


@Wilfredo_is_Marshall: I have been reported by Plusliga so we have to wait for 6 months before I can upload something bigger than 15 minutes
0:23 very high spike :) Good serves at the end, no the best they can, but nice to watch :)
Thank you :) I started watching Skrimov more closely after HCLT and Pearl /and some others like pesazi/ pointed that is he is very important player. I like his enthusiasm in serving and his technique in spiking, quite different than the norm in our team. He is quite a jumper, makes it look easy :)
World Championships 2014 vor 10 Jahre -1
@dessitea: No one can say now that Italy has an easy path, that's for sure
I like the clip and the music :) The match was really enjoyable with those two setters and Simon in the middle, high quality in Serie A1
@HCLT: You are arguing about players and matches you haven't watch. This is not arguing, this is empty talk. Russia played life and death against us, they never give us anything even if they qualify. We took the 4 points necessary despite their effort to stop us and their frustration. If you think they weren't motivated, watch the matches. And explain why of all teams only Bulgaria beat them in this World League :) Selling medals is obvious case, no need to explain. You explain yourself why all tournaments are being held in Brazil since Brazilian got boss of Fivb, Talking about selling and buying ;) Please watch some matches of Todorov and tell me there is anyone more dangerous in blocking then him. There are ton better at spiking despite his spiking height, but in blocking? Authority won't save you from laughter. National team is not everything in volleyball, you know
@HCLT: You go there and stop Musersky if that is not global enough for you, wiseguy :) I didn't say Italy are not better, I said that Italy are not better enough to lose everytime from them. I appreciate your contribution here, but I have to disagree about Todorov. He is a player that can win matches the same way Muserskiy and Simon do, not with spiking, but with blocking that changes the setting and spiking of the opponent and puts a lot of tension on the opponent. Just look the playoff with Belgorod, and see what is possible for him. His serve is also very damaging. Remember when Bulgaria defeated Russia in World League and Russia lost only from us - in 2011? Todorov's serving had a lot to do with this victory 3:1
@HCLT: Playoffs with Belgorod for example, CSKA in Champions League /when CSKA won vs Kazan, Tours and a spanish team/ match with Serbia in qualification for Olympics /all matches with 10 blocks or more/ . The man is third year first or second in blocking in Russia. He had several matches with many blocks and a lot of points. That was when Yugra had a coach, he is wasting time there last two seasons. Dinamo Moscow offered him to play with them, but he refused.
HCLT, this is a sport, and in sport not always the better team wins, or Russia would win everything after 2007. In sport sometimes the more determined team wins. About drawing lots, when some team is class above others, this is not big problem, but when you have several at one level, they are screwed
Bartosz Kurek fail vor 10 Jahre -1
Kurek is really efficient spiker in Serie A1, much better than in Russian Superleague
@HCLT: May be in attack, but Yosifov and Nikolov are quite competitive, and Todorov can solve matches with blocking and serving. Rezende said that for FIVB. He said that because Bulgarian second team was better than Brazil's first team and lost because we made many mistakes, since for us this match was not important The small favor for Italy should not lead to 4 consecutive wins for them. Having senseless draws unlike other team sports is one big factor for these results. Other factors are youth, inexperience and fear of Bulgarian players. I just want to have draws like in football, not to have 8/10 strong teams in one stream and 2 other in the other stream, so some weaker team can pass to quarterfinals or even semifinals. This is no promoting sport, this is selling medals
@HCLT: I think we have better MB's and blocking than Italians, while they are better backcourt. I don't see big difference here. I see big difference with Russia for example P.S. I believe Rezende when he thought in 2006 that Bulgaria was one of the best if not the best teams in the world. Back then we had Plamen Konstantinov and Vladimir Nikolov in the team, three very big players on the wings, better serving and reception
@hanes233: Statistics says the opposite - look ECH 2007, 2009 and 20011 for example
@pesazi: I don't consider Bratoev genius, not at all, we don't have pipes with him for example, but he is playing in Harkov and Harkov is winning in him to mention
@HCLT: Statistics is in favor or my statement. Just check all tournaments after 2006 and we will talk again. When you have teams of approximately equal stature like Bulgaria and Italy, the path to the match becomes important and heavy. Poland played at home, the match was in 5 sets and was really hard for us for number of reasons. The Italy that beat us 4 times had 12 losses in 13 matches before that against us, I don't think there is such a big difference. The abscence of Kaziyski and Zhekov is a problem, yes, but still not enough to compensate for Italian weaknesses / Parodi after the injury is not that pipe - man in attack, Travica is no genius and MB's are not Muserskiy and Simon/ We are much better in blocking also. Unfortunately our organization during game is not what I want it to be, but the players start late to learn basic things in volleyball thanks to our federation and the coaches.
This was the first serious match for Italy and n-th in a row for Bulgaria who fought with Russia, Poland and Germany. With such unbalanced draw it is not strange that Italy won. Same was in 2007 with Spain and 2009 with Poland and France. Almost always the team from the easier pool defeats the team from the harder pool. Additional problem is the overreliance on Sokolov, who scored record number of points before this match - 150 i think. He was analysed to perfection and really exhausted scoring almost alone for our team. We need better setting to use pipes and sideouts without triple block against them Nice clip, but needs more action from the Italian side, especially Vettori. Strange that Placi couldn't stop him after we met Italians and him couple of times before that in 2012 and 2013. Vettori is great player, but not Milijkovic, he is not unstoppable

He sets very well, like Brazilian/Argentinian!
@HCLT: I really liked the combination between him and Simon in that match
Russia - Strongest team in the world. Muserskiy makes huge difference, but the whole team is very well organized in defense and they have a lot of spiking and serving in them
Brazil - No matter who is missing, the team is winning medals, a true volleyball machine. May be more stamina against Russia is required.
Bulgaria - Italy had easy way in ECH and in World League, while Bulgaria had very strong opponents on its way to both semifinals /Brazil, Poland, USA, Argentina, France in WL, Germany, Russia, Poland in ECH 2013/. The team lost Vladimir Nikolov, Matey Kaziyski, Andrey Zhekov, but still managed to stay in the big four for second year in a row. I still think that both teams deserved the one point, but I will use my subjective point of view as Bulgarian or you can give both teams 0.5 points
Muserskiy - dominated in Russia, MVP for his NT which won two tournaments and finish second in third
Sokolov - He carried on his back Cuneo to Final in Champions League and semifinal vs Trento, where the coach put him in position in which he couldn't show 100% of his abilities to help them win title. Scored all points for Bulgaria, had some matches on NBA level /Argentina, Poland 3 times/
Resende - helped Brazil stay in the medal zone /or at least I think he has a lot to do with that/
Great setting and gigging in this viceo! I wanted to see more points from the end of the third set here :)

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