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,,the whole team is MVP. No single player stood out morre than other, there are 4 players for the title - Birarelli, Kazyiski, Juantorena and Stokr. How can you give MVP in such situation?" HAHAHAHAHA. If Kaziyski was MVP that you said something totally different. But it will never happen again.
quote: ,,Can anyone explain me why Nikolay Nikolov is still without a club?" No one want powerful Bulgarian? Strange ?
Where are Sokolov and G Bratoev?
I dont say Poland is the best. We are just good, the best is Brazil because they are champions. I just dont see any Brazilian, or Pole, so arrogant like him.
vatreni it is possible, even very possible but not sure for 100% like some people said.

I dont fight vs Cubans. I fight vs comment like ,,we are the best and other teams are weak, dont compare any player to Simon, hahaha Leal is 100 times better than Kurek" or another in this style. And many people in this site accept comment of RevanExtasis kiddish, full of arrogance, selfless just because you like Cuban team.
Where I write Cubans are weak? Just tell me where I write it. I just write I am happy that they didnt qualify to OG. I live in free country and it is my right: support who I want.

To decu10: So what i make gramatic mistake in english. I make much more mistake than 1 on 2 and I know that. I didnt live in UK so i dont need to speak english perfect. For me most important is that foreigners can understand me.
Dont treat every world literally. It was little methapore. Anyway my weapon in this forum are arguments, eventually irony. Weapon of Joachim7 is agresive. I do not wish that someone said to me ,,start thinking" etc. It mean ,,you are stupid" in another prettier words. Some people think that they allways has right and if someone has another opinion he must be stupid.
If, if... If I have wings i will fly. The fact is that Cuba is OUT of Olympic Game, which make me happy when i read comments of some cuban kid, full of arrogance. The best player in the world never say he is the best. If he say that, he make first step to fall.

PS If RevanExtasis was Brazilian or Italian for example and write such stupid thing like: ,,We are the best and eveyone other are loosers" all this people who give me minuses and defend this kid, will eat him. But he is Cuban, one of this fantastic Cuban which make 2nd meter spike, so now you try to eat me...
Cuba? Where are played this machines? I search Cuba in teams which qualified for OG but I didnt found...
Łukasz Żygadło dig vor 12 Jahre +2
Do usług, choc to raczej smutne, a w połączeniu z capsem razi podwójnie
Łukasz Żygadło dig vor 12 Jahre +14
A ortografia ciebie...
Canada - Brazil (SET5) vor 12 Jahre +1
ups... I mean Osmany... didnt know how this can can I make mistake in his name? :)
Canada - Brazil (SET5) vor 12 Jahre +3
So better than Osmoney Juantorena
Volleyball aces vor 12 Jahre 0
I have just one thing. You shouldnt slow last Kaziyski serve :/
Its not about who is better kid, its about your conceit. I dont see any Russian, Brazilian, or Italian (these teams win much more than Cuba), who said how great they are. Even raylight is more modest than you. Your style of writing said me that you have 15 years maximum. Dont answer, I dont want talk with you more, its not my category.
Leon, Leal, Simon, Hierrezuello, Hernandez But... wait... one name MIKHAILOV can beat them all
Can anybody add whole match?
Ok I try to deny all your arguments now, and show you why I said what Ive said:
,,he is good player" - Only solid to me
,,the strongest one with Zagumny in our national" - Like I said Jastrzębie hasnt problem with limits so fortunetly for them they can choose not only in polish setters
,,stable" - I dont think, I can say some good things sometimes about him, but stable is the last thing
,,with the need of play in the first six" - cman ? I need to play in Zenit Kazan for big money ? but Im too weak.
,,and he should/could play in Poland for polish fans, who really miss him" - You miss, ok, I respect it, but Im polish fan too and I dont miss him
,,I don't see too much free setters able to transfer" - I'm not chief of Jastrzębski so I dont know how much money they can paid, but for example mentioned Steuerwald - propably cheaper and imo better.

Again: different opinon=not to smart...
Moje wrażenie co do gry Żygadło jest takie: albo gra uparcie do lidera (Kurka najczęściej) przeplatając lekko z drugim skrzydłem, albo uparcie pcha się środkiem gdy kilka razy mu to wyjdzie, problem w tym, że wtedy nie ma umiaru i w końcu grubo przesadza. Ma takie mecze, gdzie faktycznie się rozegra i godzi to całkiem fajnie, ale jakbym chciał walczyc o mistrzostwo to wziąłbym chociażby tańszego Steuerwalda. Co innego, gdyby w gre wchodził limit wtedy Łukasz jako takie solidne uzupełnienie składu tak, ale jako Jastrzębie szukałbym gracza, który zrobi różnice.

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