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Great video! Just great!
Да допълня само като последен коментар - Колко медала спечелиха българи за отбора на Азербайджан /риторика ест./
Колко се върнаха и казаха, че отказват да играят повече за България - милата ни родина, която ни ограбва и ни принуждава да ходим в чужбина за да живеем като хора, а не като кучета.

Какво се случва с националния ни отбор по плажен волейбол... момичетата получили ЦЕЛИ 100ЛВ!!!! И екипи ВТОРА УПОТРЕБА, драги ми VK_Grad...

Тия хора и те ли са предатели според теб? И те ли са ненужни...
Спирам щото знам, че няма смисъл, а тук българоговорящите не са много..
Who_is_asking а.к.а Кой Пита ? - Благодаря ти за изчерпателния коментар.. надеждата е в хора като теб, ама уви.. един на 1000..

Polish and other friends, sorry about that long discussion in Bulgarian language..
It's about Matey and Zhekov, about Bulgarian sport at all and how non of the federations in Bulgaria is working..
Sorry once again, good day to all of you..
Кой пита, Човече не се занимавай с глупости да му обясняваш на това момченце неща които са му непонятни и очеизвадно няма да влязат в главата му.
Той си мисли, че Найден и Плачи са изградили нов отбор за 2 седмици и този отбор мачка наред..
Това е отбор граден 4 години, огромна заслуга имат Пранди и Радо, а Плачи.. той е феноменален след като премина през всичката българска помия, но все още е тук и е с нас.
Тия дълги съобщения са за големи хора, не такива дето не могат да се аргументират и в подкрепа на твърденията си пускат статии на п*тката Маркова дето може и да спи с Лазаров и като кретена Зарков/Методиев (всеки път се подписва с различно име) дето взимат пари да пишат статии против Радо и Матей..
Като има кой да им се връзва па що да не пишат.. Данчо и той що да не плаща на медиите..
Такава е шитня българското общество, толкова ниско е паднало морално, че нямам думи.

Не знам как има хора, които не осъзнават, че днес така както бием, утре ще си заминат други и може и да нямаме отбор.. ама нали има такива "фенчета" дето искат да си пият биричката и да гледат как отбора бие, па че няма бъдеще тоя спорт в България, дяволи ги яли младите...

Д**би и мухльовците.. /не е насочено към тебе VK_Grad/ а към тебеподобните, които виждат само до носа си.

VK_Grad I had the honour to talk with Plamen.. Don't quot me him, please..
Talk by yourself not by articles and interviews given before months!

oioi, I think Anastasi is your coach /I mean he fits perfect to Polish team/ and he leads them good. I don't know why this happened.. Maybe you're right they might be tired.. also the big expectations from them made preassure for sure..
What about playing with Zygadlo, not Zagumny.. I don't have opinion on this question but I see different opinions by polish fans..
Are you really giving me article written by Tsveta Markova? Are you? Muhahahaa.. Man! Don't be funny!
Our guys did great work... I'm so happy about them! And I hope now they will find better clubs to play in! It's important because in Bulgaria.... better not!
And to be honest I expected more from Poland..I don't know what happened but their real place with their real game is in top 4..
VK-Grad чета ти и аз писанията, айде като казваш нещо се опитвай да се аргументираш и ако не можеш замълчи..Нито опровергаваш Славея, нито подкрепяш собствената си теза, само плюеш по двама играчи, които само тебеподобните не оценяват..
Yeah, I love this guy.. I hope I'll see him in 1st team of Russia soon!
"The last chance" vor 11 Jahre +3
Great work neighbour! Rado Stoytchev ale ale! :D
More Drama in Bulgaria!!! vor 12 Jahre 0
Champ, not only.. did you heard him? He knows about our 8000 group in FB, about the 5100 signed for resignation of Lazarov.. he knows about us! We have 3 more weeks to smash Lazarov!
More Drama in Bulgaria!!! vor 12 Jahre 0
Btw Georgi Bratoev wrote on his personal FB "He will return, and he will be stronger"... Nice supporting words from him. ?
More Drama in Bulgaria!!! vor 12 Jahre 0
champ, he has conditions, and also he want to keep the team. He can sacrifice himself to keep the whole team at least to the OG. And if he swallow his BIG EGO (we all know he has it) it will be.. The man of the year.. he is still in Bulgaria because he sees the posibility to smash Dancho and Lubo with the preasure from the fans.. Not because he wants to lick asses..
That's what I believe but we will see his decision pretty soon. He may leave..
More Drama in Bulgaria!!! vor 12 Jahre +2
RADOOOOO!!!!!!!! 6800 fans in facebook page "Against the firing of Stoichev" for less than 40 hours..
3000 signs in the petition for wanting the resing of Ganev and Lazarov for LESS THAN 20 HOURS!
Rado this morning SAW the petition by himself and told "I'll stay because of this ppl"..
Now Rado and ppl are united!!! WE ALL WANT LUBO AND DANCHO DOWN!
Handan, that's exactly what happen.
Now, news from the last 30min.
Sasho DIkov (the only journalist who said to Rado "I love you") just said: I spoke with Rado earlier today and he said he would take the team back, but with one condition" (He doesn't said what is it)

Boiko Borisov is having meeting with Rado tomorrow and he wants Rado to tell him the conditions for his returning to the team.

BFV will discuss the eventual returning of Rado.

now is the time when BFV should let the PEOPLE WHO UNDERSTAND volleyball to take the lead, and TO BEG RADO ON KNEES, TO KISS HIS LEGS and to make him take the team back because two weeks before the OQ without Rado, Matey, Zhekov and withouth coach at all there will be no team...
I'm so fuc*ing happy... laughing so hard. Zeus heard me laughing ?
I'M here in front of the pc with my friend Sllaveq and we are laughing so hard ahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahhaa
Poor Vlado, he takes so much responsibility for the lost, saying "Bratoev is to blame!"
Well isn't Vlado the greatest player? How can Rado change him? Do you know what Vlado said to the journalists when they asked him why we were defeated? "Georgi Bratoev should have set the ball to me,not to Penchev"..

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