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pearl 1003
2012-02-03 • 8616 просмотров • 110 replies

Are you satisfy with the performance provided by the whole team and especially by the three NT players (Savani, Travica and Parodi) so far? 'Cause, honestly, i'm not. At first i was only disappointed but now i'm starting being pretty worried considering that soon these guys will have to play also important international tournaments with NT.

#CucineLubeCivitanova #CristianSavani #ItalianSerieA1201112

Lube Macerata in season 2011/12
pearlAuthor 1003 11
12 лет тому назад
Only for Italian Speakers: here you can find a comment of mine where i already started discussing this matter (sorry, i'm too lazy to write the same thing again :>)


Kjeld, Kk15, marchst and all the others, i'm looking forward to reading your opinions.
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 лет тому назад
I don't know what are you expectating from a new team, because yes, Macerata it's a new team... they are in the second position in the regular season, they still have a chance in Champions league and also in the Italian Cup.

In this month they got some problem, but maybe it's only for hard work in the gym because they are strong and alredy showed what they can do...
Give to team at least 3 more month...
marchst 244 2
12 лет тому назад
The latest benefits are very disappointing. Their physical form and definitely collapsed,perhaps are paying the fact that he had held high level immediately and now suffer from a natural decline. On this we can say that there was a preparation is not perfect. I am not worried about their performance in NT since missing much and many commitments will be before the tournament in Bulgaria.
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 лет тому назад
@pearl: ho letto solo adesso il tuo commeto su dot volley.. secondo me ... si, sei pessimista... da quel che ho visto finora hanno fatto 20 partite a 1000 e 2 o 3 solo a -2000.
in più tra tutti l'unico che cambierei io sarebbe Parodi ?
(cmq penso che se c'è un problema è sicuramente di testa, ma se è così ho paura che Giuliani non vi possa aiutare, lui è un grandissimo tattico, ma un pessimo motivatore)
pearlAuthor 1003 11
12 лет тому назад
Kjeld: They have ZERO chance in Champ. L. by now!! Anyway, they've had problems since the beginning of the season, not only in this last month. Lots of ups and downs... and probably you're right, something can be related to a not perfect physical preparation. But imho their big problem is mainly in their heads!! Lack of concentration, lack of determination. As i already wrote in the comment you find in the link, the episodes of the two balls falling to the ground with no players trying to dig it (in latest match v. Cuneo) are symbolic to me. Honestly when i watched that match in those two occasions i couldn't believe my eyes (i also wrote it in chat)...i was speechless!!

@marchst: About NT - I'm pretty worried instead; Sava and Drago are two first-strings and they're not playing well!! And we have no bench (especially for setter position)!! Only Parodi is improving more and more (menomale...dopo quasi un anno!!!!).
pearlAuthor 1003 11
12 лет тому назад
@Kjeld: ma come cambieresti Parodi???? L'unico che vale!!! LOL
Diciamo che quando parlavo delle partite a 1000 e quelle a -2000 mi riferivo più che altro alle partite di Champions (e sono più quelle che non mi sono piaciute di quelle che mi sono piaciute).
Per quanto riguarda le mie aspettative invece, dico la verità: pensavo che insieme a Trento avrebbero fatto il vuoto dietro e sarebbero stati in grado di tener testa alla corazzata trentina.
marchst 244 2
12 лет тому назад
If it is a matter of the head and may be I think myself that Giuliani is the first to suffer.

Macerata unlike Cuneo of recent years has that charismatic leader who is Grbic, inside and outside the game
the only cure is to resume winning and that is why we must give everything for Sunday's purpose and to resume belief in their own abilities.
marchst 244 2
12 лет тому назад
@pearl Macerata sarà sicuramente l'avversario più tosto di Trento in tutte le competizioni.
Dopo la partita di andata di reguler season giocata a Trento dove eravamo reduci dal mondiale per club ho capito che erano un po' sotto il nostro livello dato che son riusciti a portare a casa solo un 3-2 contro una squadra visibilmente affaticata.
Detto questo ogni partita ha storia a se ed il potenziale di Macerata può uscire al momento giusto già dai prossimi impegni.
Per quanto riguarda la nazionale il mio ottimismo deriva dalla quasi impossibilità di non raggiungere Londra (in Bulgaria o nel successivo in Italia) e poi bisogna pensare che si troveranno in altro contesto con diversi compagni e tecnici.
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 лет тому назад
@pearl: come sei disastrosa... tutte le squadre hanno su e giù, e in questo periodo è più che comprensibile dal momento che è tempo di pesi visto che con l'avvicinarsi dei playoff è difficile che ne abbiano il tempo poi... in fin dei conti non abbiamo mica milioni di punti più di macerata, abbiamo perso parecchi punti per strada anche noi, succede...

e per la champions hanno tutte le possibilità che vogliono.. è una partita da vincere e poi un golden set (e se giocate meglio di cuneo e vincete è altamente probabile che vinciate anche il golden set)

a me Travica e Savani piacciono, Parodi no =P (ma son gusti personali, non discuto che è forte)
raylight 3006 15
12 лет тому назад
They all played WC2011, don't forget that- MB's, setter and OH's
Kk15 1301 11
12 лет тому назад
Well... I agree that I expected smh more by Macerata, but everyone can have difficoult moments, and I guess this is Macerata one. Unfortunally it isn't a good period to underperform, but that's the fact...

It's normal for me that Trento is stronger than Macerata: Macerata has a great line up and also few worthy bench players, but Trento has a great line up too (I guess they only have a worst libero and worst MB, Bira, but both a're still very good) and defintly a better bench: exept probably Kovar (compared to Della Lunga) there is a huge difference between Trento and Macerata second setter and opposite. If Igor is playing bad, changing him with Van Walle could result to be a bad idea, while if Stokr is playing bad, Sokolov is a certain. And if we count also Colaci as a bench pleyer..!
And, this is the most important thing, Macerata changed a lot this year, and expecially changed the coach and the setter, the minds of the team! And the libero, the mind of the reception!
While Trento in the last two years only changed 1 player for season, keeping setters, coach, libero... They are a very complete team, they didn't need to find their identity, while this Macerata is facing for the first time a competition like the CL.
And Trento is still the first in avoiding errors, expecially in serve, even if they serve like hell

Now let analyse Macerata failurs:
- first loss match:
vs F. Istanbul. Lost 3-2 in trasfert. The same week they won 3-2 vs Trento and vs Cuneo, if I'm not wrong. That was something totally acceptable, imo
- second loss match:
vs Vibo. Probably nobody saw that coming, but did somebody imagined that Trento would have lost vs Latina this year, or Verona last year? But also Zaksa this year!
- third lost matche:
vs Novosibirsk. Without Omrcen and in trasfert (long travel, jet flag, icredible under 0°C temperature) they lost 3-1 playing a good match, with character and determination, and vs a very excellent team (Russian Cup winner, right?). It was an important match, but they lost it "good". So, no big deal. And we also have to remember that they won 3 points both vs Fenherbache and Novosibirsk at home!
-4th lost match:
vs Piacenza. That was probably the first real "fail", but Piacenza was playing for the first time with the new coach (so, big spirit), and Macerata didn't even go home after coming back fro Russia. God, they're human, not machine! I imagine they were really exausted..

Then they played an almost perfect match vs Rome, that played well too honestly (so, no gift). And that was an in/out match, and they handle it perfectly.

Then, this two loss. The one vs Trento, were they played quite well but nothing extraordnary, while Trento played may be not at his best but still a very nice game. They were really foul to let Trento coming back in the second set (from 21-24 to 26-24). Bye bye to the first place (almost sure), but after all... Who cares? It is important to be first, but not essential.

And yes, the last match vs Cuneo. BIG FAIL. And not because they lost, but because they played soo badly! Cuneo did good, but Macerata commetted so many mistake in attack and in very simple situation! Now it will be VERY hard to kepp being in CL, but again, it is not compromised ?
Was this the most important match they played in this season so far? Probably, but actually the most important one was the one vs Roma, and they played a perfect match, with not even the shadow of fear/pressure...

I think we will have more answer from the next CL match, and from the Italian Cup.
Trento is still the favourite, but in a single match being the favourite doesn't count much.

And remember the not written rule of the Italian Championship: you can't win both the Italian Cup and the Scudetto in the same year... so may be evn losing the Italian Cup can be a good thing ?
Kk15 1301 11
12 лет тому назад
OMG I wrote too much!!

About the italian players, Parodi is still not the same in general (last year in Cuneo it almost never happened that he played a bad match.. may be not brillant, but never bad), but now he can have great matches, like he used to be (both in attack and reception), and also contribuite with important serves, even if with few errors.

Travica, depends. I overall apreciate him, but he lacks of precision, and that it's ok when the team is at 100%, but it's a problem when the team is underperforming... also because may be he lost a bit of lucidity. (like vs Trento at end of the second set: he kept setting to Stankovic that had a very bad time in attack, and the result was Trento did a 4-0 partial and won the set). But in general, I think he is playing at his normal level...

Savani, well, he is a player that sometimes can underperform. I agree, in the last two matches he undeperform, but for example in the 1/4 vs Rome he was excellent. I won't be such worried. I'm not saying he will be necessary be great with the NT, but that the way he his playing doesn't let us to predict how he will play for example in Bulgaria.
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 лет тому назад
i promise i'll read..
casamodena 505 4
12 лет тому назад
OMG Kk15 yes, we'll call you the "VM Manzoni's", I spent a half-hour for reading your posts ?
I think It's not only players' fault. Giuliani for me isn't the proper trainer of such a team, he's a bit overrated: most of his achievements with Cuneo happened when Trento was not in the best shape and with his team much rested, and that is very important aspect to consider before a single decisive match.
P.S. Igor Omrcen may leave the team to go playing in the Japanese league (no idea where) and their are thinking about Lasko (voices)

pearlAuthor 1003 11
12 лет тому назад
interesting idea the one of seeing lasko in Macerata (never been a big fan of Omrcen...good player but i prefer others) but, in such case, don't you think it is a little counterproductive?? i mean if we gather more than half NT in just one club, don't we run the risk of not making these players evolve (don't know if you can uderstand what i mean)?

Kk15 1301 11
12 лет тому назад
hahaha sorry, I realized I wrote too much only after I did it xD
I won't be offended if you won't read the whole post, don't worry?

I don't have the gift of the sinthesis...

Controproductive having many NT players togheter? May be in long term, but in short term I'll see it as an advantages... The best thing would be having Bari too, for the reception ?

I must say I honestly like Giuliani, he kinda gives me the impression of using the right tone in the right moments, but of course I can't have a proper impression from outside...
pearlAuthor 1003 11
12 лет тому назад
Kk15: don't worry about your loooooooong comments; i like reading them, they're complete and always interesting ?

i also like Giuliani ? as regards Bari, well i don't know, he's not exactly my favourite kind of libero ?

marchst 244 2
12 лет тому назад
There is no problem, Bari remains in Trento and Berruto ago play Giovi,therefore for the good of Macerata and NT is better than take Giovi.
raylight 3006 15
12 лет тому назад
Кк15, your longest comment is shorter than some long sentences of Lev Tolstoy in War and Peace, so I don't have problem with reading them ?) Only the little get scared from the big body of text
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 лет тому назад
walltext is welcome if it's interesting ?

anyway i really don't be scared, macerata is still in game and is very strong, just keep confidence as all the fan should do. (this isn't an advice, it's an imperative ? )
pearlAuthor 1003 11
12 лет тому назад
but i'm confident...even too confident, maybe that's my problem LOL I never said that i intend to stop rooting for them or supporting them, i'm just a little upset by such weakness in their heads that prevents 'em from showing their real potentialities.

Ray: LOL mate, you're damned right about Tolstoy!!! And what about Dickens' descriptions??? if something can be described in 2 lines, Dickens needs a whole chapter to describe it!! ?
phoenix09 61 2
12 лет тому назад
Macerata played the last matches very badly. I agree with you guys,it'a a matter of being focused on the match,of doing everything to win the set and so it's a matter of mind. Yes,in every team there are ups and downs,and of course this one for Macerata has to pass quickly,if they still have the intention of winning something... Since three of our NT players are there and Macerata is still a great club,even if young,let's hope this will happen soon!!
@casamodena Lasko in Macerata will be a great idea to replace Omrcen and I think that Drago,Sava,Parodi and Lasko could get more "fellowship" playing in the same team...
@pearl ho letto il tuo commento,è vero quando si vede la propria squadra giocare così è normale essere amareggiati e dispiaciuti,ma purtroppo non possiamo far nulla per cambiare la situazione... Tranne sperare che questo brutto momento passi in fretta e che Macerata torni ai livelli che noi sappiamo può raggiungere,con un pò di convinzione in più ?
Kk15 1301 11
12 лет тому назад
ok, you'll be glad to know that I run out of word ?

BTW, Ngapeth *_*
pearlAuthor 1003 11
12 лет тому назад
today, again, another weird match by macerata: leading 2-0, lost the match 3-2!! o_O as i said to phoenix09 in chat, they need a good exorcist!!!
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 лет тому назад
Ngapeth seems a monkey whit that beard
marchst 244 2
12 лет тому назад
Unfortunately Macerata has failed to restart to win.
today's match worsens even more mental state, since it was in two sets (easy) has traded blow losing two (easy) with a resurgence of pride in tiebreakers but having success.
at this point to see Wednesday at 75% favorite Cuneo.
pearlAuthor 1003 11
12 лет тому назад
@marchst: let's say 85% favourite Cuneo ? Hope i'm wrong!!
Kk15 1301 11
12 лет тому назад
The real problem of Macerata is the Golden set. They can even won the match 3-0 (I think they actually CAN, using their full potential, but of course they can also lost 3-0, if they don't feel confident), but then the Golden set will be another history. Expecially for teams that count a lot (Macerata first of all) on the service, imo, it's hard to make a prediction.

Do you remember what happened with Cuneo last CL? They lost 3-1 vs Dinamo at home, then won 3-1 vs Dinamo in Moscow, and finally lost the Golden set...
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 лет тому назад
and Macerata can do like Dinamo ?
anyway i think if Macerata is going to win next match, probably will win he golden set also
Kk15 1301 11
12 лет тому назад
I hope so ? Even if I have to say that I'm finally really enjoying Cuneo, they are starting to be fun!
On the other hands Macerata is disappointing lately, but if they play like they did vs Rome they can be unstoppable imo. I want give them the benefits of the doubt ? I wanna trust them, I hope they won't let me down. Expecially at Italian Cup semfinal, that hopefully I'll watch live ?

But after all our discussions are quite useless because we all know that Trento will go to the CL final4 ?
marchst 244 2
12 лет тому назад
A step at a time,tomorrow we must beat the Maaseik and then there are two games to win both with an opponent (Cuneo or Macerata and equal) that he will not be sparing partner,then there is always that golden set lurking to create surprises.
Pity that i cannot see Cuneo Macerata (i predict battle) because i'm the Palatrento.
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 лет тому назад
today is the DAY!
pearlAuthor 1003 11
12 лет тому назад
Oh yes! Today we'll see what this team is made of. Certo che se è vero il detto "non c'è due senza tre...." ?
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 лет тому назад
quote from me

and Macerata can do like Dinamo ?
anyway i think if Macerata is going to win next match, probably will win he golden set also

pearlAuthor 1003 11
12 лет тому назад
Ma Kjeld ti auto-celebri?? LOL

BTW...incredible match!! I only have two possible explanations to comment Lube's performance tonight:
1st is that the guys must have read our comments here, got angry and wanted to show us what they're really able to do ?
2nd they finally found an excellent exorcist!!! ROTFL
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 лет тому назад
no pearl... forse ci credevo più di te =P

anyway it was a war not a match!!! and i'm very happy, got bored to see Cuneo-Trento ?
Kk15 1301 11
12 лет тому назад
I couldn't watch the match because I was training, and I rememebered only 15 minutes ago to check the result >.<, otherwise I could have watch the last our of this 3 HOURS MATCH!!
And Macerata as far as I desume from the score had to pass a very very tough proove, considering that at 2-1 for Cuneo they closed at the advantages both the 4th and 5th set!!!
And the the Golden set too!!
I've to watch that match! I wanna watch Savani expression at his ace of 14-16 of the Golden set *.*
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 лет тому назад
check on sportitialia2 at 10.30 ?
Kk15 1301 11
12 лет тому назад
I can't watch Sportitalia, but fortunally there is laola ? I've already watched the Golden set ?

But thanks ?
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 лет тому назад
do you like Savani expression after that ace? ?
phoenix09 61 2
12 лет тому назад
I couldn't see Cuneo-Macerata,but I'm SOOOO happy they won!!
@pearl sicuramente avranno letto i nostri consigli... E devo dire che l'esorcista ha fatto proprio un buon lavoro! ?
pearlAuthor 1003 11
12 лет тому назад
@phoenix: io non so chi hanno chiamato, però che lo mettano sotto contratto per tutta la stagione LOL (e, se dovesse andare bene, lo prestassero anche a Berruto ? )
Kk15 1301 11
12 лет тому назад

@phoenix, if you like to watch it you'll find it on laola, there is a whole channel for the CL (both men and women CL) with all the full matches of the play off and most of the matches of the pools?

@Kjeldhor, I've seen it ? ! Actually his expression was different than I expected! He rised his arms in the middle of the court, in silence (ot so it seemed to me), and then I guess he was so tired that he could barely simled ? Or he still had to realized that THEY DID IT!
phoenix09 61 2
12 лет тому назад
@pearl ma soprattutto,se dovesse di nuovo ripetersi la situazione di una settimana fa a Macerata,per la prossima partita in Champions contro Trento!! LOL
phoenix09 61 2
12 лет тому назад
@Kk15 thanks ?
Kk15 1301 11
12 лет тому назад
BTW, so far Macerata played two in-out matches, and won both: one in straight sets vs Roma, with an almost perfect performance, and the other one yesterday, with an amazing proove of character.
That means that in this troubled period they're facing, started with the loss vs Novosibirsk, Macerata won only 2 matches over 7 played, but the most important 2 ?
Well, the one vs Trento was very important to keep the first place, but it was still less important than the other two imo?
pearlAuthor 1003 11
12 лет тому назад
I only hope that yesterday's victory and consequent pass to next round will give them an additional strenght and motivation to face the following part of the season in a better way.
pearlAuthor 1003 11
12 лет тому назад
Guys, now i have the proof that Lube's guys read our comments and were spurred by what we wrote here!! Look at what Travica's written in his blog:


I'm pretty sure he's talking about me ROTFL :D
pearlAuthor 1003 11
12 лет тому назад
Champion: thank you dear ? Nice to see that also "non italians" are interested in reading this topic! As a matter of fact this discussion has been a sort of "therapy" for me: it allowed me to pour out my heart ?
pearlAuthor 1003 11
12 лет тому назад
@champion: you see eye to eye with me, girl ?
pearlAuthor 1003 11
12 лет тому назад
In Italy we say "we see things in the same way" ? I like this Bulgarian expression Champion... I liked it so much that this morniing I was talking to a friend of mine and i quoted it LOL
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 лет тому назад
macerata is loosing?
pearlAuthor 1003 11
12 лет тому назад
Yes Kjeld, Macerata lost at tie-break...again ? Personally, this time i'm less disappointed because at least the were defeated by Vibo (my other fav team as you know) ?
pearlAuthor 1003 11
12 лет тому назад
Champion: OT (i swear this is the last one) - i've never been to Bulgaria but now i'm curious!! Your words made me want to go and see your country ? Maybe we can continue this pretty and interesting conversation in private, do you agree? ?
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 лет тому назад
ahahah champion... i think u came to northern Italy, because we are so much different from south... expecially about food... where Pearl lives the food is better ?

pearl... you're not objective =P
pearlAuthor 1003 11
12 лет тому назад
Kjeldhor....ehm...you're probably right mate...i admit i'm not totally impartial this time ? BTW, even in Trento you can eat excellent food: canederli!! ? But yes, I also think our Bulgarian friend here visited Northern Italy ?
pearlAuthor 1003 11
12 лет тому назад
Champion: i lived in Milan....i can understand you.
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 лет тому назад
peal... (this is my last OT) i want in invite at your home to try your tasty food
casamodena 505 4
12 лет тому назад
@guys My land is also good for food ? .. How much places should I reserve? U' re my guests xD
@champion A private flight waits you! We want u between us!
@all Ok,I stop spamming!
raylight 3006 15
12 лет тому назад
I was disappointed by Milano based company which filled DMCA and stopped my uploading of full matches in youtube, but it was for the better, forced me to become movie maker ?

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