Sobre mim

Hi everyone, Welcome to my profile! I am near volleyball since 2009. Living in Kharkiv, Ukraine.

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Click on ‘Show more’

Actual result:

2021-06-22 0 2860 2740 1 min de leitura
Vitalii Latysh3 anos atrás 2740 0

What is for this empty block?

Suggestion: remove it

Team or player page:

/predictions, /transfers, /matches

2021-01-06 2 2530 2466 1 min de leitura
Vitalii Latysh3 anos atrás 2466 2

Awesome reply and forward abilities in chat will make the life of volleybox users joyful.

Suggestion: right-clicking → dropdown with ‘Reply’, ‘Forward’, ‘Select’, ‘Copy’, etc.

Hope it is in the backlog. My 100500+ voting points for this... Mostrar mais

2021-01-06 0 1848 1821 1 min de leitura
Vitalii Latysh3 anos atrás 1821 0

If my profile isn't pro or staff, why is it showing here? Seems it needs to be separated by roles. 

Suggestion: do not show this ('Looking for a job') settings for Fan users.

2021-01-06 1 2134 2121 1 min de leitura
Vitalii Latysh3 anos atrás 2121 1

Periodically, the word combinations ‘huge backlog', ‘prioritize backlog’, yada-yada, appeared. What if @Volleybox just let users prioritize the next features by voting on the site. 

Seems to me, showing your backlog to the community op... Mostrar mais

2021-01-06 26 3301 3294 1 min de leitura
Vitalii Latysh3 anos atrás 3294 26

As a user, I want to share some news, discussions, match, etc. from volleybox. I do not want to copy-paste the address. And for the mobile version in 2021, I have only Facebook and Twitter. 

Suggestion: add Instagram at least, popular ... Mostrar mais

2021-01-06 1 2453 2445 1 min de leitura
Vitalii Latysh3 anos atrás 2445 1

Is there a reason to show empty blocks?

Expected: show only if > 0 voters

2021-01-04 1 2163 2155 1 min de leitura
Vitalii Latysh3 anos atrás 2155 1


Tested on iPhone. 

. 1. Open any forum topic

2. Check the top menu (Volleybox > Forum > > …)

Actual: The menu is cropped and cannot be scrolled horizontally 

2020-12-30 0 2371 2361 1 min de leitura
Vitalii Latysh3 anos atrás 2361 0

Part of the name hidden under the time.

Expected: user name should be present fully, no overlapping with other elements

2020-12-17 1 2506 2482 1 min de leitura
Vitalii Latysh3 anos atrás 2482 1

Actual: the only checkbox is clickable. need to be a sniper to hit. Not comfortable to use if you want to select 5+, all the time you need to shot like CS:GO pro player.

Expected: all div should be clickable. After clicking on the div,... Mostrar mais

2020-12-14 8 2619 2612 1 min de leitura
Vitalii Latysh3 anos atrás 2612 8

The platform already has an arrow up and down icons. Looks pretty good + keep the style consistancy.

Reuse them for the forum instead of monstrous +, -.

2020-12-14 0 1751 1747 1 min de leitura
Vitalii Latysh3 anos atrás 1747 0

Imagine a newcomer on the platform - just exploring the menu. 

Magic numbers. She/he has only a short description - without example how to calculate it by itself. You know there are a lot of people who really care what the numbers you ... Mostrar mais

2020-12-14 20 2660 2656 1 min de leitura
Vitalii Latysh3 anos atrás 2656 20

There is a share button for all transfers. It is another subject: what is the reason to share all 2000+ transfers? More real case: if a user wants to share the particular transfer, she/he does not have such an option.

Expected: Ability... Mostrar mais

2020-12-14 4 2112 2109 1 min de leitura
Vitalii Latysh3 anos atrás 2109 4

I couldn't find such a topic before on the forum, but if you saw this topic before, please drop the link in the comments

Transfers for players exist. What about the transfers list for volleyball team staff members?

As a variant,  the fi... Mostrar mais

2020-12-14 1 1962 1957 1 min de leitura
Vitalii Latysh3 anos atrás 1957 1

The concern is about incorrect setting values for nationality and second (sport) nationality fields AND showing player sport nationality icon.

Open the profile:

Nataliya Goncharova h... Mostrar mais

2020-12-13 5 1996 1983 1 min de leitura
Vitalii Latysh3 anos atrás 1983 5

Why is naming ‘Second’? It is sport nationality. Notice: the value just was set wrong.

2020-12-12 6 2280 2276 1 min de leitura
Vitalii Latysh3 anos atrás 2276 6

Looks like there should be the total number, but it seems calculated in the wrong way.

2020-12-12 20 2587 2587 1 min de leitura
Vitalii Latysh3 anos atrás 2587 20

Let the video frame be bigger - for the whole width. There is no need to have so much empty space.

2020-12-11 15 2214 2204 1 min de leitura
Vitalii Latysh3 anos atrás 2204 15

Hey, community! Is there someone who can explain what is it for and how to earn points for this? Thanks in advance!

2020-12-11 11 2325 2316 1 min de leitura
Vitalii Latysh3 anos atrás 2316 11

When you click/tap on a profile, there is a Manage section appeared.

Expected: looks like these reports would be better to move to a profile. Place it among Timeline, Awards, Points, etc.


2020-12-11 0 2006 2001 1 min de leitura
Vitalii Latysh3 anos atrás 2001 0

There are 3 sections Volleybox represents:


But Beach volley also played by men and women → Men Beach, Women Beach should be present.

It is not clear why Volleybox should be divided by gender when there is a Gender filter.

. ... Mostrar mais

2020-12-11 9 2310 2304 1 min de leitura
Vitalii Latysh3 anos atrás 2304 9

When I receive some private message at least OR update prediction games where I am participating, I want to be notified by a red badge icon for the Volleybox app icon. See as an example on screenshot - LinkedIn red dot notification ic... Mostrar mais

2020-12-11 1 1908 1907 1 min de leitura
Vitalii Latysh3 anos atrás 1907 1


Add roster photos2. Go to user points after 24h

Actual result:

2020-12-10 5 2349 2342 1 min de leitura
Vitalii Latysh3 anos atrás 2342 5

A user can have as well a player as staff experience - by design



Go to the team (for this example Novator)Add this roaster to the team for season 2020/2021. See the screen

3. Go to Transfers and check a player

Actual result... Mostrar mais

2020-11-15 0 2149 2138 1 min de leitura
Vitalii Latysh4 anos atrás 2138 0