
Earvin N'Gapeth amazing action (France - Slovenia)

Wilfredo_is_Marshall 2015-10-19 • 5153 visualizzazioni • 1
Earvin N'Gapeth could not choose a more unconventional, yet exhilarating way to seal the final point of the EuroVolley 2015 gold medal match! One of the most eclectic players around, Ngapeth turned his back to the net and yet his 'no-look' spike went through the Slovenian block to get the party started in the French camp!

#EarvinNGapeth #France #Slovenia #EuropeanChampionships2015 #fantasticspike

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1 commento

KjeldhorIT 1059 17
8 anni fa
imho this attack is quite disrespectful for the opponents... no doubt about the show

TOP20 di July
