
Kioene Padova – Gas Sales Bluenergy Piacenza (highlights)

PallavoloPadova 2020-09-21 • 2093 visualizzazioni • 6
Le immagini salienti della sfida Kioene Padova – Gas Sales Bluenergy Piacenza 3-1 del 20/09/2020:

Campionato italiano di pallavolo maschile – Ottavi di finale Del Monte Coppa Italia 2020/21.

#Italy #KioenePadova #GasSalesBluenergyPiacenza #ItalianCup202021 #Highlights

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6 commenti

jaisSI 205 8
3 anni fa

Expected more from Piacenza...what went wrong?

S…k 717 16
3 anni fa

@jais A lot of good players, but I guess still some collective work to do. It could be a very good team with Grozer, Clévenot, Russell...

jaisSI 205 8
3 anni fa

@Sherlock I hope they will step up their game, it would be interesting to see them fight against the great four (Lube, Trentino, Modena, Perugia).

S…k 717 16
3 anni fa

@jais Yeah it would be nice to move a little this Big Four, even though Modena looks a bit weaker this year. I think Milano and Piacenza can maybe approach them.

jaisSI 205 8
3 anni fa

@Sherlock you're right. Maybe the big four willl transform in a big three, due to weaker Modena. Seems like a very interesting league with a lot of equally strong teams. Fun fun fun :)

S…k 717 16
3 anni fa

@jais Absolutely ! I missed the sunday evenings watching the big matches of Italian Superlega

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