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Both matches were great, congratulations to Volei Futuro that have started the season in a very poor condition and showed its power of reaction even under a lot of pressure ( they almost didn't classified for the play-offs). For Cimed, a big frustration for leaving the championship so soon...
Volleyball mistakes il y a 13 ans +3
Very nice, different from all we've seen here!!! Volleyball can be so cruel...
Single blocks il y a 13 ans +3
I've watched the movie twice... It's pretty good!! Whenever I see a single block I think of Murilo...he's an excelent blocker with "only" 1,90m
The masters of pipe il y a 13 ans +1
Great!!! Beautiful, beautiful!!! 10 for NightFox and the video... Giba's great attacks are on everyone's mind...
I liked it so much!!! Thanks for finding the video for us, Roninho!!! All the emotions of those days came back to my mind...I'm happy right now...
Clayton Stanley funny serve il y a 13 ans 0
I remember that on this same match we also saw the most perfect serve of the last WCH... Stanley did it too...of course
Boyan Yordanov (2nd movie) il y a 13 ans +2
Thanks, NightFox... take your time...
Luigi Mastrangelo il y a 13 ans +2
Great Gigi Mastrangelo... he plays with such an incredible enthusiasm, I think that's what makes him look younger, besides his great physical condition of course... Quite an example for the men on their 30's...
You guys love headshots...
Just amazing!!! Good that Skra got the point... I feel disappointed whenever I see such kind of effort from a player and in the end the team doesn't get the point.
Ivan Zaytsev great actions il y a 13 ans +2
Bravo Zaytsev!!! He left the bench to change the story of that must have the guts to do it!!! I admire a player with such attitude...
Boyan Yordanov (2nd movie) il y a 13 ans 0
Very nice movie!! Someone told me once left handed players were a treasure... I can only agree with this person... Nightfox, everyone asks videos for you, so, I'll ask too: it would be nice to see a video about Bruno Rezende... you or any other movie creator could think about it. Please....
Paweł Zagumny funny serve il y a 13 ans 0
Oh, my God... it can happen to anyone... I'm relieved to see that...
Amazing video, congratulations!! I give you 5 !!! I hope we see great videos about the finals as well
Nikola Grbić il y a 13 ans 0
Fantastic video!! Nicola Grbic is one of the best setters I've ever seen playing, together with Ricardinho, Mauricio, Ball, Blangé and Zagummny. Music is beautiful, I would like to know the title of the song...
What a nice movie!!! The song, the images... this player... It's always a pleasure to see him on court... Juntorena is pure adrenalin
Brazil - Bulgaria (SET4) il y a 13 ans +1
Henrique, você me desculpe, mas eu devo discordar de você, cara... Cada um tem o direito de expressar sua opinião, e eu concordo com o Renan, naquele jogo o Brasil teve inumeras dificuldades e a Bulgaria jogou melhor, mereceu vencer. Não acho que ninguem aqui necessite de aprovação, quanto menos o Renan, que não liga pra nada disso
Vladimir Nikolov headshot il y a 13 ans +5
Oh, poor Wlazly!! I wonder " how many Nikolovs" he saw after the headshot...
He's a skilful player, this is important for a middle blocker.
No, THANK YOU!!! People who love volleyball ( like me ) is glad to have you around... Keep up the good work!!!

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