, so why you talking about your opinion? Who cares? Everybody knows you love Cubans, strength, high reach spikes etc. In my opinion rayliight exaggerates all the time. It's nothing wrong with shows good result of Dante or Matey one any tournament, but all the rest posts here stats while raylight had to add "Matey shined out" just like we don't know how great Matey is. And if I want to, I will answer for it, while you are the last person who can tell me anything about someone's opinions or commenting other opinion or respecting others opinion, because you are one of those who insult others here and don't respect them. I never do it. And I don't mean users but also players. Once you've been punished year after you did this. Another one, not very long time ago chrison ignored. Don't know why you have here status of person who can insult players and I don't care, but you will not give me lessons of communication between users.

There are no posts of HCLT here, but you and raylight called me the other day Henrique's Gang. I can, IN MY OPINION, use it whenever I want.

And since when Miljković is MB?
Nagor 1445 14
vor 12 Jahre

Look at that... Opposition to Henrique's Gang? You wanna mock one, lonely Zyta? Wrong address boys.

Huh... boys = minimum 2 ppl.

Everybody knows you love Cubans, strength, high reach spikes etc.

I didnt say anything about Cubans below.

Once you've been punished year after you did this.

Not only me... Do you remember who else? Yes, you perfectly remember.

Next discussion is senseless, I talked about one thing, you talked about each other thing except this topic.
Zyta 1332 11
vor 12 Jahre
You starting disappointing me, your problem with chronology is HUGE.


I was talking to raylight at the beginning, so why you talking about your opinion?

Huh... boys = minimum 2 ppl.

Do you know what beginning means? Go back and take a look.
post of ray -> MY POST TO HIM -> ray's to me -> my to him-> your post to me -> my post to you two.
So one more time, I wrote AT THE BEGINNING to him.

2. Punishment. I remember who got this and for what, nothing worse than yours, at the end he never insults players, also never in his own language like you to feel more safety that foreign guys won't read about Brazilian or Italians clowns. He got first, then you.

I mentioned I know your opinion and explained what is it to show that I do not want to change your opinion about vball. I couldn't care less.
I don't talk about the topic? Well I explained how to compare efficiency - topic, I wrote about efficiency and answered fto arguments of Ray about Ricardo's affection to Dante's efficiency - topic, then I wrote why we should change TITLE OF TOPIC. All in topic. Then you started first about opinions. So who started with this offtop now? Not me. If you have no arguments you are right then - discussion is senseless.
Fadhel Abbas 1513 14
vor 12 Jahre
Registration is very impressive
Joel2718 426 7
vor 11 Jahre
im gonna be a little bit annoying and say that I think the answer is: 100%
raylight 3006 15
vor 11 Jahre
Kaziyski today with 13/15 with 1 error today