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ops sorry I didn't read it's an highlight video, with a lot of cut it is defintly more enjoyable :P
I'm afraid 5 is too much for this match... Not such an high volleyball level unfortunally, at least by Rome, but if you are a fan of Zlatanov you've to watch it! Raylights, thanks a lot for the effort :D
I won't mind if you will ?
I don't know for how long we will be the best league, considering that they want to increase the number of teams in serieA1... We will see.
so sweet that Giani picked the Italian NT ?

I also noticed that Giuliani that is leading an excellent team didn't pick anyone from Macerata: I wonder if he chosed not to consider them from the biginning, or if actually have this preferences. And is funny to notice that he pick a lot of player from Cuneo xD

BTW, I guess that Henno and Exiga are the only two foreign liberos of the whole italian league for a very good reason ? I love them both, they are incredible, Henno is a great "reader", he has this ability of being in the right place at the right moment, and he is also a great setter; Exiga is so fast, so reactive, so enthusiastic!

I see that Raphael is very quotated, I understand them, honestly I've never understood why many people don't like him, often saying that he is only "high-ball-for-K-and-J-Raphael", but I like him a lot. Also because I find him to be very positive and smiling ?
But I agree with Zyta, where is De Cecco??!!

Juantorena is almost the dream ov every coach, but also Anderson and Savani are apreciated. I'm not surprised that Fefè picked Parodi (*.*), he loves him, he always made him a lot of compliments during the commentaries xD. I'm also happy to see that someone asked for Zaytsev ?
While nobody asked for Facu... few months later may be someone would have...

I'm not surprise to see that also Mastro is almost in every coach dream ? Him and Podrascanin are also my dream MB diagonal! Also Djuric has been quite apreciate, to confirm that Trento has a "long eye" in picking players. Very nice to see that Fei got 3 nominations as MB too!! But... Mengozzi??

About the opposite, it is enough various, nice to see that Sokolov is there too. I was a bit surprise that Fei "won", but in effect now Nikolov for example isn't playing as well as he was used to, Omrcen can be terryifc, but not always, Stokr the same... Klapwijc, interesting suggestion.

Wow! and with Cuneo winning after losing 2-0!! *.*
I can't wait for the highlights!

Trento losing vs Latina was a huge surprise to me, also because Latina wasn't playing well the last matches. Macerata almost risked not to take advantage of that, but eventually they got the first place (finally!), and they are Winter Champions ?
They'll face Roma at 1/8 of Italian Cup. I think that for Rome this is a good thing, at least the trasfert is shorter (and hotter) and we can always hope that it will be a bad serve-day for Macerata ?

Unfortunally I hardly doubt that we will able to offer a nice show vs Macerata, our serve right now is just :SSS Terrible! But we will have an anticipation Satturday the 14th, we will see.

Yesterday Roma lost 3-0 vs Padova playing almost as bad as vs Piacenza. Our serve is simply ridiculous, Zaytsev excluded. Unfortunally also Sabbi yesterday had a terrible day in serve. In attack he started quite bad but later he increased, I wasn't so sure that changing him for Bencz was a great idea, I don't know, Milan played enough well but... For example, of 3 blocks that Rome did (-.-), 2 were made by Sabbi only during the first set.
Because of our hilarious serve and because of Passier our block is a bit a joke (even if we touched a bit).
and lately also in attack we suck a bit ?
Paolucci played instead of Boninfante. He did better than Dante vs Piacenza, but still......
Dikachov in Latina
then, please pearl STOP watching M.Roma!!!!!!!!! ?PPP

ps raylight I added it too.. where did you find it? I had the clip form first hand by a friend that recorded it ? (elisewin form insidevolleyball)

Will you forgive me if I say that I found it and uploaded it on volleyball movies? ?
Amazing *.*

Roma lost 17-15 at tie break vs Monza ? But at least Sabbi was named MVP, and we are sure of qualification for 1/8 of the Italian Cup, even if there is a huge difference being 5th or 8th!

Today incredibl, incredible, fantastic rally at 28-27 of San Giustino- Vibo (1 set), I hope somebody recorded it because it was amazing. The commentator said it was the best rally of the 2011-12 Italian Championship so far *.*
Unfortunally San Giustino lost it and the set, but they did incredible digs, and I wasn't surprised to see they won 3-1, they were so determinate!

I watched part of Macerata Sisley, Sisley isn't very interesting, too much Fei-dependet, at least today.
I agree raylight! about Nikolov, that pearl named, he increased his level during the match but honestly he wasn't outstanding, while Zlato played an excellent match. I also apreciate a lot Marra.

pearl, I totally agree about the setter. About the opposite, for example vs Ravenna Bencz changed the match... I think he is a valid player, last year he was titoular for more than half season (Poey left the team) and did quite good. He is perfect to be a sub imo, but of course Sabbi is still immature so is like having two subs! But if that means giving a huge chance to increase to a young italian player (and an opposite!) full of pontential, I'm in ? I think it's worthy! Or better, it will be ? (I'm crossing my fingers!)
Absolutly different is the setter situation, both aren't young at all so there are no excuse like "ok I know he doesn't play so well some time, but I let him play to grow up"
I would have preferred a young and "grezzo" setter like Uriarte, (or even better Baranowicz or Falaschi) if that is what we got.... But honestly last year with Treviso I apreciate enough Boninfante, expecially for his determination, but now... =S

I also got that Mezzaroma doesn't have any will to spend more for the team: probably we won't hire a MB - and we really need one! - we didn't hire a good setter (but we spoke during the summer with Valerio, Ball, Grbic...), we didn't even look for people like Conte (or De Cecco, but Conte is a better example because he was in Italy the last season), we let Yosifov go, etc etc...
And I won't be surprised if Zaytsev will leave the team next year.
honestly my impression is they played quite well but nothing extraordinary, but Roma helped sooo much...
Voices of Simon in Piacenza!
Awful awful match by M.Roma.
no comments....
ps I noticed there are few pics of Arg-Ita of WC2011, where can I download the match? :D
Defintly not a coincidence that he won 3 "best setter" awards on 3 competition he took part :D He is really outstanding. Precise, creative, unpredictable, smart, fast, with an amazing gentle touch. And so complete!
I read only few minutes ago that Modena, FOURTH club of the italian championship (!), lost 3-0 (25-15, 30-28, 25-18) and 15-5 in Golden set vs A club from Lussemburgo... And it's out of Challenge Cup at 1/32 !!!!!! The worst result ever of an italian team in Challenge Cup.

Shame not simply because they lost (I don't want to disrispect the opponents team, even if it's quite obvious that the level is cmpletly different), but because - it seems quite obviuos to me - they (the coach? the society? also the players?) they WANTED to lose!

They played with: Carletti-Bellei, Casoli, Bisi, Soli, Bossi, Scopelliti, Castellani (Libero)
MEDEI on the bench!!!


shame shame shame.
Bagnoli is too good to play for this "little cups", how he called at the end of the last season CEV and Challenge Cup, when Modena was thinking about joining or not the competition. It seems clear that when they said "YES" they meant "NO", but I guess that in this way they wanted to prevent the penality for not joining it.

I'm totally upset about that.
Well, in Rome we have a place for a MB now that Bjelica is injuried... ?
(ok, I guess that everyone has a place for Simon even having already 4 MB all in great shape xD)

If that's true, I guess he won't go in Macerata, Trento (Birarelli can't be replaced by a foreign), Cuneo (as before, they need italian MBs)...
But in general I agree with Zyta.
And Macerata still has few problems in focusing from the first set.
BTW, it's enough normal imo that they sometimes have "schizofrenic performances", for e.g. Travica has never rested since... the Wagner Memorial?! And because he generally lack of precision, he need to be very focused not to lack on lucidity and distribuition. And without resting...? And is the same for Stankovic, Podrascanin, Savani (probably it isn't a coincidence that he rested for a week and half and he served like hell in the following two matches), Parodi... Even Exiga, because he played the qualification for the European Olympic qualification tournament in Bulgaria. And Pajenk too has never rested since the ECh (but he play less than the others I think). Also Omrcen played for Croatia in the pause, right?
So, I can't be surprised...

BTW, I agree with you about Parodi, pearl. I hope he'll back to his best shape asap!
@HCLT and lukasso, you wrote ineteresting comments about volleyball popoularity in USA, and it's insane to think that Americans didn't follow much vball in Beijing, considering they won like... 3 golds and 1 silver with 4 teams between outdoor and indoor?!

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