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University in France
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Urnaut might leave Trentino, Drzyzga near exit door of Resovia.
Po 9 latach z klubem żegna się Krzysiek Ignaczak. Nie trzeba być kibicem Rzeszowa, aby zauważyć jak dużo znaczył dla niego ten klub. W pewnym sensie kończy się jakaś era, bo niewielki procent kibiców pamięta Igłę w innej koszulce, niż pasiaku. Takie mocne odejścia, a tak naprawdę to dopiero początek transferowej karuzeli. Wciąż nie wiadomo, czy rozstanie z Resovią będzie również pożegnaniem się z czynną siatkówką.
@nyshek: already added 8 hours ago
It was already known that Modena coach is leaving and that Tillie is one of the options for replacement. Also that Le Roux and Tonuitti might go to Modena. If this happens it will be good for the French NT, wow just imagine Ben, Kevin, Earvin, and Laurent all together !
@Misteryo: Ben is also staying in Zaksa, no?
@nyshek: yeah to me he was too inconsistent and could improve he defense in the back row
@zver: Yeah its takes a lot of time too ? I usually make final match highlights or match highlights in general, but player highlights are harder and this guy does multiple player highlights and they all play in different leagues ! Impressive!
Man how do you have time to watch a single player in multiple matches and then to make 1 video, thats crazy! Because you did it for Polish league, Brazilian League, and Italian !
@johnson123: BadTrue = Bad Truth = Untrue. Username says it all ? Just kidding, yeah I agree with you source is important
Poletaev will be loaned to different club
Pankov leaves Dynamo and joins Kuzbass
@IvanPerovic: a ok, cool hvala
@IvanPerovic: Yeah he replied to the media and he is it just rumors
U zadnjoj akciji da li se Opacic povredio? Isto dali znas mozda koliko visko je Dusan?
Cool, hvala !
Da li mozda imas neke highlights od 15/16 sezone?
Mateusz Bieniek to Zaksa. Source: sportowefaktyEDIT: WHOEVER MINUSED ME HERE IS PROOF:
@Milena_Alves: yeah its hard with Matt and Leon

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