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Paweł Zagumny (3rd movie) il y a 12 ans -2
Pesazi, I will ask you too: Where is the place of Lloy Ball among setters?
Let's see: Omrcen, Savani, Kaziyski, Juantorena, Parodi, Stokr, Travica, Juric...
Not true, dyungflutsman, although they have the biggest number of players who can do such things :)
Paweł Zagumny (3rd movie) il y a 12 ans +1
If we translate Henrique's rating system - good setter = normal setter, excellent = very good, incredible = excellent. By saying Zagumny is normal setter he means he is good setter by our standards. Instead of getting angry that he thinks Zagumny is just a setter, look what he wrote about Kubiak and if you respect his authority, you can translate those words in our standards and be flattered.
Champions League 2011/2012 il y a 12 ans -5
I didn't think we are arguing. "Other players are tired too" was not an argument. I agreed with you that he doesn't show his best this season and needs some rest. About the toughest points, look what passes he got in Italian Cup final after bad reception and why exactly he had so low efficiency in attack. This is old style Trentino, Trentino gives much more responsibility to other players now and Matey doesn't score 30+ points since the match with Olympiacos as guests. Still spike by spike attempt he is loaded like Zaytsev in Roma, not like Savani in Macerata
Use dailymotion, don't spam the page
Champions League 2011/2012 il y a 12 ans -8
I see you got the amnesia. Back in the days when Trento were about average team with Andre Nascimento, Andre Heller, Stefan Hubner, Marco Meoni, Michal Winiarski, they achieved nothing. Zero, niente, nada. Out of the midst of Moscow, Radostin Stoychev and Matey Kaziyski came on Italian ground. Vladimir Nikolov flied from Japan where he was big. From Piacenza came Nikola Grbic. Trento won their first scudetto having no traditions at all. Later Vladimir Nikolov arrived in Cuneo along with Grbic and they became the second power in Serie A1. Winiarski went to Skra, Jauntorena came. Trento didn't stop winning cups and titles. In the beginning they had very simple strategy - Matey scoring the tough points or deciding the match with series of aces. When that became insufficient, the Dark Knight appeared with his serve. When that became insufficient, they started defending spikes, started loading the opposite position with tough points more often and crushed Cuneo. Now that is too insufficient, so what will be next? Whatever is it, Trento would win nothing without Radostin and Matey and much less without Nikolov, Grbic or Juantorena. This is the best team in the world. Other teams can only dream about to capture the contracts of Osmany or Matey. They are nothing special, right?

Paweł Zagumny (3rd movie) il y a 12 ans -1
HCLT, what about Lloy Ball, you never speak about him. Where is he in the rang list?
Hector Soto Mayor: I can jump over you, while you jump :D
Piotr Nowakowski: Look, I jump and spike so high! Dmitriy Muserskiy: I can spike as high without jumping Teodor Todorov: I can block as high as you spike Michael Jordan: Keep talking, bitches :D
Champions League 2011/2012 il y a 12 ans -5
Zyta is right about the need of Matey to rest. I don't compare him to other players, more or less heavy loaded with matches, because first it is irelevant from rational point of view - if he is tired, someone else's freshnes is not an argument not to give him a rest, and second - he gets the toughest points and spikes hard, which is much more tiring than low block-defense oriented technical spikes of normal spikers.

If Matey Kaziyski is the God of volleyball, Zyta is an atheist, screaming "I don't believe in you" in his face, wearing copper armour in the middle of great lightning storm ?
Thank you Revan, there is a man who appreciates my efforts :)
Champions League 2011/2012 il y a 12 ans -1
You count for us ?
I was referring both, Kk15, didn't write it clear ?
Champions League 2011/2012 il y a 12 ans -1
Go, vote for Andre Meyers who ruins club volleyball after national
All the credits for serving go 100% for Rado, even for Juantorena, for everybody, who saw him playing before 2009
Another quality movie from you, baboun :) Could you make video for Todor Skrimov? It will be greatly appreciated by all Bulgarian fans and some Polish :)
Yes, I hope he will be in good shape this year :)
Champions League 2011/2012 il y a 12 ans 0
Best server was Burgsthaler in the Cup final if you ask me ? Junatorena 20-1-1, Kaziyski 19-1-1, Burgsthaler 21 - 0 - 2

About Statistics, Trentino didn't play at their max in Champions League except vs Kozle

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