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The Bulgarian part of Trentino

Sllaveq 2011-12-26 • 7220 visualizzazioni • 95
Pronostica i punteggi della pallavoloSei alla ricerca di emozioni di pallavolo?Pronostica i punteggi della pallavoloPronostica i punteggi della pallavolo
Sei alla ricerca di emozioni di pallavolo?Pronostica i punteggi della pallavolo

95 commenti

alexanderIT 7 1
10 anni fa
Trentino is the best.Where the best players are members. Including osmany juantorena
SllaveqBGAuthor 790 10
12 anni fa
nickelbackBG 14 1
12 anni fa
The music is great! Can you upload it somewhere?
Fadhel AbbasBH 1513 14
12 anni fa
Job well done I like everything in the video
fabi3AT 124 3
12 anni fa
i like this music :)
raylightBG 3006 15
12 anni fa
I need to make it from other PC or to change my IP and to be careful never to log into gmail or youtube from the new IP with old account
hanes233EE 987 5
12 anni fa
But why wont you make another account?
raylightBG 3006 15
12 anni fa
The next uploader should know that only Russian TV is safe now
proudBG 722 9
12 anni fa
@raylight - Same with me,because of Sky :(
raylightBG 3006 15
12 anni fa
Nightfox, I uploaded Bulgaria - Poland ECH 2011 from BNT tv rip and the Milano based company that owns the rights filled formal complain to youtube.
NightFoxBG 1457 14
12 anni fa
True he's huge ... OK I'm calling my friend Mariusz Pudzianowski from Poland once again. I think he can protect you from Simon :D
HCLTBR 331 6
12 anni fa
And if Simon decides to go there with his Italian wife to watch the matches? Have you ever been close to him? That guy is huge. I bet he could kick Chuck Norris’ ass easily. ;-)
NightFoxBG 1457 14
12 anni fa
Yeah, but in Europe the Matey freaks are more and they will protect you. DON"T WORRY !
HCLTBR 331 6
12 anni fa
NightFox, I’ll hire four or five guys to walk around with that shirt. I’m afraid Simon freaks can get really angry, or Simon himself. You don’t wanna mess with Simon, do you?
NightFoxBG 1457 14
12 anni fa
Henrique, I hope you will fulfill your promise or the Matey freaks would declare a price for your head and you'll not be able to see how Brazil are taking the Olympic title (hope not xD)... ray - why you can't upload anymore matches in the tube ?
raylightBG 3006 15
12 anni fa
Henrique, I can upload up to 500 MB per week in Vimeo, I can't upload full matches in Youtube anymore. I was considering to make video for Cameroon, but I need more than one game, with USA for example will be good start
HCLTBR 331 6
12 anni fa
Pearl, it’s serious. Cameroon rules! They’re gonna dominate vball like not even Brazil or Italy have done. Raylight, please, upload this match ASAP. I promise when in London for the Olympics I’ll wear a shirt saying: “Sorry Simon, but Matey is the best”.
pearlIT 1003 11
12 anni fa
HCLT: I'm afraid i missed some of your previuos comments, mate :o But I noticed that you name Cameroon very often! Can you explain me (in short) the reason why? And, most important, are you serious or are you joking?? :)
raylightBG 3006 15
12 anni fa
I was considering that actually, but there is only Russia - Cameroon available
HCLTBR 331 6
12 anni fa
Hey movie makers, could you make a video about Cameroon?
raylightBG 3006 15
12 anni fa
tysiaPL 579 11
12 anni fa
nice song for game hehe:) builds tension :D
proudBG 722 9
12 anni fa
Even the laola commentator noticed it,he laughed and said it was an interesting choice of music :D
tysiaPL 579 11
12 anni fa
@proud; I know of was aired on the match and I wonder why the "Godfather" is related to the volleyball? why it's lets go of the matches
proudBG 722 9
12 anni fa
@pearl - I just remember thinking during the time-outs "Is he threatening them with the mafia if they don't win or is he trying to make them think they're merciless like Don Corleone and give them courage"? :D
pearlIT 1003 11
12 anni fa
@proud: "Was the DJ trying to stress out Italy's players? "...mmm...considering how that match ended, he (the DJ) succeeded :D
proudBG 722 9
12 anni fa
@tysia - well,yeah,ninth in volleyball is WAY BETTER than 66th in football :D The atmosphere definitely helped,everyone said after the game,that it was like we were hosts :D I know Poland needed us to win,so they could get further,but it was still very nice of them to root so loud for our guys :) Btw,was that the game where the theme music from "The Godfather" was played during the time-outs? :D Was the DJ trying to stress out Italy's players? :P
NightFoxBG 1457 14
12 anni fa
Salparov - ending career ? com'on he's is still 29 years ... liberos are playing to 40 :) . He will leave CSKA in the end of the season to go in bigger club. He stayed in CSKA because he was very seriously injured and he needed recovery so that's why no body offered him a contract.
tysiaPL 579 11
12 anni fa
och sorry again hehe:)
pearlIT 1003 11
12 anni fa
tysia: :D
tysiaPL 579 11
12 anni fa
@pearl:yes yes, I wonder which add sorry :)
pearlIT 1003 11
12 anni fa
tysia: OT - why are you constantly changing your avatar?? You know i notice such things :D :D
tysiaPL 579 11
12 anni fa
@proud: yes? really? I didn't know but 66 isn't a good place hehe:D Bułgaria in addition to in the volleyball is good? basketball, tenis, rugby so this is really beauty I don't know that the atmosphere helped the Bulgarian players, but good that they won:)
OverlookPL 280 5
12 anni fa
Ok, thanks for good news.
proudBG 722 9
12 anni fa
@tysia - Your national football team is 18(!!!!!!!!!) spots in front of ours in the world rankling (I just checked ? )hahaha So don't you dare complain! ? ? ?
Yes,I remember Bulgaria - Italy match fondly ? That was nice - ?
@Overlook - I don't think he wants to end his career there.He was probably hoping that he'll get a contract after the last national season,but since he couldn't participate,he stayed in CSKA,because no other club would have waited for him to get better(and still not at a 100%)more than halfway through the season... Hopefully next year ?
OverlookPL 280 5
12 anni fa
So maybe I change this sad subject my question to Bulgarian users:) Salparov’ll end his carrier in CSKA or he wants to play in foreigner club again? Do you know something about his plans?
tysiaPL 579 11
12 anni fa
@NightFox: wow, that's no normal What's happening in our country, why are so many scams
tysiaPL 579 11
12 anni fa
@proud:hehe:) we are glad that you enjoy with us :) but still in Poland football plays a greater role and it's far far away the ranking ( of course) is some misunderstanding Poles go to the matches, not only when team wins, but also when it loses I remember a match in the WL Italy Bulgaria when it was up and whether Poland will continue to play How many Poles were then to match Tickets must be ordered well in advance This is amazing
proudBG 722 9
12 anni fa
I'm not corrupted :D So,one day,when I'm president there's hope! :D
SllaveqBGAuthor 790 10
12 anni fa
Now this is getting too serious and we're offtopic now.. You liked the video, I understand, thank you. :D
NightFoxBG 1457 14
12 anni fa
Every part of Bulgaria is corrupted - the football, the vball, the bball the mma federation, kick boxing federation, our government, our customs, our police ... almost everything you can imagine.
proudBG 722 9
12 anni fa
@tysia - I was kidding :D I'm happy things are going so great in Poland.What's happening in your country is insanely important for volleyball fans in Europe,whether we realize it or not :D
SllaveqBGAuthor 790 10
12 anni fa
our whole federation seems to be corrupted..
tysiaPL 579 11
12 anni fa
@proud: sorry, that broke your mood @champion: I didn't know that in Bulgaria they are people corruption in volleyball
proudBG 722 9
12 anni fa
@samueleke - hehe,thanks :D @tysia - "in Poland is fight sponsors to advertise through a volleyball" - well,if I wasn't depressed last night,I am now... :D
samuelekeBE 393 8
12 anni fa
Trentino without Bulgarians ?? NO WAY!! ;)
tysiaPL 579 11
12 anni fa
yes, yes I understand in Poland is fight sponsors to advertise through a volleyball one question: how to find in Bulgaria as sponsors? :)
NightFoxBG 1457 14
12 anni fa
tysia, they're leaving Bulgarian clubs because there are no sponsors in Bulgaria and there no money for salaries ... even in CSKA which are playing 4 season in a row in CL. Do you think that if polish clubs were poor and without sponsors someone of the polish players would stay - no of course. Because that's their job and they have to feed their families.
proudBG 722 9
12 anni fa
Shakespeare's language... :D I wish I had come up with it :D
SllaveqBGAuthor 790 10
12 anni fa
ghhahahhahaha diarrhea of the mouth.. :D:D:D Аз му викам словестно излеяние, но ето че имало и по - цветущ израз..

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