Who I am as a player

James Jorgensen
vor 2 Jahre

Hi, As it says in my profile I am looking for a team. I would just like to put out what I am offering. I am a 17 year old setter with not much experience but a knack to learn and get better at volleyball and to always look up to seniors. I am a little bit overweight at the setter spot but through playing basketball for almost 8 years I can say that I won't get tired and will lose weight if it is what I must do to get the job. I must say that I am an experimental piece that you'd be looking to develop and bring into the future of your organisation. I can throw passes on point in basketball and I must say its the same for setting, it is the only part of my game that I have really fleshed out other than blocking which is my second most developed skill. So if you are looking for 6"2 setter to experiment with, Please contact.