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No Matteo Martino?
Zyta, did any team win many titles without at least two or three best in world players? Name one ?
Dobro video, Tysia :)
I haven't seen that with Serbian NT
Nightfox, may be I can see things you can't ( whether real or not) especially if you haven't noticed his development in Piacenza. About blocks, all passes for Aleksiev are high balls and quite predictably set to him, like the passes Matey got the first set against Macerata and scored 0 points Champion, cool down the emotions here, please. We are trying to reason on the topic / Don't want to offend you or the other people in the discussion/
Poor players who take the shot
So, Aleksiev can spike 90% of all attempts vs double and triple Russian block /Muserskou, Khtey, Mikhaylov, Apalikov/ and get over 50% efficiency in attack and he is nothing special, But Matey can use three times in a row drop balls scared of the block and he is the best? You are Matey freak :D
Strongest nerves is their national quality, Zyta
I hope we will play with the B team in the group stage of the World League, I want to see Alexandrov and Ragin in the games
Nightfox, what you say is not based on analysis - neither on Bulgarian game for the last two years, nor from the players games in their clubs. Bulgaria didn't take the medals in 2010 and 2011 because of lack of leadership from Kaziyski and Nikolov, who played cowardly in critical moments. Two prime examples: Bulgaria - Cuba WCH 2010 - Nikolov wasted 4 match-points in the fourth set with drop - balls Bulgaria - Slovakia ECH 2011 - the first two sets we had set points, on serve were Kaziyski and Nikolov who served without any power and no risk. Slovakia took their chances without fear and won those sets. Skrimov and Kaziyski wasted match-points in the 5th set. Lack of leadership is the problem, not Zhekov's "limitations" / how much skill is needed when playing with Kaziyski and Nikolov ?! / or the consistent Aleksiev's underperforming / there are bench players in case our coaches doesn't know that// Lack of leadership and fear. Unfortunately Matey started to show cowardliness in Trentino too, when he lost the second or the third set against Zenit /three balls in a row vs Russian block, three drop - balls/. I get the feeling our leaders are not motivated enough when playing for Bulgaria, especially Kaziyski before the match with Poland on ECH2011. I havent seen Zhekov playing without heart for Bulgaria, may be because he is not a star or because for him Bulgaria means something more than for the other big players
Mitar Djuric (2nd movie) il y a 12 ans -4
It is not mine, I found it on youtube :)
GMCNetwork > Social network
Bratoev reception is his strong, not weak part lately, of course if you judge by the way he receives in A2
All of the "experts", look footage of play of Juantorena or Nikolov before Trento and compare with the play afterwords. Yoiu have to be blind not to see what is he doing with the boys in his team. See Sokolov in Marek and in Trentino, see Stokr, see Birarelli, see Sala's serve.I never said he is brilliant tactician, but he is still great as coach and remind you - statistically is impossible for bad coach to have such long series of wins no matter of luck and players. You all argue with mathematics, which is quite laughable, I would say.
Champion, I havent' said that I trust Aleksiev, I just dream he can play the same way in the NT, like all coaches who trust him - Stoev, Prandi, Stoychev, Konstantinov
Zyta, yes, three matches were important :

Yugra - Belogorie 3:1
Belogorie - Yugra 2:3
Yugra - Zenit 2:3

Великолепный матч в целом и партию в частности проводит Тодор Алексиев – он с завидным постоянством укладывает мячи в площадку с отведенного приема на тройном блоке. А если и ошибается, то совсем уж в безвыходных ситуациях. Вот и здесь удар Алексиева по линии сравнивает счет (11:11), затем передача загоняет его под тройной блок, но в следующем розыгрыше он снова на высоте – и снова на тройном блоке
You gave impression how much you understand what Stoychev is doing in Trentino. He doesn't succeed because he has bunch of great players, he makes the great players, which is the big difference with your favorite coach who I think is not that good. And I think it is quite arrogant from your side to neglect the wins of much more accomplished than you coach and to deal with his long series of tropheys as "accidents", "big players carrying him on their shoulders" and other pseudo-arguments. Arrogance masked as sarcasm is mark for mediocrity of the mind, not for extreme inteligence. The inteligent people try to be humble at least.
Plamen Konstantinoov is demonstrating how with Aleksiev and Todorov a weaker team can beat or play as equal to a much tronger team. Aleksiev has the quality to be big if he overcomes his mentality issues. Don't forget that this is his first season abroad in which he is leader of the team and they achieved something - historical win vs Belgorod /Gazprom didn't win one of the 12 matches with Belgorod before/ strong game vs Zenit, win vs Ural Ufa as gusests. In his previous season in Russia he was in weak team, later in Turkey he lost form and made some fails in important moments. This year he scores the important points. Against Ural Ufa he finished the tiebreak with an ace. The question is with this new confidence can he play the same way in the NT? If he can put insecurity aside he can become the most valuable player for Bulgaria. I remember after the first match vs Netherlands in WL2010 that Avital Selinger was impressed by him more than Kaziyski. Aleksiev had great WL2010 and WL2011 but crashed at the big events. It is extremely annoying to have player for whom you know he can do ten times better and he fails in every big event. About Zhekov, I don't agree he is the obstacle to our team. This is the only Bulgarian setter who doesn't distribute the ball in slow motion. Before him we couldn't win the medal matches. About struggling in Piacenza, this time is long gone, he is first setter since half season, the last match he had food poisoning.
Polish supporters make all this possible by backing the players financially and emotionally :)
Spiridonov was quite calm back in Varna. About Grankin, I didn't know he has so much guts, he looks like a doll with this classical greek profile :D

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