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Kk15 - I think Poey has been allowed to find another club, that's why he's avaliable
Is Horstink still unsettled? By the way lots of players leaving Italy for the Polish league...
I apologize for using of Polish language, but I have to

daniel 2224 zadaj sobie trud przeczytania ze zrozumieniem to co pisane jest tu po raz enty: czyli 1 nie powtarzaj się - o Holmsie jest poniżej i 2. podaj źródło. ps to samo dla tego powyżej znakomicie pracujecie na wizerunek Polaka, brawo
I don't think so, top teams are almost completed (Skra is still looking for receiver or opposite), and what is more important: Cubans can't play abroad.... (so far?
Kk15 are you sure about Bjelica ? I don't think that Skra needs another MB after hiring Kooistra. They are still looking for receiver and opposite.
luck english please! It's important for users from other countries. In case of troubles use translator?
edzia -maybe, he's well known in Belchatow, like I said no big names?
rbk17 Nawrocki said today that they are looking for someone to replace Zatorski or Bąkiewicz in case of injury (reception). I don't expect big names....
who's going to play for VFB next season? so many players left the club
kari he is going to be first team player
he's being sarcastic, I suppose ?
luck191 check the news up? it's an old story.
casamodena no news in Poland about Gruszka in Italy. He's free agent now. But there are few polish teams interested...
what's going on in Sisley? Any news in Italy?
you don't need the money if you don't have a player to buy? Michał stays in Skra no doubt.
casamodena - Skra doesn't need extra money, they need to improve the team more an more. Selling the best polish receiver it would be the biggest mistake ever. There will be no substitiution because they need polish player - and there is no better player in Poland. Besides Michal doesn't want to leave the team, he played in Italy few years ago. Piechocki said clearly - no key player will leave the team.
casamodena -Winiarski leaving Skra? Impossible. He's one of he team key players. Team needs to be stronger for another season. Another important thing - there are limits in Polish League for foreign players. If you have got good Polish player you have to keep him in the club. Ruciak - he may be on bench in Zaksa next season, but he is much weaker than Winiarski. Any news about Bjelica?
casamodena, maybe they talk to Gruszka (he's probably out of contract)? It's only my own speculation..
casamodena - Polish Spiker in Modena? No news in Poland about that. Maybe Jarosz, Gromadowski, Janeczek, maybe receiver? Honestly I don't think so..... Modena needs better players

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