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Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
Agree! Probably FIVB stats aren't bad, because the winner was Tille and honestly I apreciated him a lot.
But the end of the market is only for player of Italian League, right? Because both Trento and Roma "bought" a MB for a foreign League after the end of the market and they'll be able to play from the first they, aren't they?

@casamodena, I hope you realized that after Modena-Roma I'll ask you many many question about how we played ?
You'll be my inside-source ?
Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
I didn't check, because I've never seen in CEV stats numbers for the digs, so I think it's impossible to use the stats to judge the liberos... And now in "player stat" I found only the exc% of reception, not the positive%, so...

BTW for the 4 liberos in final4:
name exc% rec eff in rec
Bari 40,9% 0,44
Ignaczak 39,1% 0,34
Sokolov 36,4% 0,3
Rosic 28,7% 0,29

Dmitriy Muserskiy nice set 12 évvel ezelőtt +2
Very nice one! and he left him without any block!!! In a certain way I don't like when we are surprised because MB did smth like this good, because the fact the're MB not allowed them to set a ball! But this one was tough so he deserve a big compliments ;)
Dragan Travica is from Croatia, not from Serbia...
Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
If they had took in account the qualification matches, it would have be impossible for Mikhailov being the best scorer?

ok, it's better if I stop to poisoned my self =.=
I just feel terrible for Mastro and Sava ?

Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
Zaytsev 0,408 (counting only the ECh), Milijkovic 0,25, Muserky 0,14 O.o
As I said, Kurek has better stats. Of course I didn't check every one. May be Vadelaux or N'gapeth have even better stats.

@Anty-PZPS: of course it doesn't make any sense to count also the qualification round. Without that Savani has 0,443; Kurek without 1/8 has 0,518. So, Kurek deserve it. I've already said that before.

I also checked the stats for reception: I didn't find the positive%, only the exc%, and Kovacevic has 39.1%... And if you think that Zaystev - who isn't the best receiver ever - has 48,85% of perfect reception, you'll see that probably they could have found somone else (I'm not saying Zaystev)

And about the best spiker...

Sorry for Mikhailov, but Savani deserved it. in this 6 matches he had in the order: 64,3%, 66,7; 40; 66,7; 68,7; 73,9 (*__*), for an average of 63,33%.
Mikhailov: 50%, 48,6%, 64,7%, 64,7%, 56,7%, 51,6%, 67,7%, for an average of 55,7 (actually it's 56,55 if you do the maths... this is the CEV tot).

the more I check the stats, the more I'm disappointed...
For Igla too, of course.
Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
I think they seat around the table and chose the players. That can be in general a good idea, because stats aren't all, but it has to be judge very fairly.
I also didn't understand who they considerated, only player in "final4"?
because at the WCh the were awards for player that didn't reach the semifinal, like Tille, or the spanish best scorer (I don't rememebr who he is)... I thought it was the same for the ECh, even if it's normal that without matches for 8th-5th places the stats are in favour of who played more matches (that means, the semifinalist).
Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
Savani 20 errors in these six matches. His stats include also the qualification to the ECh, but you can't count that!
And for Kurek I didn't count the 1/8, where he did 8 errors and no ace. So, 18 errors in 5 match, not six because he didn't play vs Slovakia. And with a match less it's normal that you have less serve attempts... And even with a match less he scored the same number of ace of Sava, and 2 errors less. So he deserved it. If you count 1/8 it's different.

And I still think that Mastro (for my point of view) was more impressive than Sava in serving, thinking about italian players.

I'm not in love with CEV stats too, because they count all togheter the preliminary torunament and the ECh, so it's quite hard to compare the players.

bah, I'm don't like how they gave the award. Also Bari deserved it less than Igla.

I don't actually know where Cester will play...
About the others, it means they can play from the 4th official match (included).
About Martino I didn't realized he can't play from the first match... may be it's different because it's on loan? I didn't read nothing about that, I don't know...
casamodena surely knows it.
Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 évvel ezelőtt +2
I'm checking the stats (now the database stop working=.=)

For the serve I checked Savani and Kurek. And Mastro, that for me was great in serve.

According to the stats Kurek deserved it. He has 0,518 ace/set (9 aces, 18 errors, 68 serves) (not counting the 1/8 - fortunally for him, because he did 8 errors an no ace xD - and considering he didn't play vs Slovakia in the pool). While Savani did 0,443 (9 aces, 20 errors, 76 serves. In the final 1 ace, 5 errors). Mastro had only 0,31 ace/set, but 8 aces, 17 errors, 99 (! he did a lot of long serve runs) serves.

For the block... Well, I love Podrascanin, he is in my "dream team" xD, but... Stats in the hands MASTRO should have taken that awards with not the shadow of a doubt. Even Stankovic deserved it more than Podrascanin.

Podrascanin: 13 blocks; 0.59 block/set. In the 1/4 2 blocks, in the 1/2 3 blocks, in the final 4 blocks.

Mastro: 27 blocks (more than the double!!!!!!!!!), 1,245 block/set. In the 1/4 4 blocks, in the 1/2 3 blocks, in the final 4 blocks.

That is totally unfair!

I'll check the rest when it will work again...
Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 évvel ezelőtt +2
yes I realized that. What a shame.
But they were whistling us also during the anthem.

I have a great respect for serbian players, but their public sucks. I thought only in soccer, but I was sadly wrong.

And whistled also all Italy on the podium, not just Travica.
I can't imagine what they would have done if we won. Fortunally (or better, unfortunally xD) we will never know.
Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
@someone: I totally agree.
I was so sorry not to see Savani awarded ?
I think that if we would have won, he would have may be deserved even the MVP (he played great in all the matches exept vs France, and imo he played better than Milikovic this evening... 71% in attack *.*, yesterday 68% *.*)
But at least I hoped for the best spiker award...

I was also sorry about Mastro. But Podrascanin is in my "dream team" too, so I can stand with him winning the best blocker award?

About Bari, he did his best, and I'm very greateful about that, but he isn't the best...

Well, I would like to see the stats, I only found the one that include also the qualification to the ECh, and the fact that I found with Vermiglio in the list of the best setter told me that these stats are quite useless xD

Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
I was surprise too about the libero...
And about Kurek, in fact later I was thinking but "what did Kurek won? Best spiker? no, it was Mikhailov... best scorer? no, it was Mikhailov, again... best reception was Kovacevic... oh, yes, best server!"

btw, speaking about serve... for sure I won't forget Terzic aces xD
Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
And what about Serbian public whistleing to us after the italian anthem?

@proud, thanks for both comments ?
Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
And compliments to all the awarded!
Even if I would preferred seeing Sava and Mastro there more than Bari ?
Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 évvel ezelőtt +6
What can I say? ?
First of all, compliment to Serbia, that played great, intense, strong in serve and block, determinated. The best symbol of their strenght to me was the three italian pipes blocked: huge.

Of course I'm sorry because we lost the final, but I can't complain my guys, it was a tough match vs a great and determinate team. I'm still so proud of them, they lead Italy back to the podium after 6 years without any medal, with courage, hard work, sacrifice. We didn't lost the gold medal, we won the silver medal.
I have to thanks Mastro, because he was simply great, so important for this team in blocking, attacking, serving (and in the most important moments!), even defending. Evergreen. MVP of the team.
I hoped he could won the best blocker awards, unfortunally he didn't, but Podrascanin is my second favourite blocker after him, so..?

I have to thanks Sava, with his MB-attack%, with his courage, with his deterimination. Exept vs France, he couldn't have done better. He always hides his not perfect reception with blocks, aces, defense. Cold in the most important action. True capitain.
I'm sorry he didn't won any awards too.

I have to thanks Simo. Be back at the european after his terrible injury, and playing so well... I'm so sorry for that last ball when we were sooo close to the tie break. I'm afraid you won't be able to forget this moment, and I don't know what you were thinking when you decided to left that ball. I won't probably forget that moment too, but at the same time I won't forget you blocking Milijkovic twice, you smiling for your first opportunity to play longer than just for reception, your wonderful tip in that difficoult moment... you did so much for the team, seeing you again on court was amazing. I missed you! Welcome back!

I want to thanks GIOVI, that lead us to the quarter, and that this summer became a father and played for the first time in the NT. And did it well! And I have to thanks BARI, because he had the patient to wait, and did his best. I don't think his best is so high, but I did what he had too. I'm not so sure he deserved the award as best libero, I like Igla a lot, but I'm sure I worked a lot for playing at his best.

I want to thanks DRAGO, even if I think he can be more precise in setting (expecially for Mastro), he showed to be able of being lucid and concentrate in the most important moment, and he always contribuite with his carachters and with many points in blocking, "tipping", serving; I simply wonder when he and Birarelli will find a better "intesa" (?), because we need that. And I'm glad he won the prize of the best setter.

I want to thanks all the others, starting from Mika and Ivan, for who I'm sorry a bit because I'm sure he wanted to do more for the team; Buti and Birarelli, even if I would have kill him in the final xD; Maruotti, Sabbi, Boninfante, Barone for all the "behind the scenes" works.

I want to thanks our coach, that lead the team to the podium after so many years, and that always have the right word in the right moment. I want to thank him for trusting in this new Italy, for loving this guy and respecting them so much.
That was the most important match of your career, but the good things is: I'm sure you'll have many others oppostunities! If I have to find a difect in all the tournament and the training before it, is just leaving Birarelli on court today for so long.The coach that makes us dream.

Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 évvel ezelőtt +2
Compliments to Poland!! Now they really earnd the WC?
And expecially to Jarosz, that again showed he deserve to be trusted in the most important matches. Again he was so important for the team in the match for the bronze.

Russia really need to fix their phsycological problems. Wasting that potential... O.o
Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
Jarosz is so weird, he plays bad on normal match and well in the most important!
Usually it's the opposite, I have to compliment with this guy.

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