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Giba (4th movie) il y a 13 ans +3
Giba's story of life has been inspiring me and giving me strength for the last 12 years of my life...thanks for the video PS: I know we should make comments related to volleyball, sorry for anything, but today I had to say it
This movie is absolutely great, I liked it very very much!!! The position of setter really fascinates me, how they must have the control of everything on court, the capacity of fast and right decision, how they must know every player, how they must train to get better and better technically. That's why great setters often become great coaches. I enjoy very much those inteligent men... 4:18...I was waiting for that moment... The song is one of my favorites too...
His name is Latuhihin, he was the second setter of Netherlands on the OG 96, the first was the amazing Peter Blangé
Sure, Gianni was fantastic...he was really talented, an "universal" player... And to me, one of the greatest servers of those days was Ganev, he's unforgetale too...
Yes, the "double first tempo" you said it was something that Mauricio used to do a lot, he was a great setter too. It's hard to find the words for Bas Van de Goor. He and Andrea Gardini were the first great middle- blockers I've seen playing. All my respect for these guys ( and unfortunitely some tears too) Thanks a lot, guys!!!
Thanks, I think it will be interesting to watch ( or watch again) some old matches. It's difficult ( at least for me) to find such material. And to HeelMooi, if he has some more matches, please, if it's possible, to add here for us...
For me, it's great to see again amazing players in action, specially that dutch NT from the 90's. I used to have many matches recorded on VHS tapes but unfortunitely I've lost everything since I live by the sea. So, if you guys have other matches I would be glad to see them.
The entire rally was played in such a high level!!! I liked it very much!!!
It's difficult to find the words because they aren't good enough to describe the great experience of watching this movie...Today, it doesn't matter how different we are from each other, Roninho got us all together to celebrate the beauty of our favorite sport...volleyball...This is great, thanks for everything...always...
I was waiting to have the oportunity to watch this match, so thanks... Indeed, a fantastic moment on Stokr's career...
Sesi really deserved to be brazilian champion, it was the team with the best perfomance during all the championship and it had two players in their best moments, Wallace and Murilo Great news for Murilo today...his wife, Jaqueline is pregnant, congratulations to the couple!!! Obrigado pelo video, Renan, está muito bom...
Lucas Saatkamp il y a 13 ans +1
Great movie, once again, thanks a lot!!! When Lucão was a young boy, he used to play basketball. Then, he won a scholarship to play volleyball and decided to give it a chance...Great decision for him and even better for brazilian volleyball... He has a perfect timing playing with Bruno...this is due to the years they played together on Cimed.
Dante Amaral (4th movie) il y a 13 ans 0
Não vejo problema com seu ingles...o importante é se comunicar...
Fantastic work!! Saving the best for last... PS: the baby's smile on the beginning broke my heart...what a lucky of my favorite things is the children's "invasion" in the end of the matches
Dante Amaral (4th movie) il y a 13 ans +1
Dante was born to play volleyball...he's so talented that everything seems to be very easy for him to do it. He started on Brazil's NT very young, in 1999, as opposite. Who could imagine what an amazing player was that boy from the city of Itumbiara?? I just loved this video!! Thanks a lot!!!
Rodrigo Santana (Rodrigao) il y a 13 ans 0
Besides all the great qualities as a middle-blocker, Rodrigão is a "silent" leader, very important to Brazil's NT on the last 10 years. Two movies about brazilian players on the same week...thank you very much!!!
Bas van der Goor nice action il y a 13 ans +2
That dutch team was fantastic!!! Bas Van de Gor was a complete and inteligent player, one of the best MB ever...I liked this movie...
Bruno Rezende tip il y a 13 ans +1
Masterpiece...I love this kind of actions!!
Bruno Rezende il y a 13 ans +2
Definitely the best movie from Nightfox so far and one of the best of this website...I think it's the first movie here with a song in portuguese...thanks a lot!!! Bruno deserves all the good things that are happening on his life right now, he's a guy who believes in hard work, a true example to all brazilians.
Murilo Endres funny attack il y a 13 ans +1
So, congratulations to you, Oli... and of course congratulations to Murilo!!!

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