2013-01-23 • 3102 Aufrufe • 7 replies


Someone 875 10
vor 11 Jahre
Some injuries... But it's Nawrocki's genious plan at most I think ?

Why don't we play with Winiarski & Bąkiewicz on reception and Wlazły in attack? I don't know. It's a part of a plan ofthis genious coach.

PS. I wouldn't say anything about he's secret plan with hiring Cala and then fire him.
juantorena95Author 137 5
vor 11 Jahre
bitka 673 10
vor 11 Jahre
Someone - i wouldn't be so saracastic about Nawrocki's plan to play with Wlazły as a receiver

At the beginning, as everybody, i thought that was stupid and bad idea. But actually with Winiarski, Wlazły and Atanasijevic they were pretty good (of course Wlazły didn't play his best but with help from Winiarski and Atanasijevic Skra had great attack - and that was important for them. not who's playing but if they're able to win)

Now, in short period of time, all of them (Wlazły, Winiarski, Atanasijevic) were injured and because of that they are in different shape. That's why they don't win. And i repeat - this plan was weird but without health problems it might have worked.

Other story is with Cala (and also Vincic). I don't get it ?
Someone 875 10
vor 11 Jahre
He knows that he might had an injury problems with receivers... and he fired Cala. It's ridiculous.

Wlazły lose his efficiency as a receiver.

With better reception it would be possible to play middle. Kooistra can score 10 or more points in a match. They have also Pliński and Kłos, so it is waste of their potential in attack.
vor 11 Jahre
If only Kurek decided to come back...
bitka 673 10
vor 11 Jahre
I heard that Cala left Skra not that he was fired (and i totally get it - he came to skra to play)

Yeah, i admit that Wlazły has a lower efficiency as a receiver but he still can score about 15 points in match. And with Winiarski and Atanasijevic it's enough to win a match.
And to be clear, i agree that he was way more better as a attacker. But for Skra it shouldn't be such a big problem with the players they have

I hope in next season they will buy right wing-spiker and Wlazły will be able to play as a attacker
Mihau 39 3
vor 11 Jahre
To proste. Jeśli z klubu odchodzą zawodnicy to klub albo może kupić lepszych i się wzmocnić albo kupić słabszych i się osłabić. W przypadku Skry była to druga opcja. Ojj ciężko im będzie wrócić na szczyt nie będą szukali wzmocnień w postaci światowych graczy. W tym sezonie Zaksa przypomina mi dawną Skre - jedzie jak walec po reszcie. Jeśli na przyszly sezon w miejsce Ruciaka zakontraktują jakąś gwiazde. To mogą powalczyć o CL.
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