
Zielona Góra


Zyta i czarna było odwrotnie 3:1 dla Knacku u nich i 3:0 dla Skry u nas, a więc system nie uratował Skrzaków, wręcz mógł ich znowu skrzywdzić. Jak dla mnie złoty set w obecnej formule to jest skandal, ale gdyby oba mecze kończyły się remisem i tym samym stosunkiem setów, wtedy jak najbardziej by mi pasował.
Yes we watch volleyball and I'm sorry that I can have a different opinion than yours. There is no difference between Zagumny and Ball, except that Ball has better serve. Guma lead us to our greatest trophy's and is irreplacable in our NT. I wouldn't exchange Zagumny for Ball if I could cause I find them both great setters on the same level. Well I would for Ricardo :)
As always it is a matter of subjective opinion so I will say that Ricardo, Ball, Zagumny are the best setters :)
Wlazly, Kurek don't want to leave our league (Kurek said he is too young for Serie A), Zagumy wanted to play here aswell, but financial problems in Olsztyn made him to go to Athens, Winiarski and Świderski returned home. I guess they feel comfortable in our league.
I don't know exactly how much they make but I am pretty much certain that Wlazły earns more than Winiarski.
Zyta again from where did you get this info about Wlazly and Winiarski contract? The same unreliable source?
"No one shares that info, only rumours of 1,2 mln PLN which is about 300 000 euro but nothing official." It was the only info I read about it and it was a journalist rumour.
Because Wlazły is more valuable player on the court than Winiarski, and beside he is the symbol of Skra, he helped build this team from the beggining.
Post a link cause Wlazły surely makes more in Skra than Winiarski.
No one shares that info, only rumours of 1,2 mln PLN which is about 300 000 euro but nothing official.
Actually Hierrezuelo is a fine setter, not a great one but he does his work very well. And really take some pills Henrique or stop taking what you take.
From where did you get that sum Hernrique?
Saku it was Andrea Zorzi that said it. I haven't watched Serie A when Winiarski was playing there so I can't compare the value of Kaziyski and Winiarski but I can only say that Winiarski after the injury plays a lot worse and now Kaziyski is definitely better.
We had a guaranteed place in this tournament for being a champions of europe.
Podobno gwóźdź sezonu Kurka według komentatorów w meczu z Delectą, a ja nic nie widziałem bo taka żałosna powtórka była.
Poland - Egypt (Highlights) vor 13 Jahre +1
Yeah I haven't seen any too. Really worthless tournament.
I don't know how it is on the other continents, I mean an equal tournament to Champions League, but in Europe it's the most prestigous and important trophy. And it is a priority for most of the european teams with the little exception of Italians who take their champions title as the best. I agree with them cause they face very strong teams in their league and it is more demanding. Someone from Russia could tell us how they feel about European Cup but I guess they find CL the most important trophy aswell. And yes, Plusliga is boring, but I can't compare it to other leagues.
Three receivers were injured and Skra has ensured first place in a league table so they could play in such a combination. From my experience you need to be born with receiving skills I guess he could be a receiver but Poland needs him to play as an attacker.
Alessandro Fei vor 13 Jahre +2
Magnificent player, I've been waiting for a movie about him and you haven't dissapointed me NightFox. Altough you could add some of his actions from previous years.

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