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University in France
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The reason of leaving the European champions is very simple – he wants to play more! In the next season, Spiridonov will play in Yenisey.
@Kjeldhor: Mitar played surprisingly well then for being injured! What did Lanza injure, his back?
@Niamek: Thanks! ?

@Niamek: I think Lanza is better than Antonov. During Italian NT matches, Lanza was starting over Antonov and moreover, Lanza is also the captain. He back row defense is better and I think he deals with high pressure situations better than Antonov.

As for the Lube prediction, yeah I was cool to see that I was correct, I just had a feeling. I guessed 3-1 for the final of the Prediction game, and it could've been 3-1! If I got that correct, I would've gotten 3rd place in the game, and I would be only 1 out of 2 users that guessed Tretinos victory, but unfortunately this did not happen. If it did, I would have celebrated haha ?
@Niamek: Tretino was so close. I wanted the underdogs to win. I think Antonov and Bratoev were the reason Trentino lost. The pressure was getting to both of them. Stoychev should've started Lanza instead of Antonov and not sub in Bratoev for serving!!! Bratoev was too nervous!! >:I
@Niamek: Very cool post on Trentino Facebook page:

“March 27, 2011 - precisely, in "his" city of Bolzano, and in the only previous final of Champions League played against Trento and Kazan - Simone Giannelli was also among the more than 7,000 spectators who saw Trentino Volley triumph to victory for a thrid consecutive time. He was 14 at the time, he only played one year with this team and had already won a youth Italian title (Boys League 2010)... I wonder if he would ever have imagined that 5 years and 20 days later, he himself would have to direct Trentino to attempt to win another Champions League title (also against Kazan). There are good stories that sport gives to those who believe ... because #itonlyhappenstothosewhobelieve”

It will be a perfect volleyball story for Giannelli if Trentino wins!
@Niamek: It will be a close game. Zenit played bad today, they were not on top of their game. Trentino will come out strong because they weren't in CL finals for a while, so they will all be pumped up. If Kazan can recover from the bad playing, they will win. Also, I think Trentino was saving Pippo for the finals, so he can greatly impact the game. Kazan is favorite to win, but Trentino is the fiery underdog, so it will definitely be a great match. I will take a risky guess and say 3-1 Trentino!

Ahh now that I think about it again, its really hard the predict. Kazan probably played bad because they were playing with the Resovia crowd against them. So tomorrow they may play great again.

Also, what I said about Lube a week ago, "You can have a bunch of great players, but if they can't play as a team they will not win the most important matches." turned out to be correct today. Even Juantorena said it himself! "It was like each of us wanted to decide the game with individual effort. But, it is not like this is this sport. Volleyball is a team game. Congratulations to Trento. At this moment, they simply have something more than us.”

What Trento has is that they can play really well together, but so does Kazan, the question is who will do it better on the big day!?
@Milena_Alves: I will try to find the video
@Milena_Alves: yes I know he was outside, but I think one match he wore a libero jersey
@KVOLLEY: He will play in Qatar
@KVOLLEY: No it doesn't matter to me where he plays, its his choice, I'm just trying to say that there is a small chance that he can still play in the Korean League. It's unlikely, but its possible.
@Milena_Alves: Does Winters even play or is he on the bench? I saw in one clip he was wearing libero jersey!
@KVOLLEY: But technically it is still possible because the full list wasn't released
@KVOLLEY: So Zaytsev can still be part of the 162 applicants, so there is a chance he can play in V-League, right?
@KVOLLEY: He can tryout and make it
@nyshek: exactly thats what I want to know to, I am pretty sure he is not a foreigner anymore
@Volleyball-Tube: all good players, but Belgorod is not as good as when they had Travica, Grozer, and Ilinykh.
@Volleyball-Tube: Belgorod is not that strong this year
@Tutu: What was the bald opposite shouting and showing with his hand?

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