
Bulgaria - Cuba (Highlights)

NightFox 2011-01-03 • 10681 weergaven • 70
Titel van het lied: 1) ?; 2) Apotheosis - Oh Fortuna (Excalibur Remix)
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70 reacties

Joel2718CA 426 7
13 jaar geleden
what about WL 2003 finals, Serbia vs. Brazil. I just watched that match... I think I will have to upload some parts to here :) Brazil won in 5... (16-25, 25-21, 25-19, 23-25, 29-31)
MichalPL 493 10
13 jaar geleden
Great movie, that was the best match at this tournament for me- so much drama. My 2 favourite teams facing eachother in such an important phase (moreover both played fair from the beginning). Nikolov once again proved there's no block he can't handle, Kaziyski proved there's no block he can't spike over, but Cubans proved they'd grown up mentally. Hah, a nawet się zabrałem ostatnio za robienie highlights z tego meczu, ale przez to, że Ulead mnie zawiódł (jak zawsze) to sobie odpuściłem. Chyba muszę znaleźć jakiś inny program, albo zostać przy WMM.
RachelBR 532 7
13 jaar geleden
Very good video, Nightfox!!! Congratulations!!! I didn't have the oportunity to watch this match, so now I know what I have lost I would include on the list of JRios, two matches that are unforgetable to me: Netherlands 3X2 Italy OG 96 and Brazil 3 X 2 Serbia WL 03
lukas9036PL 13 1
13 jaar geleden
great Video NightFox !! :)
RenanZBR 1538 15
13 jaar geleden
Very Nice NightFox. great Job !!!
JRiosCL 201 6
13 jaar geleden
Nice vid. This was the very best match in last WC. Some matches got in my memories, like USA 3 x 1 USSR in OG'88 (yep, most of you were not born yet!), Brazil 3 x 0 Netherlands in OG'92; Yugoslavia 3 x 0 Italy in the semis of OG'00; Brazil 3 x 2 Russia in WC'02; Brazil 3 x 2 France in WL'06; USA 3 x 2 Russia in OG'08; Brazil 3 x 2 Serbia in WL'09. This one is the newest match in my list.
MalboroPL 545 3
13 jaar geleden
Polaka reprezentacja była daleka od takiej gry:) Nagor z tego co mi wiadomo to w tym meczu nie grała jedna drużyna...
Joel2718CA 426 7
13 jaar geleden
poor alekseiv... he will never forget that moment. Cuba was hopeless... and then they received a gift.
scorpio111888PL 386 5
13 jaar geleden
co tu dużo pisać. Chłopaki dali ognia na boisku!
shinodaPL 121 3
13 jaar geleden
na podstawie tego filmiku widac jak wiele brakowalo naszej reprezentacji na tych mistrzostwach ...
Joachim7BE 321 4
13 jaar geleden
Waw what an incredible match with so much intensity! :o Respect for this two amazing teams!
camnowPL 380 4
13 jaar geleden
In my opinion i agree with Roninho, but the final match in between Cuba and Brazil make me creep :D
p…y 197 4
13 jaar geleden
Świetny mecz, obie drużyny zagrał bardzo dobrze i tak naprawdę do końca nie wiadomo było kto znajdzie się w finale.
RoninhoPL 758 13
13 jaar geleden
Yes. It was a very big mistake. Bulgaria had a lot of bad luck in the match and Cuba ended incredible action. One of the best matches of the championship. And exciting.
NightFoxBGAuthor 1457 14
13 jaar geleden
2:54 - The biggest mistake of the tournament and probebly our chance to get on the 1/2 final :( . That's one of the most dramatic matches I've ever seen .
NagorPL 1445 14
13 jaar geleden
Amazing match, amazing movie! Best match Ive ever seen! Co czyścił Hernandez, Cepeda i co wyporawiał Hierrezuelo to przechodzi ludzkie pojęcie, Raydel zrobił dwa asy flotem pod rząd w sam narożnik boiska, dosłownie identyczne zagrywki.

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