NT rosters

4 jaar geleden

Re: NT rosters. Some nations assemble a "wide roster" near the beginning of the year and then pick and choose from that list for individual tournaments. And never deviate from it. It could make sense for that  roster to be on the NT profile. But not all nations do that as far as I can tell. Some create rosters only for each tournament. We have those lists here. I think that's why it's set up the way it is.

sitenoiseUS 334
4 jaar geleden

Think of a nation who sends their U-squad or B-Team to the World Grand Champions Cup or Montreux because they don't care about it, but few to none of those players were at VNL that year. What would the NT profile roster look like? Don't get me wrong, I often look for, and want, a roster on an NT profile page and then think "Oh yeah, not here". It's a tough call but I think it makes sense the way it is

CehudoRU 32
4 jaar geleden

@sitenoise Im agree with you. I think it would be too complex. In last League of Nations, in russian women NT, there was different players in each week. And where in this main team? Who of them? So, if someone do such page, i really dont know how it would be look like.

S…k 717
4 jaar geleden

I totally agree, to make it clear we should have the list of players and next to each name, the tournament in which the player took part. Because they are not equal, there's a difference between playing VNL + Olympics + World Cup in the same year and playing only the Pan-American Games for example. And it goes even more complex with the VNL where all the players can change every week.

CehudoRU 32
4 jaar geleden

@Sherlock You totally wright. (My english is too weak and your version is much better.) ))

sitenoiseUS 334
4 jaar geleden

Which reminds me. I did this last year for Japan https://women.volleybox.net/fanclubs/discussion/japan-announces-2019-womens-national-team-1184 and think I'll do it right now for this year: create a news item for a wide roster announcement. It's nice to have a record of that. Better than filling out rosters for tournaments that don't exist yet (like, for example, putting Neriman on this year's VNL roster) LOL

S…k 717
4 jaar geleden

@sitenoise I'm discovering it, in France we don't do that at all.

Francesco OleniIT 12
4 jaar geleden

In international competitions you have a "large" list of players and from them you can pick the players for each weekend/day. Even in VNL there is a "large" list prepared at the beginning. I think also there are some restrictions (stricter in the future) about the players that you can use in a weekend. Just to made it simple... you can't go to a VNL weekend with 14 players and to the next one with other 14, because you can't register 28 players for the competition.


sitenoiseUS 334
4 jaar geleden

@Sherlock I think most countries don't do it. I once joked that the JVA Web site admin must have all the power. ThShe says "Okay, I'm going to make a web page for your wide roster once, and only once. NO Changes!" hahaha

S…k 717
4 jaar geleden

@FrancescoOleni Yeah I knew that for Nations League, this is a 21 players roster.

sitenoiseUS 334
4 jaar geleden

@FrancescoOleni I think FIVB is going to make it stricter in the future to prevent certain teams, especially Host teams, from sending toss away squads to some weekends and then playing A-Team for home matches. I like that about VNL though, seeing different squads and players throughout

DorienBE 61
4 jaar geleden

I was thinking the same that it’s very complex to create a NT roster, especially for countries that play a lot of tournaments. 
You would then have a roster with more than 30 players, for example or you always have to change the schedule per tournament. It is better to look it up on the internet if you want to know which players have been selected I think.

Nicolas OrozAR 6
4 jaar geleden

Yes I mean that. 
rooster national team 

Nicolas OrozAR 6
4 jaar geleden

im sorry for this, but was just an idea to improve and give a new view to the national teams, also in the national teams the put in the top rooster photo and all of them sometimes are not even in the list.

the web site today is one of the best, no doubt

Nicolas OrozAR 6
4 jaar geleden

also there can be a place were teams, player or staticians can put the statistics of the matches... a lot of coaches need that. thanks

sitenoiseUS 334
4 jaar geleden

@NICOLASOROZ  I would love it if we could add set scores and a link to stats for matches