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Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
@fiore: thanks?

about the wild cards, first of all I think that it will be absolutly fair if they'll both go to European teams, because there will be three asiatc teams (and honestly that is defintly enough), and I don't see any team in America that deserve its more than European team (may be ww will have surprise in the South Am. Ch, but I think Argentina and Brazil will get the WC. And they deserve it like Cuba and USA). Not to speak about Africa...
And honestly the other continental championship are quite ridicoulous compared to the European one (with no offense), think that Brazil won always the SACh exept one time, when they didn't partecipate (Argentina won) (the second/third were almost always Argentina and Venezuela), and that only USA and Cuba have ever won the NORCECA. And that the SACh is between 6-7 team, the NORCECA 8 teams... We have x2.

If it will be only one... I'll say that Russia deserve it the most, but if Poland will beat them today it won't be unfair that Poland get it.

@saku: c'mon, it wasn't all just "two good serve at the end od the sets" ?

Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
Serbia was HUGE in this match.

I can't understand if it was out or touched, honestly.
MMay be Hobor could have call "contesa" (thumbs up...), considering the importance of the moment... But may be he was sure.

ps after all Poland will have to face Russia...

@raylight: I guess that Serbia after winning a match like that vs an opponents like that won't feel tired at all!! But may be Russia will suffer a bit both for the disappointment and for being tired, considering they don't even had the afternoon to rest...
Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
I was missing our serve *.*

We are defintly going to need it tomorrow...
Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
Serbia-Russia 1:0 !

@redman, I love it --> "The best vs the best or Miljkovic vs Mikhaylov" !!!
In my "dream team" they are my two opposite ?

Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
And now I know that tonight I'll go to sleep with a certain: in any case, tomorrow after 6 years Italy will be on the podiuuuuuuuum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guuuuys I'm so proud of youuuuu!!!

Tomorrow we will need to play even better, I will expect a bit more by Zaytsev and a defintly more from Birarelli. In general We can block more than this, but today I'm really glad for our serve!!

I expected smth more from Poland in general, btw Jarosz played better than usually, Igla was very good too, Modzoneck (sorry if misspelled!) was great, I expected smth more from Kurek, but as casamodena said may be Zygadlo could have used a bit more... but afterall doesn't see to me that Zygadlo didn't play well.

And at last, damn if I was waiting for that moment and damn if we deserve it!!!!!!


Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
guys, good luck to all the four semifinalist, but of course I hope Italy will won that match...
For us is, like someone said, and appointment to the history of italian volleyball...
Go guys, go! <3
See u later... when will have already known the result of Ita-Pol?
Simone Parodi 12 évvel ezelőtt +3
It's the day before ECh final... And I felt the necessity to watch the movies of italian players, starting from my favourite one! Watching these movies made me feel that... we can win it *.* C'moon guys!!!
Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
@saku, I agree.... @danteamaral, you're right about Jarosz but not about the rest imo.
btw, I'll be courious to see the bookmakers "opinions" ?
EuroVolley 2011 - Quarter-finals 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
Not to be rude, but I think that the wild card (btw, I read there are 2 wild cards...) have to go to one (or both?) the loosers of the semifinal...
Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
@kate, it's exactly my spirit?
Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 évvel ezelőtt +2
chrison, nothing it's impossible!

It could seem weird that an Italian is telling you to trust in your team, but I don't like at all when results are taking for garanted... In volleyball everything it's possible. Did someone expected in 2007 that Spain would have won? ?
Personally I think we are strong, but we have to play very well vs Poland and it's not obvious that we will manage to do it. And that may be won't even be enough to grab the victory, who knows?
Of course I trust my guys, I do think they can win this match, but one thing is saying "they CAN" (I think both Poland and Italy can), another is saying "they WILL" (may be it's possible to say that about Russia... but not about Italy, imo).

EuroVolley 2011 - Quarter-finals 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
Well, if you think that more than half of our first squad was seat on the bench or even in the tribun (Giovi didn't even have a number until AugoustxD) during the WCh... And that with that team we classificated 10th at the last ECh... ?

ps thanks for the "good luck", I wish enough good luck to Poland because I want to watch a thrilling match ;(, but not too much luck because obviously I want Italy to claim the final ?
EuroVolley 2011 - Quarter-finals 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
@kapitan_bomba: trust me, this semifinal will be very difficult for Italian too ?

EuroVolley 2011 - Quarter-finals 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
danteamaral, I agree with zver, don't be arrogant undervaluing our opponents, because our guys aren't.

They know that Poland is a strong team that fight well (even if in WL Poland played bad vs Italy). And both Ruciak and Kubiack had very good moments in the last matches; also bad moments, but Anastasi alternated them in a succesfull way.
And remember that Jarosz played well in the most important match of Poland in WL2011, when they won the bronze beating Argentina (that imo was stronger than Poland).

Never take smth for garanted, at this level everithing it's possible.

That doesn't mean that I don't trust in our guys, of course.
EuroVolley 2011 - Quarter-finals 12 évvel ezelőtt +4
@stalowiec: I absolutly didn't know that! thanks for explaining! BTW, Danmark... Uhm, I know that it's a good thing to spread volleyball all around Europe, but... I hope Danmark will build a team strong enough not to be ridicoulous... Austria out of the ECh with not even a set was enough -.-' Not to speak about the empty halls in Austria... yesterday at the quarter at 16.00 there was almost nobody=.=
And for that I have to say that I blame Italians a bit, because Innsbruk, expecially on Saturday and Sunday, it's like 1 hour far from Italy, and like 2 hours from Trento. And I expected Trentini to go there and support the NT, they don't even need to rent a room for the night, because with a match at 18.00 you can perfectly be at home before midnight... bah. I almost want to check the flight for Vienna for tomorrow morning xD
EuroVolley 2011 - Quarter-finals 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
thanks proud, I suspect that, but I don't agree... Think that in NORCECA with 8 teams they have matches to decided even who is 7th and who is 8th!!

@kate, I didn't watch the match (but I will!), btw I read that Russia was terrificant (in a good way, of course!! ?), so I'll add my compliments ?

Simone Parodi 12 évvel ezelőtt +2
yes!!! He made an half miracle *_*
EuroVolley 2011 - Quarter-finals 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
How do you calculate that you finished 6th?
And really, Poland will host both the WCh in 2014 and the ECh of 2013?? O.o

BTW, how about matches for the place from 5th to 8th?! There's nothing on the schedule...
Raphael second setter in NT ? 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
Really? He is already in Trento, I saw an inteview in the gym after the friendly match Trento-Verona.
Honestly I understand Trento, the PanAmericanGames aren't an important competition (I imagine is like the "Mediterran games" for us...), and the italian championship will start the next week end... Raphael seemes really pleased to be back in Trento, btw. But he also dreams about Olympics game...

ps: we both made a mess with these names xD

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