
Trentino Volley - Zenit Kazan (short cut) - part 1

raylight 2011-10-15 • 1878 Aufrufe • 3
Nice highlights from match Trentino Volley - Zenit Kazan in Club World Championship 2011. Trento won that game in four sets. Vladimir Alekno (coach of Zenit Kazan) said: "There's not much left to say. The Italians have an incredibly strong team, and are just difficult to play against. I wish them good luck in tomorrow's final". Matey Kaziyski (wing-spiker of Trentino Volley): It's a great victory. We're very satisfied with our performance of today. Our team spirit and determination to win was great. We had our difficulties, but we managed to keep control and win this match. Tomorrow we'll play against the Polish team (Jastrzebski Wegiel), another strong team. They have really impressed me in this competition. We have to be careful and give all we have left to win this match".

#ZenitKazan #ItasTrentino #ClubWorldChampionship201112

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3 Kommentare

pearlIT 1003 11
vor 12 Jahre
I had imagined something like that!
hanes233EE 987 5
vor 12 Jahre
He wared it becouse of a face injury.
pearlIT 1003 11
vor 12 Jahre
Does anybody know the reason why Priddy was wearing that strange mask?

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