
Iran - Germany (World League 2013, 1st match)

massihg 2013-07-13 • 2830 megtekintés • 3
Germany’s loss brings a fresh breath to the Russians, who secure their second place spot in group B. As a result, Germany lost a chance to appear in Mar Del Plata for the Finals at the expense of Russia. Iran won all sets! From first point, the match Iran played great volleyball. By including young players in Iran’s team, Julio Velasco led his team to high level. The best player was Amir Ghafour, who gained 15 points had notable role in success of his team by his sharp spikes and Mousavi, player number 6 with 9 points in spike was second player of Iran team. Christian Fromm scored 11 points to be the best player of for his team. After the match at the press conference coach of Germany team Heynen Vital remarked: "First of all congratulations to Iran team. In my opinion they performed their best game . As my captain said we were not in the game. It was like that only the Iranian team were in the court. Before the match I had estimated that the match would have a 3:0 result. And perhaps we or Iran would get it. Our team is very young. We lost but we performed a good game".

#Germany #Iran #WorldLeague2013

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3 hozzászólásai

javadIR 31 2
10 évvel ezelőtt
Ghafour >>>service Mousavi>>>block >>> IRAN WINS Marouf>>>set Davoodi>>>spike
massihgIRAuthor 32 2
10 évvel ezelőtt
They know they are underdogs, so they are trying real hard to achieve something out there.
reggie095PL 14 3
10 évvel ezelőtt
Iran is just fantastic, they play so finely.

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