
Ivan Zaytsev in match Italy - Germany

ivolley 2013-06-11 • 4525 visualizzazioni • 10
The best actions of Ivan Zaytsev during the match against Germany of World League 2013. He played as spiker! That was 2nd match which was held at "Pala Ruffini" hall in Torino. Zaytsev scored 27 points in that match, including 1 point block and 1 point ace. He ended 25 of 51 attacks (49% of efficiency in attack). It made that Italy was more confident and they stayed focused and strong till the end (they were losing 0:2). The hosts dominated in block (16-9) and attack (49% - 44%). It was game for Italy, they have won it in the tie-break. In the first match Italy NT won all sets.

#IvanZaytsevTheTsar #Italy #WorldLeague2013

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Ivan Zaytsev

Ivan Zaytsev Italia

Data di nascita: 1988-10-02
Posizione: Opposto
Altezza: 204cm
Peso: 100kg
Schiacciata: 370cm
Muro: 355cm

10 commenti

SomeonePL 875 10
11 anni fa
Oh... I didn't know. He has got beautiful fiancée :) But as we see Ivan Zaytsev can play as a spiker very well. I think that in case of signing contract with Kurek he can be a spiker this season in Macerata. Also Łasko is getting old and in fact Zaytsev is the best spiker in Italy for now except him.
pearlIT 1003 11
11 anni fa
@Someone: nothing, Micha asked Berruto for a temporary break 'cause he's arranging his wedding. He told him he can join the team for the ECH in case Berruto needs him.
SomeonePL 875 10
11 anni fa
What's up with Łasko?
samuelekeBE 393 8
11 anni fa
Last action was very nice, great hight :)
Wilfredo_is_MarshallRS 4186 20
11 anni fa
hanes233. I have many favorite players and for now he is my favorite, it might change in the future. Their are sooo many great players in the volleyball world that it is hard to choose just on favorite ome.
eRKaPL 861 11
11 anni fa
I really like this 'camera from behind' shots. the sound is also great, but this slow motion is senseless ;) great clip.
hanes233EE 987 5
11 anni fa
Hahahahaha, nice one vtnklmdc :D
vtnklmdcPL 686 14
11 anni fa
true loyalty to your best player is like a loyalty to your girlfriend :D
hanes233EE 987 5
11 anni fa
Yeah, he is amazing, but you change your favourite players more often than socks, be loyal to someone already. Also your comment has no point, how does it make me smarter or begin a discussion, the page would be pointless if al we would see is :"My Favourite player!", "WOOOOW", "GOOD!" Get it? It is not intresting to read and nobody gives a fu*k, peace.
Wilfredo_is_MarshallRS 4186 20
11 anni fa
My favorite player!

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