2012-03-18 • 3367 Aufrufe • 3 replies
Who are oldest players(age) currently playing and who was the oldest player in the history of vball?

I think FALASCA is the oldest (39 yrs old)

indoor player only!
Harleym 55 3
vor 12 Jahre
Bullshit Falasca is the oldest. Not even close.
One really really old one is on the beach, Franco, or Kiraly just stopped playing a few years ago as well.
Nagor 1445 14
vor 12 Jahre
There is only one true old player - Vadim!
Kjeldhor 1059 17
vor 12 Jahre
I dunno but for italian league (Serie A1):
oldest: paolo tofoli, he played his last match at 42 years 8 months 19 days (including serie A2: Jeff Stokr at 51 years)

in this year in serie A1: Grbic, Meoni, Papi and Corsano (1973)