
529 ( 1)
Russische Föderation


don't get me wrong, i never meant to make that win less impressive or something. right visa versa, although my team lost, we lost in a good fight, which team bulgaria gave us. Unlike your team, we didn't really NEEDED to win, we needed experience. As a result both teams got what they needed, i don't see anything bad about it.
you said "nobody expected bulgaria to win",but i was sure they'd take that game, because there were plenty of reasons for bulgaria to win and for russia to loose.

my point is, everybody who can think by his own brain but not just repeat the same predictions after others, could see very good chances for bulgaria to take that game.

didn't YOU also believe bulgaria would win? i bet you believed, so there were at least two of us,weren't there?

sorry for too long commentary, hope you didn't get bored reading it.
cheers congradulations to TEAM BULGARIA. they made a great job.
you bulgarians are so uncertain xD
first you shout that you're able to beat our team if only...[list of reasons]
then when you finaly beat us,you're surprised and can hardly belive it

you guys are so funny really xDDD
oh come on, it wasn't that surprising...

edit: if bulgaria have lost that game yesterday, i would lose any respect to it
congradulations team bulgaria,sincerelly)

the game was emotional,the bulgarians finally showed us the fight they used to promise over and over again xD
just don't be naive to flatter with it too much, let's see what happens tomorrow ?
for me it's not that rude,just childish xD
that's great))
so,make yourself at home here, you're sure to enjoy it))

yeah,the team's play is really impressive)
i was glad spiridonov'd got this yellow card, i was looking forward to it xD
but i didn't understand what exactly he was given it for,did you?
the germans gave us a good fight and a lot of troubles)) they worth being respected especially after this weekend
you know,we are usually represented by gloomy men with stone-cold faces, so yes, why not
and there is difference between a "wild man from the forest" and an emotional person.
probably you and i have different ideas about what is wild, i think he's not at all
Zyta is right - it's part his character, he's just a VERY emotional person, he needs it to show good game he shows.
That's what he does, and as long as it works, let it be so)
i've just logged in and realized i messed up the topics to write about Vadim

sorry xD

edit: AleNickel, there are sometimes mistakes on the FIVB site)
it's all Koshikawa(?)'s fault he should have come closer to the net,that was already obvious after ace#2
he actually WAS a setter
it must be just a mistake)

the only really important game you "did us" in was the one for the 3rd place in European Championship in 2009,and as far as i remember,it can't be called your complete superiority.
by the way, it happened 2 years ago.seasons change,teams change.neither team russia nor team bulgaria are exeptions.
sorry but i'm tired of your "wait and we'll show you our mighty team" and "buts" and "ifs"
please face the fact that now you haven't got the team capable to beat such teams as russia or brazil at least until it wins a set over us,and keep moanings about your troubles for yourself,you're not along with troubles in this WL.

nothing personal,
The FIVB commercial vor 13 Jahre 0
check this:

some videos from the shooting are there, and besides the site is interesting)
ahaha i'm just kidding of course,don't worry xD
you see, we have too much good players,so much that we had to leave some behind..)so let him be a small present from us as a bunch of good genes xD
"weapons" may be the same,but styles differ a lot anyway, that's why it's always interesting what works better..)
p.s. just remember zaytsev is "ours", too xDD

Oli4, does it look like he was going to make a joke? such things happen,i don't see anything funny about it..

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