
FIVB Heroes: Georg Grozer

Alberto Varela Frontier 2012-08-08 • 6607 Aufrufe • 8
Georg Grozer: "Can't wait to check out the Olympic Village". Movie with series "FIVB Heroes". In the movie is interview about The Olympics 2012 in London and the best actions Georg Grozer in World League Final Six 2012. That serve is unofficial speed record of Plusliga (128 km/h). He is son of former player: Georg Grozer senior. His son has quite similar behaviour on the court like him ;-)

#GeorgGrozer #TheOlympics2012 #interview #FIVBHeroes

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Georg Grozer

Georg Grozer (Bomber) Deutschland

Geburtsdatum: 1984-11-27
Position: Diagonalangriff
Größe: 200cm
Gewicht: 102kg
Angriff: 374cm
Block: 345cm
Derzeitiger Verein: Arkas Spor Kulübü (Turkey)

8 Kommentare

Alberto Varela FrontierCLAuthor 502 9
vor 11 Jahre
In my dream team Stanley is the opposite
diogo10PT 16 7
vor 11 Jahre
he is just a huge player has a jump that makes him a answome player
Wilfredo_is_MarshallRS 4186 20
vor 11 Jahre
In my dream team Miljikovic is the opposite
tunafish95IT 25 2
vor 11 Jahre
In the team of my dreams he's the opposite:)
almfsPT 116 3
vor 11 Jahre
Amazing player, he is great ;)
volleyboy03HU 30 1
vor 11 Jahre
Grózer is hungarian.(but german citizen of course..) :)
HenymanCZ 25 3
vor 11 Jahre
Shave his whole body? Gay! :D
Wilfredo_is_MarshallRS 4186 20
vor 11 Jahre
I welcome this great player to the FIVB heros

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